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Submitted By sica
Words 6353
Pages 26


Studies on Learning Styles
Studies on Mathematics Learning and Learning Style
Studies on Learning Style and Teaching Style
Studies on Co-operative Learning
Studies on Co-operative Learning and Mathematics

Review of related literature plays a significant role in any type of research work.

It allows the researcher to acquaint oneself with current

knowledge in the field in which the research is being done. The availability and utilisation of adequate sources or related information enables the investigator to complete the research fruitfully and thus make unique contribution in the field of education with special focus on the method of instruction, learner variables, etc.
For many years, educators and researchers have debated on the different variables which influenced student achievement.

Decades of

research in education suggest that students utilise individual learning styles
(Felder, 1996). Instruction should therefore be multifaceted to accommodate the variety of learning styles. The literature in support of this assertion is vast and includes textbooks, learning style inventories and resources for classroom implementation (Dunn & Dunn, 1993).
Though research in education and applied psychology has produced a number of insights into how students think and learn, the resulting impact on actual classroom instruction is uneven and unpredictable.
Therefore, an attempt has been made here to review the literature and studies related to the topic “Effectiveness of Co-operative

Review of Related Literature

Learning on Learning Style and Academic Achievement in Mathematics
Learning at the Upper Primary Level.”
The studies reviewed are classified into the following sections:
(1) Studies on Learning Styles
(2) Studies on

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