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Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

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The legal drinking age should be lowered in the United States. This makes the most sense because kids legally become an adult at the age of 18 where they are granted other rights as well, such as the ability to enlist in the army. If we are legally an adult and trusted to protect our country we should be trusted with a couple of drinks. Lowering the drinking age also decreases unsafe drinking in regulated environments and less drunk driving accidents. With regulated drinking kids become more aware with their alcohol tolerance and get used to it in a safe environment without doing it illegally. This creates a safer environment for everyone. With kids more aware of their intake of alcohol less accidents such as drunk driving will happen. The is why the drinking age should be lowered to the age of when you actually become an adult.
Kids legally become an adult at the age of 18. At this time in your life you receive the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. Some examples of the choices that you might or can make are enlisting in the army, voting for president, buying lottery tickets …show more content…
Although the United States increased the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) to 21 the United States rate of traffic accidents and fatalities are much more than that of any European countries whose legal drinking ages are lower than 21. Most of the country's legal drinking ages are around the age of 18 depending on their standards and viewpoints on when you become an adult. While there are a few exceptions that have lower or higher drinking ages for most countries the drinking age is around there. Statistics show that the majority of countries with lower drinking ages have less drunk driving accidents. By making the drinking age 21 teens feel more inclined to start drinking at younger age because they have longer to wait. Which is yet another reason lowering the drinking

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