...Book Title: Ender’s Game Author: Orson Scott Card Summary: The setting of this story is many years in the future during a time of intergalactic war. An alien race called the Formics attacked the humans 50 years before the beginning of the story. The humans won that war but the Formics have regrouped and have been preparing to strike again. The humans have been preparing for the second attack by taking the brightest children of Earth into a special school, called Battle School, in outer space to train them in battle and command tactics. Their plan is for the children to lead the human army to victory against the Formics. In the beginning of the story, the protagonist, Andrew “Ender” Wiggin is six years old attending regular school on Earth and is having his Monitor removed. In the future, all kids were required to have a “Monitor” implanted in them so that the International Fleet could keep tabs on potential Battle School applicants. Most kids only have theirs for about a year but Ender has had his for three and is constantly ridiculed by classmates about it. At the end of the day, Ender is leaving school and going home when some bullies from school came and started harassing him about finally having his Monitor removed. Ender decides that he has had enough of the bullying and assaults Stilson, the leader of the bullies and the one who tortured Ender the most. Ender beat Stilson to the ground and continued to beat him to ensure that he never bullied...
Words: 1078 - Pages: 5