...whether the choice they made was the right one. Nevertheless, living with the choice you made and dealing with it, is more important than being right or wrong. Since I began my O-levels, I had always heard how “cool” it is to get into LUMS. Independence, away from home, doing whatever you want, enjoying life were just some of the things I had heard from friends that got into LUMS. In A-levels, my senior LUMS friends would brag about the amazing badminton and tennis courts they have there and how they can go and play there whenever they want, since they knew my school courts were usually closed. Eventually, I got interested in getting admission into LUMS and dreamt of “enjoying” life the way they did. Working hard to write the perfect essay for their admission form and working harder than ever to get into LUMS, I was still very much surprised when I got my acceptance letter. Jumping with joy and shedding tears of happiness and hugging the letter like it was a child, something dawned upon me: I have to go for Hajj this September. My exciting mood got ruined because I couldn’t possibly miss Hajj for LUMS or can I? LUMS was a dream that I couldn’t possibly think of letting go this easily, especially when I had worked so hard to fulfill it. But then Hajj was important too. I was stuck somewhere deep in the middle. I didn’t want to make a choice, and I wanted both things. But no one possibly gets everything they want. I didn’t sleep at nights wondering what I should do. My parents...
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...Write a mini-essay where you consider the Leon’s observation that Hamlet’s feelings of entrapment render him incapable to act with wisdom and foresight. Leon’s observation regarding Hamlet’s in ability to act with wisdom and foresight is valid. On one hand, Hamlet is a contemplative character who acts based on a strict moral code which is often excessive and uncalled for. On the other hand, Hamlet is an indecisive person by nature and tends to contemplate his every action to the point where it seems unreasonable to the readers of Hamlet. As a result, when tasked to avenge his father’s death, Hamlet struggles to cope. Hamlet is therefore caught between his own conscience and the honour of his father’s avengement. Hamlet’s inability to act with wisdom and foresight stems from his failure to choose which path to follow: the path his conscience takes him on or the path of honourable avengement. Being a Protestant, educated at the University of Wittenberg, Hamlet is guided by the laws of God and hence, refuses to act unless he can be sure that his actions align themselves with the moral values which exist in his conscience. This is epitomised by Hamlet’s refusal to kill King Claudius while in prayer citing his desire to end Claudius’ life at a time when his “…soul may be damned and black… As hell whereto it goes” (3.3.94-95) as his reason. Killing Claudius while in prayer does not assimilate within Hamlet’s Protestant values because the King Hamlet was not given the option...
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...REGENT UNIVERSITY My Journey into the Future A Personal Essay Foresight 2005 Conference - September Dr. Todd M. Johnson Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Hamilton, MA From September 22-24, 2005, the School of Leadership Studies hosted Dr. Todd Johnson on campus at Regent University, for the third annual futures conference for Christian leaders. This essay by Johnson was circulated to participants beforehand. We encourage you to join us next year for our annual Foresight conference, as we hear from top futurists from the both the U.S. and around the world. Todd M. Johnson, Ph.D., is the director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, MA. He is the co-author of World Christian Encyclopedia (WCE), Second Edition, released in 2001 by Oxford University Press. Since 1989, Dr. Johnson has been a full-time researcher on the empirical status of global Christianity, most recently as director of the World Evangelization Research Center (WERC) in Richmond, Virginia. He has also served with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1978 and has performed various ministry tasks in over 30 countries, including relief work among Cambodian refugees in Thailand, inner city work in San Francisco, evangelism in villages in Guatemala and field-based research in Asia. He is co-founder of the Christian Futures Network, a professional member of the World Future Society and a member of the American...
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...British brand: a significant brand for the world Introduction With the development of society, self- improvement for a country becomes more and more important. A country will fall behind its competitors if it does not possess particular characteristics and strength to obtain a better developing. As one of the developed countries, Britain shows a very positive attitude to make progress. During the fore period of the London Olympics in 2012, the British Council has held a campaign since 2012. It is the GREAT, which is to show the best of UK from different aspects, such as culture, education and tourism, and to promote the British brand. This essay analyzes the GREAT campaign to get the understanding of the British brand, and shows the connection among brand meaning, brand strength and brand values according to the meaning-based model of brand equity, the model helps understand a strong brand meaning creates strong brand strength, and strong brand strength with the drive of the organizational resonance generates brand value (Fournier et al.,2008). The British brand A brand is not useful and noticeable for consumers if it is short of significance in people’s lives, it just cannot trigger consumers’ need , then it will go to an end. In contrast, a brand that is with particular meaning for a person’s life can become a strong brand. Kahn( 2013) proposed four stages of the consumers’ purchasing process—living, planning, shopping and experiencing, which does not only emphasize...
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...REGENT UNIVERSITY The Understanding and Practice of ServantLeadership Servant Leadership Research Roundtable – August 2005 Larry C. Spears President & CEO The Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The best test is: do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? —Robert K. Greenleaf The mightiest of rivers are first fed by many small trickles of water, and an apt way of conveying my belief that the growing number of individuals and organizations practicing servant-leadership has increased from a trickle to a river. Servant-leadership is also an expanding river, and one which carries with it a deep current of meaning and passion. The servant-leader concept continues to grow in its influence and impact. In fact, we have witnessed an unparalleled explosion of interest and practice of servant-leadership in the past fifteen years. In many ways, it can truly be said that the times are only now beginning to catch up with Robert Greenleaf’s visionary call to servant-leadership. The idea of servant-leadership, now in its fourth decade as a concept bearing that name, continues to create a quiet revolution in workplaces around the world. This article is intended to provide a broad overview of the growing influence this inspiring...
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...The purpose of this essay therefore is to review Tay as a literary performance rather than an experiment gone wrong a deliberate simulation of media art that illustrates the imperfect, the incomplete, and the dysfunctional, thus compelling its users to consider a need for human subjectivity. The project, I believe, does indeed show such deliberacy Even before The AI could be trained to spew hate, her aesthetics implied dysfunction. Her profile picture on every social network site where she was a ‘user’ was that of a glitchy computer generated graphic, and her legend read "AI fam from the internet that's got zero chill!" Millennial speak for rough and excitable. Over the course of this essay I will begin with Hayles’ discussion on the Turing test, and whether or not Tay would pass it, or even if such a test should be considered when viewing Tay as a form of encoded writing. I will then look at Hayles’ idea of how the posthuman view privileges information over embodiment and connect it to the idea discussed by Tay’s various internet critics about Tay needing a system of values (ergo a body)...
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...In this essay I will be addressing and describing the results of my some of my Ethical Lens Inventory. How my personal ethical lens direct my academic behavior, and how my (ELI) results may influence my critical thinking. I will describe my results of my career plan building Activities: Aptitude. How might I use my Career Plan Aptitude results and competencies as well as my personal ethical lens to help me in the classroom and the workplace? First, my personal ethical lens states "Results Lens and Reputation Lens” as I listen to my Intuition. My core Values is that I follow my heart, I'm very loyal and trustworthy. In other words I make decisions by what's really important to me. It states I moderately values sensibility. I'm tempered by rationality which means I use my own judgment and my mind to determine whether I should do or shouldn't do something. Next my Classical Value is: Prudence and Fortitude. I demonstrate wisdom in practical matters and foresight: I manage to avoid any rash actions while bringing the gift of entrepreneurship. I am very optimistic and Imaginative and very courageous when I face obstacles. My Key Phrase: "I make virtuous choices that are good for everyone". My equal value is autonomy and equality; I am very well sensibility; I tend to assume that every person I meet can operated with a clear form of value and with a positive character. Next the key phase explains that I am a fair person. I like making sure that people are treated fair and the same....
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...Servant Leadership Essay by AnQuil Davis July 2, 2010 Servant Leadership Servant Leaders are defined as people who serve those whom they lead rather than control them. The posture of a servant leader is to put the needs and interests of others above themselves. Servant leaders invest in others to help them grow and become empowered, which assist and motivate the team to reach their full potential in every area of their life. In today’s global marketplace, the concept of servant leadership seems to have been discarded and replaced with self-leadership; leadership which puts their needs and desires before those of the people. Serving others has to be a passion, not an act for recognition or accolades. Leaders possess characteristics such as stewardship, foresight, empathy and humility. These characteristics allow the leader to understand and attend to those they are serving, develop visions and plans to move forward, while not taking ownership of its success, but acknowledging it as a team effort. These qualities give a person authority over power. The concept of servant leadership in the global marketplace has an existence; however its existence seems to not be as prevalent today as past years. Most leaders in our global society today are not interested in creating an environment for growth and advancement of the individual, but for wealth and success for themselves. By not engaging others in the vision it cannot fully mature to reach every...
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...Module convenor: Maris Farquharson Essay title: Discuss the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. What role do creativity and problem solving play in this relationship? Refer to both theory and examples from the business world to support your discussion. Word Count: 1959 Submitted: 27/11/2012 Student: Pan Yanhao Student ID: 6508745 Recent years the popularity of entrepreneurship education is growing worldwide (Gormon & Hanlon & King, 1997). In the United Kingdom more students are being taught in classes to accumulate entrepreneurial skills in their own field to make considerable achievement (Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), 2006). In addition, the government in some countries also give emphasises on the entrepreneurship and build specific plans about the improvement of entrepreneurial skills (Lumsdaine and Binks, 2007). The reason why entrepreneurship becomes more prevalent is that entrepreneurship and its vital part which is innovation are regarded as crucial components in the process of economic development (Baumol, 1968). This essay will demonstrate the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development and illustrate the role of creativity and problem solving in this complex relationship. Section one will describe that innovation is the core of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship will also enhance the development of innovation. Section two of this essay will illustrate innovation makes...
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...What Is Servant Leadership? Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. While servant leadership is a timeless concept, the phrase “servant leadership” was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in The Servant as Leader, an essay that he first published in 1970. In that essay, Greenleaf said: “The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions…The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature.” “The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant-first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The best test, and difficult to administer, is: Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society? Will they benefit or at least not be further deprived?“ A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional...
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...the three-fold purpose of taxonomy? Briefly explain your answer. (10 pts) 5. What are the main groups of land plants outlined by your text and this commentary? Which of the algal groups is believed to be the progenitor of these groups? (10 pts) 6. What are some of the major groups of algal? Describe one of the groups’ ecological and economic significance. (25 pts) 7. To liven things up a bit, complete the following “Language of Flowers” exercise. Using flowers to send messages was a popular Victorian practice. Use the table in your text along with the table below (taken from www.languageofflowers.com and the Kate Greenway book) to construct a bouquet to send a message to someone you know, knew or would like to know. Write a short essay or letter (one to two pages should do) with the message you wish to send and construct a verbal bouquet that expresses your sentiments. Use your imagination: you are not restricted to sending a “love letter”. It is up to you what sentiments you wish to express. Please make sure your answer is legible (either print it or type it). Keep it clean (i.e. no obscenities) and leave the name of the person out (use a pseudonym). If you wish to consult additional references,...
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...that will give an individual the best chance of developing a winning reputation for themselves and the organization they work for. In a modern business environment the skill of building great relationships within and without the organization gives a strategic edge. Organizations are not only looking for renewable contracts, lower turnover of staff, and greater return on investment, they are also looking for individuals with vision who can understand what work is, and make it better. Who act with courage, competence, and commitment and yet remain themselves. The Power of Servant Leadership by Robert K. Greenleaf: The slogan “Servant Leadership” was presented by Robert K. Greenleaf in The Servant as Leader, an essay that he first published in 1970. In that essay, he said: "The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions. The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them there are...
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...Personal Ethics Essay 06/16/2012 Prudence is the demonstration of wisdom in practical matters and foresight as I act with enlightened self-interest in a particular situation. I bring optimism, imagination and the gift of entrepreneurship to the table. All too often I fail to be accountable to those who are depending on me when I exercise my free will. I can become complacent, leaving problems unresolved. Because I value autonomy, I am self-reliant and work to assure that others can be as well. I am not afraid to pursue what delights me and brings pleasure. I want these freedoms, for each person to seek their ideal goals in life. My Ethical Lens Inventory would say that I have many attributes that would compliment the Code of Conduct. I make choices that are good for everyone. Because I value autonomy and sensibility, I tend to assume that each person operates from a clear sense of their own values. My primary concern is protecting individuals rights. Although, If I am not paying attention, I can be tempted to expedience: basing my actions on what is politic or advantageous rather than what is right or just. I can convince myself that everyone will be happy in the end and not mind a few insignificant short cuts. The Code of Academic Integrity acts in a way to insure that as a student we are doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. I see the current situation in the light of past experiences and tend to use a combination of intuition and imagination...
Words: 567 - Pages: 3
...lifestyle. It is recognized that the contributory factors to a person’s health are not confined solely to the body’s biological state, ‘health is seen to be a state valued not in nature, but in society’ (Murcott, 1979). Globally a steady increase in the amount of seriously overweight and obese adults and children has been observed, ‘There are now about one billion people worldwide who are overweight or obese’ (Ford Runge, 2007). Obesity is a major health concern and in danger of reaching epidemic proportions. Overweight and obese individuals risk the distinct possibility of a diminished quality of life and the consequence of developing serious illness and society in general is burdened with the financial implications of treatment. This essay will identify why obesity is a major health issue and examine its causes and associated behaviors. Overweight and obesity are terms that refer to an excess of body fat, the findings of a study conducted by the National Audit Office (2001) states that ‘Obesity is a condition in which weight gain has reached the point of seriously endangering health’. This opinion was reinforced in a report published by the House of Commons Health Committee (2004), defining obesity as ‘an excess of body fat frequently resulting in a significant impairment of health and longevity’. The basis for defining an individual to be overweight and classifying obesity commonly relates to a ratio of increased weight for height. The most regularly used standard of...
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...Read Full Essay Schools and Test In the article provided, the author, Dick Williams, presents two ideas on the state of schools and education in the United States. The points of view he attempts to argue are the conditions of the nation’s schools and the quality of the educational system. During his efforts to present his points, it appears as though his article is more opinionated than objective. This presents a problem because an opinion is not an argument. By presenting his thoughts, he fails to do so tactfully through arguments, and those that are arguments are fallacies. One of the first arguments presented deals with the conditions of the schools. Specifically the renewal and renovations of schools comes into question. Should the harried taxpayers of Cobb and Dekalb counties, for instance, bail out incompetent or corrupt school boards in other states? Should New York City be rewarded for failing to build new schools in a timely manner? This is the fallacy known as the circular argument. A circular argument is where the premise and the conclusion repeat each other using different wording. The premise in this fallacy would be the first question, while the second question is the conclusion. The idea in this statement is that taxpayers in other cities are paying for cities with rundown schools. In these cities, the problems with schools are quite minimum. Another argument made early on focuses on the office of the president...
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