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Essay the Go-Between


Submitted By mfabricius
Words 958
Pages 4
Essay The Go-Between

“So they opened the big gates and rounded us all up with dogs and threw us all out. We were in Europe. They where meant to process us, even if we didn’t have the papers.” (Page 2, line 20-21) Ali Smith is in her short story “The Go-Between” from 2009, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the United Nations (UN´s) adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to ensure human rights. Ali Smith tries throughout her short story to problematize the treatment of the refugees and tries to reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to make people aware of the injustice from the past and maybe present. She shows extended focus on Article 13 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights throughout her short story, Article 13 is the right to freedom of movement. The focus is noticeable in this quote where she describes the inhumane treatment of the border-crossing people.

In the short story we follow a 33-year-old man. The man originates from Cameron, but in the story he lives in Ceuta in northern Morocco from where he helps people cross the border to Spain. The man describes throughout the story some of his experiences from helping people cross the border, he describes how his ear got caught in the fence and how he lost one of his fingers in the sea. He also describes the cruelty he has experienced including seeing the police burn the peoples blankets, taking their phones and take all of their food.

The protagonist has a strange relationship with Europe, on one hand he seems to have an inner fascination of Europe “I dream when I´m asleep that I’m walking down the big streets of Madrid with their fine white stately buildings,” (Page 5, line 112-113) In this quote he describes how he wishes to be in Europe among the great surroundings, but on the other hand he thinks that people lose parts of themselves in the pursuit of

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