Emergency preparedness is a key factor in helping with disasters and emergent issues that happen around the world. Emergency preparedness requires attention not just to specific types of hazards but also to steps that increase preparedness for any type of hazard (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). It is important that all the population be aware of what to do in an event or who to contact if they notice a particular event about to happen or happening. In the pre-event preparation stage, much training, information, and safety are critical to minimizing deaths and injuries that occur from emergencies. One type of situation that could occur and cause chaos is a neighborhood forest fire. Numerous people could respond to this event to aid in the public’s needs and to help prevent further complications or exacerbations of medical problems. In the Neighborhood News it was a focus on the forest fire that was still occurring near this town. Kate, RN was discussing how she is overwhelmed with the amount of admissions that they have on the medical unit. This was caused from the exacerbation of emphysema and asthma because of the neighborhood forest fires. The entire unit of staff were feeling tired and morale was decreased lately. Pat, nurse manager for the medical unit also commented on how the staff morale was down and the emergency department was always calling for beds that were already filled. More patients needed beds than the hospital had available. Administration was also implementing mandatory overtime of the staff to ensure that they had adequate staffing to provide care to the increase in patient acuity. In the Neighborhood Newspaper, it