Roles and responsibilities
The Company secretaries in all sectors have high level responsibilities including governance structures and mechanisms, corporate conduct within an organisation's regulatory environment, board, shareholder and trustee meetings, compliance with legal, regulatory and listing requirements, the training and induction of non-executives and trustees, contact with regulatory and external bodies, reports and circulars to shareholders/trustees, management of employee benefits such aspensions and employee share schemes, insurance administration and organisation, the negotiation of contracts, risk management, property administration and organisation and the interpretation of financial accounts.
Company secretaries are the primary source of advice on the conduct of business and this can span everything from legal advice on conflicts of interest, through accounting advice on financial reports, to the development of strategy and corporate planning.
Among public companies in North America, providing advice on corporate governance issues is an increasingly important role for corporate secretaries. Many shareholders, particularly institutional investors, view sound corporate governance as essential to board and company performance. They are quite vocal in encouraging boards to perform frequent corporate governance reviews and to issue written statements of corporate governance principles. The corporate secretary is usually the executive to assist directors in these efforts, providing information on the practices of other companies, and helping the board to tailor corporate governance principles and practices to fit the board's needs and expectations of investors. In some companies, the role of the corporate secretary as corporate governance adviser has been formalised, with a title such as Chief Governance Officer added to their existing title.[2]
In view of the important roles the company secretary plays in business, PLCs and large companies require the company secretary to be suitably trained, and professionally qualified for these responsibilities.
In the UK, the company secretary may be qualified by virtue of examination and membership of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA), which is the only qualification specifically for company secretaries. ICSA is the only body dedicated to the advancement and recognition of professional administration based on a combination of degree-level studies, carefully vetted experience and sponsorship by two people of professional status. Only a person thus qualified is entitled to be designated a 'Chartered Secretary' or 'Chartered Company Secretary'.
In India, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)regulates the profession of Company secretaries.ICSI is a statutory professional body which has more than 29,010 associate members.
Chartered secretaries are employed as chairs, chief executives and non-executive directors, as well as executives and company secretaries. Some chartered secretaries are also known in their own companies as corporate secretarial executives/managers or corporate secretarial directors.
Chartered Secretaries are the sixth highest paid employees in the UK according to the Office for National Statistics Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (March 2010).[citation needed]
Many corporate secretaries of North American public companies are lawyers and some serve as their corporation's general counsel. While this can be helpful in the execution of their duties it can also create ambiguity as to what is legal advice, protected by privilege, and what is business advice.[2]
1.準備及提交周年報表 annual return | | 2.組織及出席見證股東或董事會議 | | 3.提供董事,股東,及秘書轉名手續 | | 4.股份轉讓及分發等事宜 | | 5.更改公司名稱 | | 6.更改公司註冊及營業地址 | | 7.安排呈報其他法定文件於公司註冊 | |
公司秘書的工作於公司的方向﹑管治﹑行政及管理都是不可或缺的。公司秘書的責任很廣泛﹐範圍包括行政﹐例如人事管理﹑公司帳目管理﹑籌組股東周年大會﹑公司業績報告﹐確保董事局及管理階層的利益申報和披露符合法規﹑或向董事提出良好的公司管治手法等等。 公司秘書不僅與公司董事﹑經理及股東緊密合作﹐還要與政府中各個規管公司經營的部門﹐例如公司註冊處﹑稅務局﹑證監會及香港交易所交流與溝通。
Responsibilities issue