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Essay On The 19th Amendment

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For women across the country, the passing of the 19th amendment in the early 1900’s changed their lives and how they were viewed by society. Prior to this Amendment, only men had the right to vote in any sort of US election, causing women to have absolutely zero say in any government or political actions. As quoted from the Constitution, the 19th Amendment states that “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” This event is extremely significant to American history because it allows women to be politically active and be represented constitutionally. Many newspaper articles covered the topic for months after it was passed, making it known to everyone …show more content…
Overall, the female way of life and living has changed. Although women were now seen more as equals than the inferior sex, there were still those who strongly opposed women and their newly found rights. Oscar Leser, a Baltimore lawyer, strongly disbelieved that women should have the same rights as men, and brought his case to court in 1922. He had seen two women voting and fought to have their names removed from voting rolls. However, the Supreme Court proclaimed the 19th Amendment had been established constitutionally and therefore must be upheld. In other words, the Court sided with the two women. This event can help us to understand the past because it shows how women, such as Susan B. Anthony who was a strong women’s rights advocate, can stand up for what they believe in and make a change in their environment. In today's society, women are almost held to the same standard as men and are given the same respect and endless amounts of opportunities. Unlike in the past, women can now lead with great power and heavy stances within their government and have an equal chance at a successful

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