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Endre Erno Friedmann: Hungarian War Journalist

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Endre Erno Friedmann also known as Robert Capa was a hungarian war photographer and photojournalist. He was born october 22,1913 in Budapest. Robert was born with his head still wrapped in his caul and when removed he had a full head of hair, also he was born with an extra finger, which was later removed. He was raised in the liberal jewish middle class and spoke hungarian. In 1931, Robert left hungary because of his political affiliation. He left at age 18, and Capa needed a job badly, he decided to switch from journalism to photography because he would later explain, photography “was the nearest thing to journalism for anyone who found himself without a widely spoken language.”
Originally he wanted to be a writer, but he found work in photography in berlin, this is where he grew to love the art of photography. When Robert was younger, he had a friend named Eva Besnyo, she helped get him into photography because when they were younger she had a camera and he always followed her around with it. Another friend Lajos Kassak got him into political philosophy. With both of these influences he decided to become a journalist. …show more content…
He called Capa in and that's how he began working in the Dephots darkroom as an assistant. In 1931-1932 Capa worked for Dephot, a german picture agency before establishing himself in paris where he got the name Robert Capa. Over time Capa started to assist photographers, he went out on assignments with them to record daily life in the city. Simon Guttmann the Dephots director, decided to take Capa under his wing after noticing Capa’s passion. This led to Capa's first big assignment to photograph Leon Trotsky as he lectured the meaning of the russian

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