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Essay On Gun Safety

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Words 1774
Pages 8
Armando Nunez
Are guns affecting the safety of children? In 2018 there have been 18 school shootings which is twice the amount of shootings there was in 2017. We are in the month of May and there is already 18 school shootings. Although these fire weapons have protected homes they also endanger the lives of the young citizens of the United States. Society in the US now question the role of guns due to the latest mass shooting in Parkland, Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas. These weapons of mass destruction are found in people’s homes for hunting, safety, or even just for the enjoyment of having a gun. These weapons have been the main use of massacres in the US and it brings out the evil of a person with mental issues.
Evil is a part of life and this has been true since the dawn of civilizations, mental issues cause a person to think in a depressing manner and believe that by killing people it will relieve me of this pain or the pain others may have. This is a thought physcopaths have and usually in shootings like the one in Sandy Hook Elementary have them killing family members and then others and then finally themselves. These mental issues people are having are causing …show more content…
After the Columbine shooting which killed 12 students and a teacher the fear of school shootings and the students safety in school have been threatened. After the Columbine shooting in 1999 there have been about 200 public school students shot dead within school session. Since 2013 there have been 310 school shootings, this exposes over thousands of children to a life or death situation and leave the entire community around the school with long term impacts. Here in Broward County students, teachers, and parents continue to mourn over the loss ones in the Parkland shooting. They have displayed their concerns to the government in numerous protests and nothing has been changed to rebuild the safety of

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