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Submitted By noseats187
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1. What are the five elements in the rhetorical situation? Use TRACE to help you remember. * Text * Reader * Author * Constraints * Exigence 2. How can a reader use the rhetorical situation to analyze an argument essay? How can a viewer use the rhetorical situation to analyze an image? How can a writer use the rhetorical situation during the planning phase of writing a paper? They can all use TRACE to analyze all of those objects. 3. Why is the audience important in argument? What types of positions might an audience initially hold? What possible outcomes are associated with arguments directed to each of these audiences? The audience is important because without the audience you have no argument. You’re trying to convince people of your beliefs, hence why you need an audience. The audience may initially be a friendly audience, an undecided audience, a neutral audience, a hostile audience, an unfamiliar audience, or a linked audience. Possible outcomes are convincing people to your cause, pushing people away from your cause to the opposing side, people could remain bias, and people could become angry and/or violent towards you and your argument. 4. What is a discourse community? To what discourse communities do you belong? How does a discourse community help establish common ground for its members? A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of discourses, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. I belong to several discourse communities of which I don’t know how to label them. It helps to establish common ground for its members by having resources and peers interested in and sharing in your same beliefs and ideals and having peers to converse with to learn and research subject matter than you all enjoy and share interest in. 5. What is the universal audience? What are the special qualities of this audience? Why is it a useful idea? A universal audience is one with distinct individual differences but also important common qualities. This universal audience is educated, reasonable, normal, adult, and willing to listen.

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