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Essay On The First Amendment

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The first amendment of the United State of America protects freedom of speech and the publics right to peacefully assemble. The first amendment states,
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
There has since been long debate on whether or not actions could be considered speech. Debate is always as intense when the action has to do with the American flag. The flag is generally considered to be a special symbol in the United States, which leaves the question, could an action that desecrates this symbol still …show more content…
In 1942 the United States Flag Code was passed, which regulated the treatment of the flag. In 1931 Stromberg v. California made it to the supreme court, and the court decided that the desecration of the flag is protected under the first amendment, thus nullifying all of the laws pervious state level laws. In 1942, just eleven years after the Stromberg v. California decision national flag day was made official. The conflicting timeline of the Stromberg v. California case versus the creation of national flag day, shows while the court might be taking a more liberal stance with the status of the flag, the public opinion still sees the flag as something that should be honored. While the public might still have a more conservative stance on the flag, the supreme court is starting to take a more liberal stance, as seen in the many president cases, as well as Texas v. Johnson.
Halter v. Nebraska took place in 1907. Halter v. Nebraska was a supreme court case involving a statute that punished the desecration of the United States flag, it also prohibited the sale of article where there is a flag for advertising purposes. Flag’s that were placed on items for any other purpose besides advertisement were exempt from this law. In 1905 Halter was the owner of a bottling company. He was charged because he was selling beer which has the American flag printed on the label of the

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