...FORM ------------------------------------------------- Introduction to Psychology 250391 Essay Student name/number: Name: Student Id: Courtney Gomez- 22336776 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Exam grade: 56 ------------------------------------------------- Date/Instructor: 3-18-16 JL ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Dear Student, ------------------------------------------------- You have earned a failing grade on this exam. According to the Academic Policies in the Penn Foster College Student Handbook, you must now complete a retake exam. For this retake, you may rework your paper about __motivation_. ------------------------------------------------- Review all the study materials and self-checks for the lesson related to this assignment. Contact the school with any questions about the requirements. As you draft and revise be sure to incorporate the instructional tips provided in the evaluation of your first attempt and in the Retake Guidance that follows this form. ------------------------------------------------- Submit the required retake assignment to the school with this form no later than two weeks from the above date. If submitting your retake online, copy and paste this form as the first page of the document containing your exam. ------------------------------------------------- If you do not include this...
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...Utica College Psychology 101: Introductory Psychology, Fall 2011 Section C: T/TH, 10:00-11:15 – Hubbard Hall 207 Section D: T/TH, 11:30-12:45 – Hubbard Hall 208 Professor: Dr. Tyson Kreiger Phone: 792-5285 Office: 105 DePerno Hall Email: tckreige@utica.edu Office Hours: Monday/Friday 10:30-12:00, Tuesday 1:00 -2:00, and by appointment. If you stop by my office during other times, there is a very good chance I can meet with you then as well. Aside from weekends and holidays, I check my email frequently. This is the best way to contact me. Required Text: Myers, D. (2009). Psychology (9th edition). New York: Worth Publishers. Required access to computers: You need to be in the habit of checking your UC email address, as this is how I will contact you. I will also use Angel to post your grades so that you will know your standing at any time. The syllabus and worksheets will also be uploaded should you misplace them. COURSE GOALS Welcome to Introductory Psychology. This course focuses on the science of psychology and includes the following goals: 1. Develop an understanding of how Psychology is relevant to your daily life and academic success. In fact, students who are able to relate course concepts to real-life examples tend to learn more effectively and remember course information. 2. Provide a basic foundation of the major content areas in psychology. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts and procedures of the...
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...PSYCHOLOGY 1301 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Fall 2015 Syllabus Section: 001 Time: T & TH 12:30-1:45 Room: LLCT2 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday from 8:30-9:20 & 10:50-12:00 & Wednesday from 1:00-2:00. E-Mail: Text: The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View 3rd ed. By Laura A. King Course Description and Objectives: This course is designed to teach the student basic principles that effect the behavior of animals and humans. The wide varieties of topics found in psychology today are introduced and the underlying theories discussed. The course is meant to be a foundation course for those planning to major in psychology as well as an interesting elective for non-majors. This class also completes a general education requirement. Course Objectives: to help you expand your abilities and knowledge in the following broad areas as they pertain to psychology: the process of inquiry, critical reasoning, major concepts and methodologies, current developments within psychology, applications of psychological principles to the real world, comprehension and understanding of psychological theory and research design, and respect for the commonality and diversity of human experience. Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, students should have a basic understanding of: the dynamics of psychological research, how the science of psychology has come to be a field of its own, the importance and contribution of the Nature...
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...rhvekrv;ev fv d dv your writing skills, the better your degree classification: The majority of marks which contribute to your degree classification will come from exam essays or other written work (assessed essays, third year project). • This education is costing you, so get your money’s worth. What students want help with Style conventions in scientific writing (1) 76.6% Lab report writing skills (2) 70.2% Thinking skills (2) 70.2% How to reference properly (3) 59.6% Presentation skills (4) 55.3% How to revise your written work effectively (5) 51.1% Learning / Research skills (6) 48.9% Essay writing skills (7) 44.7% Basic writing skills (8) 12.8% Unfortunately, you need to get to grips with (8) before you can truly master (1)…. Writing Skills for Psychologists Factors which contribute to your written work’s grade include (1) Your general writing skills. (How to write) (2) Your understanding of what is required of an undergraduate essay / lab report / presentation. (Why to write) (3) Your understanding of the topic. (What to write) This lecture will focus on 1 and 2. HOWEVER improving 1&2 will inevitably lead to improvements in 3! The following factors are equally important, and are down to you. 1. How interested you are in the topic. 2. The importance you attach to receiving a high grade for a particular piece of work. 3. The amount of effort you are prepared to make given other academic commitments. Writing Skills for Psychologists ...
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...1 ESSAY WRITING SKILLS © Graham Davey WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO WRITE A GOOD ESSAY? 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5. WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU START ANYTHING Am I familiar with the Assessment Guidelines? Am I certain that I know the Submission Deadline? How much does the mark for my essay contribute to the final mark for this course/module? Do I know what the word limit for this essay is? How many credits do I get for completing this particular course/module successfully? HOW TO PREPARE BEFORE PLANNING & WRITING THE ESSAY What essay titles can I choose from? What references do I need to read? At what level am I writing the essay? What internet resources should I access and use? Can I use my lecture notes as a source of information for my essay? PLANNING YOUR ESSAY How much should I read and when should I begin writing? How can I get the most benefit from my reading? WRITING YOUR ESSAY How should I structure my essay? Am I sure I’m answering the question? How do I write a scholarly essay? How should I present my reference list or bibliography? How should I format my essay? How can I avoid plagiarism? THINGS TO REMMEBER AFTER YOU’VE FINISHED WRITING YOUR ESSAY Essays are arguably the most widely used form of assessment for psychology students. They allow an examiner to assess a student’s factual knowledge, as well as their ability to create logical arguments and critically...
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...PRINCE GEORGE'S COMMUNITY COLLEGE Welcome to Psychology 1010 Fall 2015 (Tu/Th, ________ – ______ p.m. / Marlboro Hall – Rm. #1104) (August 25 – December 3) INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Janet E. Barber Psychological & Sociological Sciences and Human Svcs. OFFICE/HOURS: Marlboro Hall –M1104/2057 (Tu/Th, 3:25p - 4:25p) The best way to contact the professor is by email. By appointment: Online Office hours via Bb IM: Thursdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PHONE NUMBERS: Professor: (301) 322-0900 x 4143 Social Sciences Office/Phone No.: Marlboro Hall #2054 (301) 546-0525 EMAIL ADDRESS: BarberAJ@pgcc.edu (24 hour response time) The best way to contact the professor is by email. Note: All credit students (with the exception of Howard Community College students enrolled at Laurel College Center) are required to use Owl Mail for all college communication. Students, please be sure to place PSY1010-LD14, 16 or 17 in the subject line so that your email will not be overlooked, confused with another class section, or mistakenly deleted. Thank you. Monday – Friday your emails and phone messages will be returned within 24 hours. Your weekend...
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...au/pubs/2016handbooks/units/index-byfaculty-bus.html The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the right to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time. Last updated: 19 Feb 2016 Table of contents 1 Table of contents Unit handbook information 4 Synopsis 4 Mode of delivery 4 Workload requirements 4 Unit relationships 4 Prerequisites 4 Prohibitions 4 Co-requisites 4 Chief Examiner 4 Unit Coordinator(s) 5 Tutor(s) 5 Academic overview 5 Learning outcomes 5 Teaching approach 5 Unit schedule Assessment summary 7 8 Second marking 8 Return of final marks 8 Exam viewing 8 Assessment criteria 9 Assessment requirements 9 Hurdle requirements 9 Participation 9 Assessment tasks 9 Examination(s) 13 Extension and penalties 13 Returning assignments 14 Resubmission of assignments 14 Referencing requirements 14 Assignment submission 14 Feedback 15 Learning resources 16 Required resources 16 Technological requirements 16 Q Manual 17 2 Recommended resources Other information 17 17 Policies 17 Graduate Attributes Policy 18 Student Charter 18 Student Services 18 Monash University Library 18 Disability Support Services 18 Other unit information 18 3 Unit...
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...The Intelligent Essay Assessor: Applications to Educational Technology Peter W. Foltz, New Mexico State University Darrell Laham, Knowledge Analysis Technologies Thomas K. Landauer, University of Colorado Abstract The Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA) is a set of software tools for scoring the quality of essay content. The IEA uses Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), which is both a computational model of human knowledge representation and a method for extracting semantic similarity of words and passages from text. Simulations of psycholinguistic phenomena show that LSA reflects similarities of human meaning effectively. To assess essay quality, LSA is first trained on domain-representative text. Then student essays are characterized by LSA representations of the meaning of the words used, and they are compared with essays of known quality in regard to their degree of conceptual relevance and the amount of relevant content. Over many diverse topics, the IEA scores agreed with human experts as accurately as expert scores agreed with each other. Implications are discussed for incorporating automatic essay scoring in more general forms of educational technology. 1. Introduction While writing is an essential part of the educational process, many instructors find it difficult to incorporate large numbers of writing assignments in their courses due to the effort required to evaluate them. However, the ability to convey information verbally is an important educational achievement...
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...mentioned in the Behavioral Approach to Learning, homework should NEVER be given as punishment. The kid will associate homework with punishment. This may interest you. Harris Cooper (1998) analyzed more than 100 research studies on homework in American schools. He found that homework had a very small connection with test scores at the elementary level. If anything, the more homework an elementary school student had, the more negative their attitude was toward school. Plus it takes away from their social time, which is an important part of growing up. Kids need to learn social skills. Too much homework causes stress, as you probably know very well by now. Kids need to have down time too! Why does homework have such a small effect at the elementary level? One reason is that young children have limited attention spans and are very distractible. It is difficult to do homework in a house that has many distractions. Teachers need to work with parents and help students find a quiet space to do homework. Most professional organization in education agrees that homework should never exceed 10 - 20 minutes per day in grades K - 2. In grades 3 - 6 homework should never exceed 30 - 60 minutes per day. Another reason elementary school children do not benefit much from homework is because these children tend not to have good study skills. They memorize information without understanding it. They put the same effort into studying difficult and easy material. They believe if something sounds familiar...
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...Acknowledgement We, the researchers, would like to extend our gratitude to all those people who helped and supported us in completing this term paper. We would like to thank our beloved professor, Fr. Kim Lachica, S.J., for the lessons, guidance and advices he bestowed upon us. He inspired us to work efficiently on this project. In addition, we would like to thank him for motivating us to work hard in achieving our goals in life. Moreover, we would also want to express our gratefulness to the one who gave all of his time to us in the interview and shared his personal life experiences as an entrepreneur which also motivated us to work harder in our fields. He is no other than Mr. Steffen Eisenbarh, the owner of GROUPWORX101 Company. For without him, we would not finish this project. In addition, we express our sincere gratitude to our families who understood and encouraged us in every time we spent in making this term paper. Last but not the least, we would like to extend our heart-felt gratitude to our Almighty Father for His unending and unconditional support He had given upon us. He enlightened us throughout the struggles and experience we’ve been through in making this term paper. Without the help and support of the particular persons that mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while doing this term paper. Again, we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this term paper. [continues] ...
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...may be administered formally or informally. An example of an informal test would be a reading test administered by a parent to a child. An example of a formal test would be a final examination administered by a teacher in a classroom or an I.Q. test administered by a psychologist in a clinic. Formal testing often results in a grade or a test score.[1] A test score may be interpreted with regards to a norm or criterion, or occasionally both. The norm may be established independently, or by statisticalanalysis of a large number of participants. A standardized test is any test that is administered and scored in a consistent manner to ensure legal defensibility.[2]Standardized tests are often used in education, professional certification, psychology (e.g., MMPI), the military, and many other fields. A non-standardized test is usually flexible in scope and format, variable in difficulty and significance. Since these tests are usually developed by individual instructors, the format and difficulty of these tests may not be widely adopted or used by other instructors or institutions. A non-standardized test may be used to determine the proficiency level of students, to motivate students to study, and to provide feedback to students. In some...
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...Personal statement examples Find College Courses and Degrees There are no ‘right’ ways to writing your personal statement, but there are many ‘wrong’ ways of doing it. On this page you will not only find everything you need to know about putting together a professional personal statement, but will also have access to dozens of expertly written ones. These samples are a great way to see how other people put together their personal statements, and to visualise the sort of structure and language they use. Reading through these will allow you to judge which ones you think are good or bad, which in turn will greatly help you in putting together your own winning statement. YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED NOT TO COPY THESE EXAMPLES WORD FOR WORD, BUT INSTEAD USE THEM AS USE THEM AS GUIDES AND AS A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION. Many students struggle to put together an effective personal statement, primarily because they find it difficult to write about themselves. They may also fall for other common essay writing mistakes such as straying from the core subject and message they should be trying to get across. To help students overcome these potential pitfalls we have developed this resource page as a guide to giving them useful tips, strategies and techniques on writing a professional profile that is of the highest quality and one that will maximise their chances of enrolling at their first choice university. By following our advice, preparing properly and with a bit of practise, putting...
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...Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Student Theses Spring 2011 Exploring the Effects of Text Messaging on the Spelling Skills of Ninth and 12th Grade Students James G. Muhammad Follow this and additional works at: http://opus.govst.edu/theses Part of the Communication Technology and New Media Commons Recommended Citation Muhammad, James G., "Exploring the Effects of Text Messaging on the Spelling Skills of Ninth and 12th Grade Students" (2011). Student Theses. Paper 32. For more information about the academic degree, extended learning, and certificate programs of Governors State University, go to http://www.govst.edu/Academics/Degree_Programs_and_Certifications/ This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Theses by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact opus@govst.edu. Exploring the Effects of Text Messaging on the Spelling Skills of Ninth and 12th Grade Students By James G. Muhammad B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1976 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, With a Major in Communication and Training Governors State University University Park, IL 60466 2011 ii Acknowledgements I am forever grateful to Dr. David Rhea for his counsel, guidance...
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...CHALLENGES STUDENTS FACE IN LEARNING ESSAY WRITING SKILLS IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MANGA DISTRICT, NYAMIRA COUNTY, KENYA BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION KENYATTA UNIVERSITY JULY 2013 * DECLARATION This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for degree in any other university. Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________________ BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 We confirm that this thesis was carried out by the candidate under our supervision as university supervisors. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date-------------------------- Dr .Sophia. Ndethiu. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date------------------------- Dr. John. Kimemia. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. * DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my loving wife Zipporah Nyasimi and our sons Philemon Siko and Enock Ongeri . * ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge the support of those individuals who made it possible for a successful completion of this work. Special thanks go to my supervisors Dr. Sophia Ndethiu and Dr. John. Kimemia for the support, guidance...
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...importantly you will be able to engage with, and become a part of, a wide and growing community of people just like yourself. At www.howto.co.uk you’ll be able to talk and share tips with people who have similar interests and are facing similar challenges in their lives. People who, just like you, have the desire to change their lives for the better – be it through moving to a new country, starting a new business, growing your own vegetables, or writing a novel. At www.howto.co.uk you’ll find the support and encouragement you need to help make your aspirations a reality. For more information on punctuation and grammar visit www.improveyourpunctuationandgrammar.co.uk How To Books strives to present authentic, inspiring, practical information in their books. Now, when you buy a title from How To Books, you get even more than just words on a page. Improve your Written English Master the essentials of grammar, punctuation and spelling and write with greater confidence MARION FIELD Published by How To Content, A division of How To Books Ltd, Spring Hill House, Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford OX5 1RX, United Kingdom. Tel: (01865) 375794. Fax: (01865) 379162. info@howtobooks.co.uk www.howtobooks.co.uk How To Books greatly reduce the carbon footprint of their books by sourcing their typesetting and printing in the UK. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or stored in an information retrieval system (other than for purposes...
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