Engaging Students in Pdp and Employability Through U Cre8 Club
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Engaging Students in PDP and Employability through U CRe8 Club
Introduction Bridges CETL (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) is based at the University of Bedfordshire – a multi-cultural learning community which is recognised internationally for transforming the student experience and for the high quality of its teaching. The majority of Bedfordshire's courses are vocational and for this reason, employability is an important aspect of ASPIRE: the University's six core values embodying access, scholarship, partnership, innovation and respect. Reflecting QAA guidelines (2001) on personal development planning (PDP), employability and PDP are core elements of the curriculum at the University. According to Yorke (2004) employability is 'a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy'. With this in mind, Bridges CETL is integrating personal, career and professional development through the undergraduate curriculum. To achieve this it facilitates many student-centred, developmental, sustainable activities and funded projects. Bridges CETL aims to build bridges: between higher education and the world of work and across the divide between students and staff. The CETL employs a student on work placement every year to liaise with students and survey their opinions. This is reported, discussed and further managed with the CETL Communications Officer who outlines and delivers strategies in order to develop student engagement with employability. In response to students' opinions the UCRe8 Club was established to deliver the employability strategy by engaging students with the world of work in an innovative manner. The initiative works to support the curriculum by guiding