...a cardboard bridge meant to support the average adult male. • Prepared scale models for analysis of alternatives, prior to final test. Brick Wall Scheduling, Fall 2009 • Developed a bid proposal for building a brick wall. • Conducted time studies and generated Gantt charts to investigate most economical method of using resources. Traffic Light Timing, Fall 2009 • Conducted studies on the flow of traffic through three intersections on Forbes Avenue. • Designed more efficient traffic light cycles based on collected data. WORK Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences Pittsburgh, PA EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant, Summer 2010 • Graded papers, fielded questions and held review sessions for Organic Chemistry. • Led a group of students in the area of Spectroscopic Analysis. • Acted as a Residential Assistant for 90 students, providing support, enforcing dorm policy, and sponsoring recreational activities. Happy Summer Camp...
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...Community Teaching Experience Grand Canyon University: NRS-427V-0501 July 11, 2013 Community Teaching Experience Health education is considered to be one of the major functions of community nurse; it is a great responsibility that requires the nurse to think critically. No longer are the nurses simply accountable for administering medications and following doctors’ orders. In essence, the nurses are also educators that play a very crucial role in health promotion and assuring that the public is taking preventive measures. Although, public speaking isn’t my best attribute, I strongly believe it is integral part of nursing; as it is one of the avenues via which the nurse enables the client to make informed decision regarding one’s health practices and lifestyle choices. While obesity has become a priority healthcare issue of our nation; nurses, as community educators, share a critical role in increasing awareness of obesity and its detrimental effects. The emphasis should be focused on educating the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, such as healthy diets, and incorporating daily physical activity regimen. The importance of healthy lifestyle choices should be addressed to people of all ages. The public must be encouraged to develop more physically active routine and reduce their dietary intake of processed, high calories, high fat foods and highly sweetened beverages. Epidemiological Rationale Obesity has become a major health concern, and the numerous comorbidities...
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...postmodern society has been facing two major problems: mental nihilism and environmental crisis (171). And as he wisely pointed out, the teaching of classical Confucianism and Daoism provides us with a solution: return to simplicity and reconstruct the harmonic relationship for both mind and environment. Furthermore, generosity towards many others, as a dynamic tension inside both classical Confucianism and Daoism, can be practiced through strangification. And this generous strangification towards many others, is the source of practical value in classical Confucianism and Daoism (295). In this reading report, I will try to show my critical reflection on Professor Shen’s wisdom in Chapter 8 and 13 of his anthology. For classical Confucianism represented by Confucius, reciprocity in social relationships is the fundamental phase of...
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...Sustainable Development SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Guidelines to Quality Criteria for ESD-Schools enhance the quality of Education for Sustainable Development A document by the SEED and the ENSI networks for international debate Written by Søren Breiting, Michela Mayer and Finn Mogensen 1 Imprint: “Quality Criteria for ESD-Schools” Guidelines to enhance the quality of Education for Sustainable Development May 2005 ISBN 3-85031-048-5 Authors: Breiting, Søren; Mayer, Michela; Mogensen, Finn; Editor: Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Dept. V/11c, Environmental Education Affairs Minoritenplatz 5, A-1014 Vienna / Austria e-mail: guenther.pfaffenwimmer@bmbwk.gv.at; johannes.tschapka@bmbwk.gv.at Funded by the European Commission in the frame of the EU-COMENIUS 3 network “School Development through Environmental Education” (SEED) Projectnumber: 100530-CP1-2002-1-AT-COMENIUS-C3 In collaboration with the international network “Environment and School Initiatives” (ENSI) www.ensi.org Photo: Johannes Tschapka / Austria Design: reiterergrafik / Austria Print: radinger.print / Austria 2005 No copyright restrictions as long as an appropriate reference to this original material is included. 2 Table of Contents Preface The development of quality criteria as part of ENSI’s work The SEED network Introduction Quality criteria regarding the quality of teaching and learning processes Quality criteria regarding...
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...affect the teaching and learning process in a school or classroom. There are four main environmental factors that affect the learning process in a school that is located in a rural area. When setting up a positive classroom environment and school for learning, educators must consider the environmental factors of their community, school, and district; in addition to the classroom and student characteristics that are associated with those environmental factors. Environmental Factors of a Community The four main environmental factors that can affect a school located in a rural area include, but are not limited to community support, geographic location, socio-economics, and political climate. My community is located in more a rural area, where there is a lot of farming; therefore all of these environmental factors affect my learning community. There are mainly low to middle class people that live in my community with the majority of them being a part of the Democratic Party. My community is a very supported one. With that being said, many members of the community look out for each other and are involved in many activities in order to show their support. Due to the low socio-economic status of the community, the school has several assistantships to support the community. Some of these support systems are Tittle I, free and reduced lunches, and special programs to assist in developing student math and reading abilities and to get them on grade level. Environmental Factors in...
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...Summary of Teaching and Learning Interaction On Accident Prevention/Safety Promotion For the Parent of 6 month old Infant Student Name NRS-434V | The Health Assessment of Infants Instructor Name Date Summary of Teaching /Learning Interaction on Accident Prevention/Safety Promotion For the Parent of 6 month old Infant This educational opportunity focused on environmental pesticide exposure to infants. The young lady that was part of the teaching/learning experience is a 20 year old African-American, single parent that completed high school but no college experience. Her daughter is six months old and considered to be healthy in development. For the remainder of this summary, I will use the letters TB in place of the mother’s name and IB for the daughter’s name. I explained the pesticides could enter IB’s body through her skin, lungs, mouth, and her eyes. (Mott, 1997) At 6 months of age, IB’s skin is her largest organ and her skin surface is twice that of an adult per unit of body weight. TB was very adamant that her daughter was not exposed to pesticides. We reviewed the pamphlet and TB saw that IB could be directly exposed to pesticides brought into her home on clothes or exhaled from an adult’s lungs. As we continued to review the pamphlet, she was surprised to learn that some of the pesticides could come from the food that she ate and could have been passed to her daughter even during...
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...education foundations. Perry D, (2002), ‘Childhood Experience and the Expression of Genetic Potential: What Childhood Neglect Tells Us About Nature and Nurture’, Brain and Mind, 3 (1), pp79-100, accessed 21/03/13, Pro Quest Central database. The aim of this article is to explore the impact of childhood neglect on cognitive development. The author has studied different sources, animal studies and childhood reports to compare the effects. Research suggested that nurturing is most critical in early childhood, without positive experiences neurodevelopment may not be successful. The first investigation showed that animals in enriched environments thrived with larger complex brains rather then those in deprived conditions. In comparison the studies of neglect in early childhood indicate when necessary experiences are not provided neural systems are underdeveloped. Overall its believed that positive experiences allow genetic potential to thrive therefore a combination of nature and nurture has effect. The focus of this article exemplifies the crucial aspect of relationship experiences and whether they positively or negatively impact cognitive development. The author discusses the complex neurone system and how it is during childhood growth, the brain is most sensitive. This is key as it relates to lecture concepts on the importance of ‘early care in relation to the sensitivity of the brain’ and without exposure to positive experiences there is a lack in the build up of axon-dendrite...
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...2012). Initial testing of the business model in the Red River Delta indicated a right direction. Service Overview Up to now, ECOLIFE has been providing four main services to different types of customers (Tran, 2012). - Community-based Eco-tourism Tours: ECOLIFE provides tourists with interesting first-hand experience at a variety of coastal villages, national parks, and marine reserves in Vietnam. Local community participation is apparent in all endeavors as local residents are willing to share their views and take part in all activities, projects, decision–making processes, profit-sharing plans and other issues related to the eco-tourism development process. The tours’ lengths and contents are highly adjustable – ranging from “Countryside sightseeing”, to “One day as a fisherman”, and “Ramsar discovery” etc. – in order to best meet customer’ wants and needs. - Eco-volunteering: ECOLIFE is one of the earliest enterprises in Vietnam to offer eco-volunteering services with many different coastal community development programs that environmental volunteers can participate in, such as cleaning up wildlife habitats, running workshops in climate change, teaching foreign languages etc. Volunteering in either a short-term project (4 to 10 days) or a long-term one (over 10 days), customers can work side-by-side with locals while immersing in the local culture. - LifeSkills Training Program: The program enhances the...
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...Flint Water Crisis Community Teaching Experience Leah Van Wagnen February 2, 2016 Grand Canyon University NRS 427V All over the world there are people who unfortunately do not have clean drinking water. We mostly see this in areas of high poverty, including third world countries. It is a shame that nothing is done for most of those cities and people, but once this tragedy happens in an American city, aid is quick to come by. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a teaching plan developed around the topic of the Flint Water Crisis, water safety, symptoms of lead poisoning, water contaminants, and how to teach patients on those topics. This paper will also discuss the epidemiological rationale for the topic, evaluation of the teaching experience, the community’s response to the teaching, and areas of strength and weakness in the teaching plan. Summary of Teaching Plan The teaching plan focused on the education of nurse residents, or new grad nurses, who work at Sparrow hospital in Lansing, MI and live within the mid-Michigan area. The members of the group I addressed were all between the ages of 21 and 30, have completed at least an associate’s degree in nursing, and are no stranger to interactive lectures and presentations. The education took place at Sparrow hospital and took approximately twenty minutes to complete at no cost to the teacher. PowerPoints were passed out to each individual containing the related information. These nurse residents were educated on...
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...water sources Summary of the teaching plan There are various health and environmental issues which needs the attention of everyone as they directly and indirectly affects the life of human beings, animals and various living organisms. Environmental issues include various aspects but the pollution of air, water and noise but water pollution is the topic of presentation as water is the main constituent of life and various life processes need water as an important part. The teaching is done in the Khalsa School Fremont which is in the Sikh temple. The people attending the presentation were the community members, general public and the students of the Khalsa School. The permission was granted by the director of Sikh temple Fremont and they provided a classroom which has a writing board and proper lightening and ventilation. The small children were sitting in the front row and the rest of the community people were sitting at the back. The estimated time of presentation is not more than 50 to 55 minutes and the teacher has a printed information regarding the topic of presentation which is “water pollution”. Some pencils and small gifts for the students in the Khalsa School as a thanks for attending the presentation. The teacher will include the problem, sign and symptoms, effects and solution of the problem. And in the end, the teacher will ask some questions to the people that are attending the session in order to evaluate to the effectiveness of the teaching. Water Water is the...
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...Abstract This study investigated teacher behaviors, lesson delivery and sequence of content and learning expectations used by K-5 teachers at one school in New Delhi, India. This research brings broader understanding of strategies for teaching English reading and writing to students whose first language is not English. The rationale for the study stems from the need to gain greater international perspective of the teaching of English learners. Results reflect analysis of classroom observation field notes, face-to-face interviews with thirty three teachers and administrators, digital photo journaling, and artifacts. The theoretical framework for this study draws from Collier's Conceptual Model, Acquiring a Second Language, explaining the complex interacting factors students experience when acquiring a second language, and the work of Dorothy Strickland outlining effective literacy instruction. Emerging from the data are nine effective teaching strategies that teachers of English learners can add to their repertoire. Introduction |"English has become the medium of all relevant social interactions and the ability to use English effectively is considered an | |absolute essential for honorable existence." | |--Quotation from a retired Army Colonel, | |now working as a New Delhi textbook publisher...
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...internationalisation means for the University of Leeds. We have country and regional engagement plans which support our international strategic agenda and priorities and secure our international presence and profile. We provide an international experience for all students, through internationalisation of the curriculum and increasing opportunities for home students to engage with international activity through Leeds for Life. We understand how internationalisation supports research performance. We have a diverse and vibrant community, including high-quality international students and staff. Alumni relation activities support the internationalisation agenda. Create sustainable recruitment of high quality international students This means that… International partnerships, collaborative teaching programmes and student exchange schemes support our international recruitment activities. We experience a strong level of demand from high-quality international students. There is a shared common understanding of the primary factors which attract high quality international students. We recruit students from diverse markets to all levels of study and across subject areas, in accordance with our strategic priorities. Students receive excellent and creative teaching and are well supported, academically and pastorally, through the Leeds model for personal tutoring. The programme offer across the University meets the needs of international markets. We engage alumni to assist in promoting Leeds to future...
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...Theories of teaching and learning and how they impact on the classroom environment Education plays a significant role in supporting and influencing the healthy development of children. However, teaching is more than just knowing what to teach. Professional teachers must also understand how to teach their students. Therefore, in order to create an effective classroom environment which caters for the diversity of students and their various developmental levels and abilities, teachers are urged to apply a variety of teaching and learning theories. (Marsh, 2008 Ch12, p163). Piaget and Vygotsky presented theories on cognitive and social development which suggested that children often construct their own learning. Bronfenbrenner and Pavlov presented theories relating to behaviour and psychosocial development. Professional teaching requires consideration and understanding of both cognitive and behavioural theories in order to create successful learning opportunities. Piaget and Vygotsky shared the view that children actively construct their own learning outcomes. (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, Ch2, p49). However, they each differed in their concept of how constructivism occurs. Piaget believed that social interaction and experience with the physical environment creates situations for individuals to experience disequilibrium of existing understanding, (cognitive and sociocognitive conflict). Lack of equilibrium encourages the learner to assimilate and/or accommodate existing mental...
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...Creative Thinking Activity This creative thinking activity involves teaching Larry how to deal with his anger which would help reduce tantrums. The goal is to help transition Larry smoothly from activity to activity without an outburst or constant redirection. Larry is very food motivated so having a treat (healthy) could help encourage Larry to follow directions the first time with no outburst. I would like to do an activity that teaches Larry his feelings and ways to turn his feelings of anger into something good, or at least recognize the anger and prevent a tantrum. To help learn about feelings and how feelings affect others I would read books to Larry about feelings such as Finn Throws a Fit by David Elliott, How Are You Peeling? Foods...
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...DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH PROFILE NORTH SOUTH UNIVERSITY (Centre of Excellence for Higher Education) JULY 2009 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AT A GLANCE Chairman, Department of Public Health Dr. GU Ahsan, PhD Teaching Staff FULL TIME : Professor – 1 Associate Professor – 1 Assistant Professor –1 Senior Lecturer – 1 Lecturers – 1 Junior Lecturers – 2 PART-TIME : Professor – 4 Associate Professor – 1 Assistant Professor –3 Senior Lecturer – 2 Lecturers – 2 Non-Teaching and Support Staff Program Officer Office Secretary Teaching: Graduate Assistants (TAs/ GAs) Office Support Service Staff (OSS) Masters of Public Health Program: Started in 2006 Students are mostly doctors and health planners (e.g., High and mid label Officials from DG Health, DG Family Planning and others), health managers, public health workers and researchers, etc. Number students enrolled till date: 550 Number of students graduated: 50 Introduction and Background of the Department of Public Health This is our intense gratification to introduce North South University (NSU), Dhaka, Bangladesh as “The Center of Excellence for Higher Education” which is committed to provide high quality education and training in public health and in various emerging and reemerging health issues. In addition NSU is providing education in Business, Computer Science, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Microbiology, Economics, English and others which is highly recognized at home and abroad. Moreover, North...
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