...ERM Paper LAW/531 ERM Paper The business regulation simulation presented involves Alumina Inc., a United States based aluminum manufacturing corporation located on the fringes of Lake Dira. Alumina was discovered to be in violation of environmental discharge norms following a routine EPA compliance evaluation inspection five years ago. The company subsequently corrected this violation and has since enjoyed a good overall environmental compliance record. This paper will identify potential tort risks resulting from this violation and utilize the seven-step Harb process to mitigate associated business risks. Torts Alumina Inc. is considered one of the largest aluminum makers in the world. The company operates in Erehwon and is under the EPS’s jurisdiction in region 6. The first tort against Alumina was found to be negligence. Five years ago, Alumina failed to follow the environmental discharge norms set by the EPA that resulted in high levels of PAH in the samples. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are a family of chemicals primarily derived from oil and coal but also produced as byproducts from burning of a variety of materials (Nevison, 2008). The EPA demanded a clean-up in which Alumina quickly complied and rectified the negligence allegation. Alumina was allowed to continue business without prosecution and complied with all regulation following the incident. However, Kelly Bates, a resident of the community where Alumina operates, is claiming that her 10-year-old...
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...9 March 2013 ERM PAPER: ASSIGNMENT 2: Identify potential tort risks that were addressed the simulation .Classify the type of each of these torts, such as negligence, strict liability, and so on. Identify a tort violation from the simulation. Then use the 7- step process as defined in the Harb article to apply the risk management to mitigate the business risk associated with that violation. The business regulation simulation presented involves Alumina Inc. aluminum maker, operating in 8 countries. Alumina was reported to be in violation of environmental discharge norms in a routine EPA compliance evaluation inspection 5 years ago. The company corrected the violation and has enjoyed overall environmental regulation compliance record. This paper will identify potential torts resulting from this violation and utilizing the 7 Step Process. Torts: Negligence: The Company failed to follow the environmental discharge. Another tort that would have resulted in litigation would be liability with Alumina, Inc. The managers trying to handle the situation may decide to test for further PAH violations. With a liability tort management should seek some kind of mediation for damages toward the Bates family through AAA (American Arbitration Association). Harb Process: 1. Management Commitment- Risk Management effectiveness: The Company (ALUMINA) must commit in developing and managing the ERM process. Promoting and integrating the benefits of ERM can be beneficial to Alumina as first step...
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...2004 The Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprise-wide Risk Management In conjunction with the newly released Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management - Integrated Framework, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), in coordination with its IIAUK and Ireland affiliate, has issued a position paper on The Role of Internal Audit in Enterprise-wide Risk Management. The paper's purpose is to assist chief audit executives (CAEs) in responding to enterprise risk management (ERM) issues in their organizations. The paper suggests ways for internal auditors to maintain the objectivity and independence required by The IIA's International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) when providing assurance and consulting services. Internal auditing's core role with regard to ERM is to provide objective assurance to the board on the effectiveness of an organization's ERM activities to help ensure key business risks are being managed appropriately and that the system of internal control is operating effectively Recommended Roles The main factors CAEs should take into account when determining internal auditing's role are whether the activity raises any threats to the internal auditors' independence and objectivity, and whether it is likely to improve the organization's risk management, control, and governance processes. The IIA's position paper indicates which roles internal auditing should and should not...
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...| Deakin UniversityAssignment Attachment SheetFaculty of Business and Law | Date received | This form must be completed, signed and attached to each assignment you submit within the Faculty of Business and Law. If submitting online, this form must be completed and submitted with your assignment. Last NamePlease use block letters, and enter your name as it appears on your Deakin student card | First Name | Student ID | Li | Ke | 900335188 | Unit code | Unit name | Campus | Lecturer/Tutor/Unit Coordinator | MAF754 | Enterprise Risk Management | | Lecturer: David SewellPeter | | | | Tutor: | Assignment number / title | Due date | Assignment 2: A research paper of enterprise risk management for Sinomaster(SMT) group | 25 May 2012 | If this assignment has been completed by a group or team:1. Each student in the group must complete and sign a separate form;2. The assignment will be returned to the student in the group nominated below.*This assignment was completed in a group or team: No (circle or delete as necessary)The assignment should be returned to the student named on this form: No (circle or delete as necessary) | Plagiarism and Collusion Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as the student’s own work, or copies without acknowledgement as to its authorship, the work of another person. Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose with...
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...Risk-Based IT Audit Risk-Based Audit Methodology Apply to Organization’s IT Risk Management Kun Tao (Quincy) Cal Poly Pomona Author Note This paper was prepared for GBA 577 Advanced IS Auditing, taught by Professor Manson. March 2014 Page 1 of 26 Risk-Based IT Audit Table of Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4 Methodology................................................................................................................................... 6 Risk-based auditing methodology: Risk assessment...................................................................... 6 IT Risk Management................................................................................................................... 7 IT Risk Control Framework........................................................................................................ 8 Identifying assets...................................................................................................................... 13 Determining criticality and confidentiality levels......................................................................14 Threat and vulnerability identification................................................................
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...换一个你的 School of Management, University of Glamorgan Research on Internal Audit Participate in Risk Management-Based on the ERM Framework of COSO By: Weichen Zhu Candidate no: 学号 September 2012 Supervised by: 你导师的名字 The dissertation is submitted as part of the requirement for the award of Masters of Science: 你专业的名字 Declaration This Dissertation has been prepared on the basis of my own work and that where other published and unpublished source materials have been used, these have been acknowledged. Word Count: Student Name: __________________ Signature: ______________________ Date of Submission:______________ Acknowledgement This is my first time to go aboard for studying. During different campus life in the UK, it is wonderful with deep impression. I learned how to use my internal power to make things happen and how to live my own life. All efforts contribute to my growth, but I cannot forget people who encourage and help me. Probably, I am not happy to study in my whole postgraduate time without support. Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor 你导师的名字. He helps me develop the ideas and complete this dissertation. Especially, when I make a survey in China, I communicate with him through email. Sometimes, I am afraid that my timetable could have bad effects on him. However, he usually gives me feedback as soon as possible. Therefore, I only use 20 days to finish my survey. This kind of strong professional ethic is worth to learn...
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...function properly under the agreed leasing arrangement. Nonetheless, Non-Linear Pro has taken legal action against Quick Takes Video stating they are liable for $5,000 for the use of its editing system. Quick Takes Video may countersue Non-Linear Pro under section 2A-201 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that is the basic Statute of Frauds provision for contracts for the leasing of goods (Cheeseman, 2010). In this paper the authors will identify the potential tort risk of Product Liability that has escalated between the two companies. The authors will also discuss how the proper design and execution of an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system would help Non-Linear Pro avoid accusations that its sales team is misrepresenting the product and using fraudulent tactics to influence customers to purchase its equipment. Management Commitment to ERM The ability to manage risk is essential to the health and viability of business. It is impossible to eliminate risk; however, development of ERM systems will help mitigate risks inherent to most organizations. ERM has to begin at the top of the organization. The board of directors and corporate executives must communicate the vision and set the proper culture for the company (Rodriguez & Edwards, 2012). In...
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...RESEARCH 10 CHAPTER 2 11 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 11 2.1. DEFINITION OF RISK MANAGEMENT 11 2.2. DIFFERENT TYPES OF RISKS IN BUSINESS 12 2.3. CONSTRAINTS 14 2.4. RISK ASSESSMENT 14 2.5. HISTORY OF RISK MANAGEMENT 15 2.6. PROCESS OF RISK MANAGEMENT 15 2.7. Enterprise Risk Management 16 2.8. ERM&CRO 18 2.9. BANKING RISK 19 2.10. Credit risk management in UK banking sector 19 CHAPTER 3 21 3. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 21 3.1. ECONOMIC CRISIS AND BANKS OF UK 21 3.2. Minimizing the moral difficulties involved in the originate and distribute model of banking. 22 3.3. Transparency of risk in financial products is essential if regulation is to work 22 3.4. Reform Basel ii so that it is not so pro-cyclical 23 3.5. RISK MANAGEMENT AND COSTS OF BANKING CRISIS 24 3.6. Costs of Risk 25 3.7. SIGNIFICANCE OF REGULATORY STYLE 26 3.8. KEY WAYS TO MITIGATE BUSINESS RISK 27 3.9. Risk dash board every bank needs 28 3.10. ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND 29 3.11. RISK MANAGEMENT AT KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK (KCB) 29 3.12. Risk management in hotel and tourism industry in India and in the whole world 30 3.13. The management of risk in agricultural sector in the United States of America 31 3.14. THE ROLE OF INTERNAL AUDITORS IN RISK MANAGEMENT 33 4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 35 4.1. CONCLUSION 35 4.2. RECOMMENDATION 36 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is the main and final part of our MSc in Finance and Business Management course. To make this report I...
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...Indiana University Kelley School of Business Indianapolis BUS A375 18265 Internal Auditing: Process Controls BUPA A575 18579 Internal Auditing and Corporate Governance Fall 2011 Meetings: 6:00- 8:40 W, August 24 – December 14, 2011, Room BS2007 Required Textbook: Internal Auditing: Assurance and Consulting Services 2nd Edition, Reding et al., © 2009, The IIA Research Foundation, ISBN-13: 978-0-89413-643-6. Optional Materials: Gleim CIA Review Manual, 14th edition, Part I and Part II. The CIA materials are available in the third floor computing lab. Instructor: James Reinhard, MS, CPA, CIA, CISA Adjunct Faculty Office: BS4032R Voice: (317) 753-9663 E-mail: jareinha@iupui.edu Office Hours: 5-5:45 the day of class, and by appointment COURSE OUTCOMES Overall Learning Outcome The overall learning Outcome is to obtain a fundamental knowledge and a sense of skills related to internal auditing. Specific Learning Outcomes After completion of this course, the student should achieve the following outcomes: * Given a business process, students will be able to perform the 3 steps of an audit process (planning, fieldwork and reporting) by applying the International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF), the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) and guidance to the practice of internal auditing, and COSO framework. (PUL 1, 2 ;PBL 1, 3; MSA Goal 3, 4) * Students will...
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...Running head: CORPORATE COMPLIANCE REPORT Corporate Compliance Report Corporate Compliance Report With so many corporate scandals and misappropriation of finances, the United States government has developed many laws and action agencies to aid in reducing the amount of corporate mishandlings. Regulatory legislation mandating a report on internal controls is now a corporate obligation. Risk management is a fundamental area of importance to stakeholders. Organizations that are best practice companies look to the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations for guidance to develop efficient internal controls, enterprise risk and against fraudulent activities. This paper will outline a plan to implement enterprise risk for an organization of choice. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) “is dedicated to guiding executive management and governance entities toward the establishment of effective, efficient, and ethical business operations on a global basis. It sponsors and disseminates frameworks and guidance based on in-depth research, analysis, and best practices” (COSO, 2006). COSO is a private-sector program funded and sponsored by five professional organizations. The Committee conducted an 11-year research study to analyze instances of fraudulent financial reporting and determine contributing factors that lead to financial statement fraud (COSO, 2006). COSO’s research demonstrated that most fraudulent behavior involved the chief...
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...Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA First edition 2009 Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (144) (0) 1865 843830; fax (144) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http://elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN–13:...
Words: 89973 - Pages: 360
...19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)? Why implement ERM? How does the scope of ERM compare to existing risk management approaches? What is the value proposition for implementing ERM? Which companies are implementing ERM? If companies are not implementing ERM, then what are they doing? Who is responsible for ERM? What are the steps companies can take immediately to implement ERM? Is ERM applicable to smaller and less complex organizations? Why have companies that have tried to implement ERM failed in their efforts? Does implementation of ERM ensure the success of a business? What is the difference between ERM and management? What does it mean to “implement ERM”? Generally, how long does it take to implement ERM? Is there any way to benchmark the level of investment required to implement ERM? Don’t successfully run companies already apply ERM? How long has ERM been around and why is there a renewed focus on it? What percentage of public companies currently have an ERM process or system? Is there an example of effective ERM as it is applied in practice? How does the application of ERM vary by industry? Are there any organizations that need not implement ERM? What are the regulatory mandates for implementing ERM? Are standards for implementing ERM different for private and public companies? Must companies have sophisticated processes in all areas of risk management to realize the benefits of ERM? 1 3 3 5 7 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16...
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...Business Strategy Essay - (Unit 7) Introduction In my report i will cover all the criteria given in are assessment; also i will use real life examples of various companies to assist in the answering of my questions. In addition i will explain how and why these strategic methods are implemented in this business unit to achieve this i believe that i have to show in a real life predicament how these tasks that are complex can actually work by planning and using certain elements that will make the company more efficient. I believe that the mangers role is important and that he or she must know how and when to imply their skills to assist in the running of an organisation by having prepared paper work regarding goals targets how staff are working, when is the most efficient time of business. I will also be covering stakeholder analyse whereby i will use given examples to show the importance of being in the no with your stakeholders. In addition to the above i will be organising an audit for a given company and shall use the information i have read to assist in the creation of the audit. I hope you find my report interesting and credible thank you. P1 - Explain Strategic contexts and terminology Mission is and an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving organisations. They use these terminologies to help and create better work ethics, for example Wal- mart has a vision whereby they beliefs...
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...References………………………………………………………………………………………..15 Appendices: Service Requests…………………………………………………………………...16 Appendix A: Accounting and Finance...…………………………………………………16 Appendix B: Sales and Marketing……………………………………………………….17 Appendix C: Human Resources - HRIS…………………………………………………18 Appendix D: Human Resources – CM...……………………………………...…………19 Appendix E: Operations – CAD...……………………………………………………….20 Appendix F: Operation – ERP…..……………………………………………………….21 Appendix G: Operations - Legal…...…………………………………………………….22 Appendix H: IT Security…………...…………………………………………………….23 Abstract This is a formal response to Service Request, SR-rm-012 Business Systems, which requests analysis and recommendation of Riordan Manufacturing’s current business systems. This paper evaluates the electronic and hard-copy information systems in each of Riordan’s departments. Each section contains a system overview and relationships with other systems. The descriptions include the system’s purpose, function, limitations, advantages, and security threats. This response includes recommendations, which promote system efficiencies, security, and data integrity. Company Background Riordan...
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...Executive Summary To maintain the Six Sigma status it is recommended that Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. overhaul and upgrade their IT infrastructure. The Riordan information system is fragmented and redundant; which created inefficient policies. It is necessary to align the staff with technology that will ensure a more efficient and accurate job role. It is recommended to integrate all of the locations by purchasing and ERP and CRM system and ensure security of all data transferred. The most crucial change is to verify that all the new hardware being used is compatible with the inventory database. Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. Information Systems Analysis Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. is an industry leader in the manufacturing of polymer plastics. The company began as a research and development (R&D) company, which created innovative patents, but later expanded to plastic beverage containers and fan production. The information systems vary in each plant; which are antiquated and decentralized. Most information is manually recorded and transferred, allowing for input errors and indefinite data. The variety of legacy systems is labor intensive and unsecure; which affects the company revenue and stability. Operations Riordan Manufacturing completes numerous processes through operations. The procedures include the procurement of raw materials, tracking products while manufacturing, shipping and accounting of the finished product. Raw Material Receiving Process ...
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