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Submitted By emilyhayes1998
Words 280
Pages 2
Ensoulment is the Spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal regarded by some as immortal. Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed ‘soul’ to any living organisms but taught that only human souls are immortal.
Ensoulment is a religious idea that refers to the creation or placing of a soul within a human being, usually during pregnancy. Different religions have different ideas as to when this happens. All believe that the soul is given to a foetus by God at a certain stage of pregnancy. Under Pope Gregory XIV the practice of abortion was only punished after the foetus had ‘quickened’ which is when the mother firsts feels the foetus move in her womb. Aquinas took the view from Aristotle that the foetus is not of absolute value until it has passed through the ‘vegetative’ and ‘animal’ states, into receiving a human soul. But the Catholic abortion does not agree with abortion, they believe that it is wrong at any stage to abortion the baby e.g. from conception.
Whereas Islamic scholars said 120 days is the traditional cut-off for when a foetus becomes fully human. It’s been suggested that life breathed into the foetus at this time. Various Islamic schools of thought have permitted abortion before this time. But because of medical science the cut off has less support now because the foetuses move before this time. The Qur’an does not provide Muslims with an explicit judgement on the morality of abortion.
How does this relate to the sanctity of life? To argue that life is sacred and therefore that foetuses should not be aborted, it’s needed to be considered by life is especially

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