Premium Essay

Essay on Human Beahavior


Submitted By nataraki
Words 1519
Pages 7
When one person starts to compare the behavior of his generation to the next we might say that he is already growing old. Why? Because of the fact that there is a distinction of one’s generation to the next. The distinguishing characteristic may be better or worse, but as can be observed today adolescents have gone into a track which is in a less favorable demeanor. Thanks to Burrhus Frederic Skinner, popularly known as B.F. Skinner for obvious reason, the master of in human behavior, a teacher as well as parents can now have an idea as to the know how’s in shaping human behavior. Shaping human behavior means leading a certain individual towards performing repeatedly a certain conduct bit by bit. Bit by bit since you cannot expect a lazy person to do his assignment habitually just by saying so. You can’t look forward seeing a chain smoker quit smoking overnight. Nor an alcoholic to stop drinking in just a blink of an eye. Everything is taken slowly but as they say surely. In which a person’s behavior can be applied. To make a person display evidently a certain attitude it must be performed repeatedly and deeply rooted within the humans’ heart and mind. It may not be performed quickly but is done in a slow pace within reoccurring exposures. To do this it is certain to use Skinners ideology.

Taming a lion is never easy but taming a minacious child was never easier. It takes a lot of patience and hardship to lead one into the right track. Skinners theory is a lot of help. We all owe him one. Skinners methods of shaping human behavior can be trace back in Thorndikes works. As skinners theory is a modification of what have been the theories of Thorndike. For Skinner, there are four methods of shaping human behavior. These are: Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Punishment and Extinction. Positive and negative reinforcement are two related methods

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