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Equality 7-2521

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“Final decision, International 4-8818 will report to the Home of the Street Sweeper. Now on to a more complicated situation. They too have shown disobedience like International 4-8818, but it seems that this person will be a bigger threat to our world if put in the wrong vocation. This man is known as Equality 7-2521. From their young ages, they have shown signs of trouble starting with their physical appearance. They are too tall, they are too out of place, and they stand out as they should not. This is only the beginning of the trouble Equality 7-2521 has caused to our society. They also as a child showed signs of outsmarting their fellow brothers. If put in the Home of the Scholars we may lose control of them. A matter of fact, if put anywhere that includes learning of any type they may go beyond the learning we desire for our men. …show more content…
After a few moments he then speaks again,“All those who disagree with this reasoning may speak now.” One of the younger Council members started looking around nervously and started to stutter some words, “ Maa….Maybe..uhh… this is what the city needs. A new way of looking at things. Maybe this idea of embellishing the talents some man may have over others is the way to go.” Everyone in the council looks around scared for the less experienced council member who just spoke. After a few quiet moments the head council member yells furiously, “How dare those WORDS COME OUT SOMEONE’S MOUTH!!! THIS IDEA WILL RUIN OUR CITY!!! IF SOME OF OUR PEOPLE START TO BELIEVE THEY HAVE A GIFT, THEY WILL THINK THEY ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN US!!!WE WILL LOSE ALL CONTROL!!!!!!SEND THIS COUNCIL MEMBER TO BE

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