...Controlling Organized Crime Paper CJA/384 May 3, 2015 Controlling Organized Crime Organized crime occurs in the United States of America and abroad. “It is hard to think that our country, which is so full of opportunities, has people that would seek to use those opportunities improperly to create illegal ends” (Williams, 2014). Crime is part of our social order. It would be naïve to think that citizens could be completely free of wrongdoing. “The consequences of these criminals and their actions can be detrimental to the overall well being of the general populace by introducing negative elements into the greater whole of society” (Williams, 2014). Crime is based on the opinion and the actions of individuals. Some see their actions as good and some as bad. When an individual commits negative acts that are crimes but doesn’t see their acts as criminal we have a problem. Crime is based on the actions of the individuals. While the mafia is the most known organized crime group there are also urban street gangs, Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, the Russian Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza, the Chinese Mafia, the Columbian cartels and many others (Williams, 2014). Organized crime group’s objective is to fill a demand for an item or service that cannot be done legally. Some of these objectives are the sale of drugs or alcohol, sexual exploitation, insider trading, racketeering, credit card fraud, etc (Williams, 2014). Problems “Although most issues related to social control or moral regulation...
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...In high school, I hated writing essays for my English classes. At first, I did not have a reliable writing process. I would free write a rough draft and turn it in as a final draft. I would also write last minute instead of using the time to create a well-thought essay. I focused more on passing a class rather than boosting my writing skills. Now that I am in college, I take writing seriously. Throughout the years, my writing process has drastically changed. As a writer, I will continue to advance my writing skills. Prewriting is significant when preparing for an essay, although this step is most of the time ignored. The process of writing is just as important as the writing itself. Prewriting is great for writers to have an organized essay. Sectioning the writing process can make writing less stressful and gives the writer more time to go back and improve their paper. My writing process consists of brainstorming, outlining, rough drafting, and peer revisions....
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...is an academic essay, which is designed to be comprehensive and apply all you have learned. Use all of the steps in the writing process—planning, drafting, developing, revising, editing, and proofreading. This assignment takes the form of an essay in which you will be asked to compare and contrast two subjects of your choice. You will write a 1,050- to 1,400-word final draft of a compare and contrast essay. Include the following elements in your essay: • An introduction paragraph, which includes your thesis statement • At least three body paragraphs • Appropriate transitions within and between paragraphs • A conclusion paragraph The essay must analyze at least two subjects by comparing their similarities, contrasting their differences, or doing both. A good compare and contrast essay will usually have the following characteristics: • The two subjects are related in a meaningful way and have enough in common to be compared or contrasted. • The essay should be written to help readers make a decision or understand the subjects being compared or contrasted. • The essay should make use of parallel points of comparison or contrast. • The essay’s thesis statement will identify the subjects to be compared or contrasted and what is to be learned from doing so. • The essay provides an opportunity to present material using logical organization. There are two common methods for organizing compare and contrast essays. They can be organized by the subjects...
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...Candide Essay Assignment TA: Véronique Church-Duplessis Tutorial: 7-8 SS 2104 Sajid Borhan 998931036 Voltaire in his novella Candide portrays the adventures of a young man named Candide as he faces numerous difficulties after he is forced to leave his sheltered life of the court. Voltaire, in his satire, explores many themes. Voltaire being a critic of the Church does not show the religious institutions and the people associated with it in good light, as demonstrated by the various characters in Candide. There are few portrayals of religious characters in a positive tone. This essay will discuss and analyze Voltaire’s view on religion and how he expresses his discontent and negative impression. This essay will discuss the theme of religion as portrayed in the novel and will further reinforce Voltaire’s view on certain aspects with other primary and secondary sources. Religious intolerance was a subject Voltaire dealt with in many of his works, especially Candide. The part where Candide escapes from the Bulgarians and encounters a Protestant man and women who drive Candide away by throwing garbage on him shows religious intolerance and religious zeal, “The orator's wife, putting her head out of the window, and spying a man that doubted whether the Pope was Anti-Christ, poured over him a full.... Oh, heavens! To what excess does religious zeal carry the ladies...” There are many characters present in Candide which are associated with religion; however Voltaire...
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...Kaplan University Writing Center Writing an Informative Essay Did you ever pick up a magazine or newspaper and after reading the article say, “Hmm! I didn’t know that!” That article is an informative essay. Informative essays, also called expository essays, seek to inform or educate the audience on a given topic. The goal is not to persuade the reader but to give the reader more information, to provide the reader with insight, and to support the writer’s interpretations with factual information. The essay should make the reader say “Aha! I didn’t know that.” Informative essays do not express the writer’s opinion. Views, pro and con, can be included but they must be presented in an unbiased fashion, pointing out comparisons and contrasts of viewpoints. One way to do this is to imagine that the audience holds a common view of the topic; the writer’s purpose is to give the audience a surprising new view based on research. To do this you can: • • • • Enlighten your audience with new facts and/or statistics. Give them usable material that they can apply. Present sufficient information to explain the new findings about the topic. Make clear from the beginning of your paper its purpose. Here is an example of an informative essay topic: a student wrote about technology invading churches in the form of ATM machines. He called it “Technology goes to Church.” His purpose was to inform readers that because of the decrease in weekly donations some churches are now installing ATM machines...
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...mode is used. |method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. | |Narration | | | | | |Used when storytelling is |Structured in chronological order, with a |It is best to try to convey | | |necessary, can be factual or |beginning, middle, and end |emotion in order to move the | | |fictional | |audience; Understand the | | | | |purpose of the essay before | | | | |writing | | | | | | |Illustration |Illustration is to support a |After the thesis is established, the order of|It is important to use | | |point by demonstrating strong |importance of the supporting evidence is |evidence that is appropriate | | |evidence |determined...
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...My Personal Responsibility Essay What is personal responsibility? What does it have to do with my educational and career goals? Nice os These are the questions I have asked myself from time to time, and the only way I could find the answer was through the great Winston Churchill’s words : . [Use a colon only after a complete sentence to direct attention to an explanation or summary. Delete or replace unnecessary colons. (Refer to Colons from the Grammar and Writing Guides in the Tutorials & Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence for more information.)] - then state quote – cleaner, more direct transition Winston Churchill was one of the most influential, successful, and determined men of the 20th Century. A man who “thought of the responsibility of the world, on his own shoulders” (The Churchill Centre and Museum At The Churchill War Rooms, London, 2004). His belief, as he stated for the entire world to hear at the beginning of the first World War was “The price of greatness is responsibility.”(Alyn [Citation error—Author mentioned in text: Smith (2007), otherwise use (Smith, 2007). Include a page or paragraph number with all direct quotations = (Smith, 2007, p. 32). Place the period at the end of a sentence after the citation. Please see the Reference and Citation Examples document located in the Tutorials & Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence for more information.] ) I have to agree. Limit intro to os, thesis and pp Winston Churchill...
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...well, it is well-organized and carries the information in a order that helps the readers understand and enjoy the work. The introduction starts with the question “Who does not enjoy a good mystery?” this method is used to grasp the readers’ attention, also known as the ‘hook’. The paragraph uses both general and specific topics to guide the reader, by stating different authors it effectively influences a diverse group of readers, thus creating an organized path to the thesis that is very eye-catching and distinguished in the paragraph. After reading the introduction which was very bold, the thesis is supported the body paragraphs very well by providing examples of Christie’s works and how they relate to her in the exact same order given in the introduction. First, he explains Agatha Christie’s characters in the body paragraph 1; in the second body paragraph, he gives examples of her interesting settings. Finally in the last body paragraph, his opinion is given on Agatha Christie’s morality. Also, the writer put enough examples and detail to support each point he had to make. Linking the paragraphs together, the body paragraphs allow uniformity and induce the opinion of the essay. By doing this, the readers are heavily convinced that Christie is really the “Queen of Crime”. Following the body paragraphs is the conclusion, which is begun with a specific topic that broadens at the end. A reverse effect from the introduction. Instead of the thesis being repeated, the conclusion...
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...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » Social Issues Human Trafficking Annotated Bibliography In: Social Issues Human Trafficking Annotated Bibliography Human trafficking An annotated bibliography Web Links Anti-Slavery International http://www.antislavery.org/ Anti-Slavery International's Trafficking Programme comprises three elements: campaigning to end human trafficking, lobbying for victim protection, and research on measures governments take to protect victims of trafficking, especially those who act as witnesses. The web site provides information about both current and historical slavery operations. The UN Global Programme Against Trafficking in Human Beings The Global Programme against Trafficking in Human Beings (GPAT) assists Member States in their efforts to combat trafficking in human beings. It highlights the involvement of organized criminal groups in human trafficking and promotes the development of effective ways of cracking down on perpetrators. The GPAT's' overarching objective is to bring to the foreground the involvement of organized criminal groups in human trafficking and to promote the development of effective criminal justice-related responses. UNICEF UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs...
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...Web Pages Analysis – Module 7 As the world of technology progresses every day, having a website has become crucial for businesses and schools. “With costs being extremely low at the entry level, it's becoming difficult to imagine a reason for any company of any size not to have a website.” [1] There are multiple benefits of having a website such as: save time and cost, increase sales, services, and accessibility, higher credibility, and so forth. For this research paper I will be analyzing six web pages. Based on the e-business I’m creating, three business pages I’m reviewing are: Essay Lab, Smart Writing Services and Ninja Essays. The remaining three web sites are: Suffolk Community College, Nassau Community College and Dr. Ebrahimi’s website. To begin with, Essay Lab is one of the three writing service businesses I’ve selected. The home page of this particular business is informative and gives a good idea of what the business is about and why would a person need to use their service. However, I feel more information to support their business could be provided. Another issue is the content is not direct to the point; instead it drags on causing lack of interest to the reader. Stating live chat availability and not actually providing it is another problem with the website which fails to meet the 7x2C standard of ‘Completeness and Coverage’. On the other hand, the navigation is consistent and effective. The organization of the website as well is intuitive and easy to...
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...tionOption 3: Revising and Editing Steps in the Writing Process As the writer I have to make sure that my essay conveys the main point. I also need to make sure that my essay is well developed, unified and organized. And I need to also make sure that all my sentences cohere together. I should also make sure that my topic sentence is conveying my paragraphs controlling idea. Most importantly as the write I need to make sure that my paragraphs include specific ideas and enough of them to support my topic sentence. I need to also make sure that all my sentences have unity that also supports my topic sentence. And it needs to be organized logically. Overall I need to make sure all my sentences flow smoothly and logically from one to another. I need to also check for grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling and word choices are used correctly. I think all the feedback I received was very useful especially the feedback from the peer review such as the introduction did not grab her attention which is not good because if that does not catch my reader’s attention then my essay will not get read in its entirety. Also she said some of the information did not fit the main topic which means I need to go back and re edit and I can either do more research and add or subtract some of the information to make it flow better and give a clear understanding of what I am trying to get across. And I totally agree with her about adding more details or examples in the first paragraph. And some...
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...hard work, and personal responsibility. Far too often failure is blamed on outside influences whereas the true answer lies within oneself. My success as a University of Phoenix (UOPX) student is my personal responsibility and I realize that I need to manage my time more efficiently as well as become more organized in my personal life to become a successful student. “Personal Responsibility is the quality or state of being accountable, an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or account for ones actions.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2013). I must take responsibility for my work, my family, and my education to be lucrative and successful in my degree program. I will have to create a plan to create a balance of these important parts of my life. This will have a great deal to do with getting my priorities in order. I need to take inventory of the important things in my life (my husband, my children, my grandson, my business, and my undergraduate degree) and learn how to let some of the not so important things go if necessary. Although it has been a top priority in the past always to attend every event my children have been involved in I realize that with them being adults now they will be able to understand if I have to miss a minor event from time to time in order to accomplish finishing an assignment or preparing for an exam. As part of this plan I will ask all members of my household to keep a record of their events for each week on a dry erase board located in...
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...The Easy Essay is the 2+2=4 of writing. Just as 2+2=4 works at all levels of mathematics, the patented and free Easy Essay Process works at all levels of expository/proof writing and appears to eventually help the logical thought process itself. The Easy Essay is being used by children who can write a simple sentence and is being taught as a college class. This process is useful in TBI, ADHD, Sp Ed and dyslexia through and beyond the SAT and GED exams. It can be learned in 5 minutes by following simple prompts and can be later used or taught without a computer. The program is effective in any language (see translator) and is limited only by the capacity of the user. Post graduate students are using it to organize their master's thesis' and a doctor is using it as a template for organizing the chapters in a book on new medical procedures, as the program can expand from the basic five paragraph essay to a 17 paragraph essay (e.g. the skeletal aspects of a chapter). Doctors ask their patients to use it and can then give better service, in less time and the patient doesn’t forget anything. The patient simply enters the thesis, “I need to see the doctor.” and then follows the prompted process. Businesses use it for quick, organized memos, reports (e.g. “Mr. Smith needs to rewire his kitchen.”), and more. Businesses often ask for a one page summary. US Presidents have done this. If the concept is acceptable, then more can be asked for. If not, the reader has not wasted their time. The...
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...the University Essay Like many undergraduate students, you are probably aware that university essays should be “different” from high-school essays. However, you may be unclear on what this difference ought to consist of. What, for instance, distinguishes the standard high-school approach to essay-writing, the five paragraph approach, from a university-level approach to essay-writing? This module will guide you through the process of moving beyond the five paragraph essay. | |The Five Paragraph Essay The five-paragraph approach has two major limitations. First, the approach produces extremely simple essays. Second, the approach is very formulaic. The five-paragraph structure can only articulate a very simple form of argument, involving a major claim and three supporting claims. In order to avoid being limited to this argument-form, the student requires the ability to build the structure of an essay around her own ideas. This ability requires an understanding of how the essay works, not knowledge of an essay-writing formula (like the five-paragraph essay). The Essay An essay is a written defense of a position (a thesis) on a topic. A good essay-topic will motivate a line of inquiry that is manageable for the essay-writer. To this end, it is extremely important to ensure that the topic is adequately narrow. A thesis is the concluding point of the line of inquiry motivated by the topic. Thus, a thesis is not a restatement of a topic. The thesis of your essay should be framed...
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...American Experience: SAT Style Argument Essay | Task: | Suggested Engagement Scenario: In order to be well-prepared for the SAT that you will take this year, it is important to practice the essay component of the exam. That is what you will do today.Part 1: Compose a 25- minute timed SAT style argument essay. Use the rubric to guide your response to this prompt: Is the American Dream possible for all people? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your position on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Part 2: Review anchor papers with rubric, then determine your own score. (This does not replace teacher evaluation)Part 3: (optional follow-up) Compose a diary entry focused on the American Dream from the perspective of a Colonial Era immigrant. (W.# Narrative Task) | Standards: | RI.11.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information in order to address a question or solve a problem.W.11.1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.L.11.3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. | Materials: | Teacher Materials: * Teacher directions * Rubric | Student Materials: * SAT Style Essay prompt sheet * Rubric | General Notes:...
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