Free Essay



Submitted By alihamid1973
Words 2674
Pages 11

To all applicants Graduate Studies Programme Universiti Utara Malaysia Thank you for choosing Universiti Utara Malaysia as your centre for excellence. Kindly please take in to consideration all the matters listed below while filling in the form :   Please fill in the form in block letters using a black pen or a typewriter; All sections must be filled in. State “not applicable” wherever necessary.

The following must be submitted together with complete Application Form :
Payment slip of the processing fee of RM50.00 for Malaysian applicants. Recepted Bill Payment Slip (BPS) for amount RM50.00 for processing fee which can be paid at any branch of BANK ISLAM MALYSIA BERHAD (BIBM) by using BPS Stating “Payee Code340”.

Certified copies of Malaysian Education Certificate (MCE), Degree/equivalent qualifications Malaysian
University English Test (MUET) / Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) / International English Language Testing System (IELTS), professional certificates and full Academics Transcripts. Applicants in

their final semester of first degree must attach certified copies of result for every semester); Scholarship/training award/study loan certification letters; Letter of approval/official leave from employer/relevant authorities to pursue this programme;
Copy of research proposal (for applicants doing full research only);

Foreign Applicants are requested to send four (4) copies of every page of the international passport and six (6) copies of passport sized colour photos for the student pass application process;
Please take note that the status of form acceptance and your application will be notified through e-mail. Kindly please ensure the column is clearly filled in as to ensure you will get the latest information from the Centre for Graduate Studies. Only complete forms and received before or on the closing date will be processed. Application forms received beyond the date mentioned will be considered for the coming semester. Please address your application to : Director Centre for Graduate Studies Department of Academic Affairs Universiti Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintok Kedah Malaysia (ATTN: FARHANA ABDUL WAHAB)

I look forward to seeing you at UUM. Thank you.

FARHANA ABDUL WAHAB for Director Centre for Graduate Studies


Kepada Semua Pemohon Program Pengajian Siswazah Universiti Utara Malaysia Terima kasih kerana memilih Universiti Utara Malaysia sebagai pusat kecemerlangan anda. Sukacita sekiranya tuan/puan dapat mengambil perhatian mengenai perkara-perkara berikut semasa mengisi borang permohonan :   Sila isi borang permohonan dengan huruf blok dan menggunakan pen hitam atau ditaip; Sila isi semua bahagian. Tulis ‘Tiada” di mana tidak berkenaan;

Sila kemukakan perkara-perkara berikut bersama borang permohonan yang telah lengkap diisi: Slip bayaran wang proses sebanyak RM 50.00 bagi pemohon warganegara Malaysia. Sila kreditkan bayaran berkenaan atas nama Bendahari UUM, di mana-mana cawangan Bank Islam salinan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Ijazah/kelulusan setaraf, Malaysian University English Test (MUET) / Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) / International English Language Testing System (IELTS), sijil kelulusan professional dan Transkrip Akademik lengkap yang telah disahkan. Pemohon di dalam semester akhir pengajian dikehendaki mengemukakan salinan sah keputusan peperiksaan setiap semester; surat pengesahan biasiswa /hadiah latihan/pinjaman pengajian; surat kelulusan/pelepasan majikan/pihak berkuasa berkenaan untuk mengikuti program ini ; salinan kertas cadangan penyelidikan (bagi program secara penyelidikan sahaja); Bagi calon luar negara sila sertakan empat (4) salinan setiap mukasurat pasport antarabangsa serta enam (6) keping gambar berukuran pasport untuk urusan permohonan pas pelajar. Sila ambil perhatian bahawa status penerimaan borang dan permohonan tuan/puan akan dimaklumkan melalui e-mel. Sila pastikan ruangan yang berkenaan diisi bagi membolehkan tuan/puan mengetahui maklumat terkini. Hanya permohonan yang lengkap dan diterima sebelum atau pada tarikh tutup permohonan sahaja yang akan dipertimbangkan. Permohonan yang diterima selepas tarikh tutup akan dipertimbangkan bagi sesi kemasukan berikutnya/.Sila alamatkan permohonan anda kepada alamat seperti berikut : Pengarah Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Akademik Universiti Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintok Kedah Malaysia (U.P: FARHANA ABDUL WAHAB)

Jumpa anda di UUM. Terima kasih

FARHANA ABDUL WAHAB b.p Pengarah Pusat Pengajian Siswazah


Lekatkan Gambar Terbaru (Recent Photograph)


BUTIRAN PROGRAM (Programme details) Nama Program (nyatakan satu sahaja) : (Name of Programme [state one only]) Fakulti : (Faculty) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION


Bentuk Pengajian* : [ (Mode of Studies)

] Penuh Masa (Full- time)

[ X ] Sambilan (Part-time) [ X ] Kerja Kursus [ (By Coursework)

[ ] Jarak Jauh (Distance Learning) ] Kerja Kursus & Penyelidikan (By Coursework & Research)

Struktur Program : [ ] Penyelidikan (Programme Structure) (By Research) Tempat Pengajian : (Place of Studies)



BUTIRAN PERIBADI (Personal Details) Nama Penuh : _____________________________________________________________________ (Full Name) No. Kad Pengenalan : ________________________ (Identity Card No.) Tarikh Lahir : _______________________________ (Date of Birth) Jantina : (Gender) [ ] Lelaki (Male) [ ] Perempuan (Female) No. Pasport : ________________________ (Passport No.) Tempat lahir : ________________________ (Place of Birth) Umur : ______________________________ (Age)

Agama: _____________ (Religion) Taraf Perkahwinan : (Marital Status)

Bangsa : _____________ Warganegara: _______________________ (Race) (Nationality) [ ] Bujang (Single) [ ] Berkahwin (Married) [ ] Duda/Janda (Widow)

Alamat Surat Menyurat (Mailing Address ) :

Alamat Tetap (Permanent Address) :

Poskod : __________ Bandar : ______________ (Postcode) (Town) Negeri: ___________ Negara : ______________ (State) (Country)

Poskod : __________ Bandar : ______________ (Postcode) (Town) Negeri: ___________ Negara : ______________ (State) (Country)

No.Tel : ____________ (Rumah) _____________ (Tel. Bimbit) E-mel : _____________________ (Tel. No.) (Home) (Mobile) (E-mail) * Nota : Sila tandakan ( X ) di mana yang berkenaan. Note : Please tick ( X ) whichever applicable.

Universiti Utara Malaysia


LATAR BELAKANG KELUARGA (Family Background) a. Nama Suami/Isteri : ______________________________________________________________ (Name of Spouse) Pekerjaan : ______________________________ No. Tel : _______________________________ (Occupation) (Tel. No.) Nama & Alamat Majikan : _________________________________________________________ (Employer's Name & Address) _______________________________________________________________________________ No. Tel (Tel. No.) : ________________________ Bilangan Anak (No. of Children) : __________ b. Orang yang boleh dihubungi pada waktu kecemasan : _________________________________ (Person to be notified in case of emergency) Alamat (Address) :________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ No. Tel. (Tel. No.) : ________________________ Pertalian (Relationship) : _________________


BUTIRAN PEKERJAAN/PENGALAMAN (Employment Details/Experience) Jawatan Sekarang : _______________________________ Tarikh dipegang : ________________ (Present Position) (Date Held) Nama dan Alamat Majikan : _________________________________________________________ (Employer's Name and Address) _________________________________________________________________________________ No.Tel : ________________ No. Faks : ________________ E-mail : ________________________ (Tel. No.) (Fax No.) (E-mail)

Jawatan Dahulu (Pengalaman kerja selepas Ijazah pertama, jika ada) (Previous positions [Working experience after obtaining First Degree, if any]) Nama Jawatan (Name of Positions) Nama dan Alamat Majikan (Employer’s name and address) Dari – Hingga (From – To) Tempoh Bekerja (Length of Service)

Universiti Utara Malaysia


LATAR BELAKANG AKADEMIK (Academic Background) Nama dan alamat Institusi (Name and address of Institution) Tahun Pengajian (Years Attended) Diploma/Degree Obtained (Diploma/Ijazah diperolehi) Tarikh Anugerah (Date Of Graduation)

Kelas/PMK (Class/CGPA)


KELAYAKAN PROFESIONAL (Professional Qualifications) Kelulusan (Qualification[s]) Tahun dianugerah (Year Awarded) Dianugerahkan oleh (Awarded by)


KEMAHIRAN BAHASA (Language Proficiency) Tahun Lulus (Year Passed)

Bahasa (Language) Melayu (Malay)

Nama Peperiksaan/Ujian (Name of Examination/Test) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia* (Malaysian Certificate of Education*) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian Certificate of Education*)

Gred (Grade)

Inggeris (English)

Malaysian University English Test (MUET)* Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Lain-lain (Sila nyatakan) : ____________________________________________________________ Others (Please specify) * Untuk pemohon Malaysia sahaja (For Malaysian applicants only)

Universiti Utara Malaysia


PENERBITAN PROFESIONAL (Professional Publications)

Tajuk Buku/Jurnal (Title of Book/Journal)

Tahun diterbitkan (Year of Publication)

Nama dan Tempat penerbitan (Name and location of Publication)


BANTUAN KEWANGAN (Financial Support) Sila nyatakan sumber bantuan kewangan anda (Please indicate your source of financial support) Saya dibiayai penuh oleh majikan /kerajaan Negara saya (I am fully sponsored by my employer / government) Saya dibiayai melalui tabung pinjaman pendidikan (I am sponsored by study loan fund) Saya seorang pelajar persendirian dibiayai oleh saya sendiri/keluarga saya (I am a private student supported by myself /my family) Nama dan alamat penaja atau organisasi yang akan membayar yuran pengajian anda (Name and address of person and organization paying your fees)


PENYOKONG AKADEMIK [Namakan dua (2)] (Academic Referees) [Name two (2)] Penyokong akademik hendaklah terdiri daripada mereka yang mengenali calon dari segi kebolehan akademik (contoh : Dekan, Pensyarah, Majikan) dan bukan daripada kawan atau saudara mara sendiri. (The academic referees must comprise of those who know the applicant in terms of his/her academic performance [e.g. : Dean, Lecturer, Employer] and should not have any personal acquaintances or relatives)
1) Nama : _______________________________ (Name) Alamat : ______________________________ (Address) _______________________________________ ___________________________________ No. Tel. (Tel. No) : ______________________ Jawatan Hakiki : ________________________ (Official Position) 2) Nama :________________________________ (Name) Alamat : _____________________________ (Address) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ No. Tel. (Tel. No) : _____________________ Jawatan Hakiki : ______________________ (Official Position)

Universiti Utara Malaysia


BIDANG PENYELIDIKAN (Field of Research) Pemohon yang ingin mengikuti program siswazah secara penyelidikan dikehendaki mengisi bahagian ini. (Applicants who wish to pursue graduate studies by full research must fill in this section) Bidang Penyelidikan : _____________________________________________________________ (Area of Research) Cadangan Tajuk Penyelidikan : ______________________________________________________ (Proposed Research Title) _________________________________________________________________________________ Tujuan/Objektif Penyelidikan : _______________________________________________________ (Aims/Objectives of Research) _________________________________________________________________________________ Staf Akademik yang ditemui untuk perbincangan mengenai penyelidikan, jika ada : (Academic Staff whom you have met and discuss about your research, if any) _________________________________________________________________________________ Cadangan tempat untuk menjalankan penyelidikan (Intended research location) _________________________________________________________________________________ SILA SERTAKAN SALINAN CADANGAN PENYELIDIKAN (PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR RESEARCH PROPOSAL)


PENGAKUAN (Declaration) Saya mengaku semua keterangan di atas dan dokumen yang diberikan adalah benar dan lengkap. Universiti Utara Malaysia berhak menolak permohonan ini sekiranya keterangan tersebut didapati palsu dan/atau tidak lengkap. (I hereby certify that the above information and documents enclosed are true and complete. Universiti Utara Malaysia reserves the right to reject this application if the information given is false and/or incomplete).

_______________________ Tarikh (Date)

____________________________ Tandatangan Pemohon (Applicant's Signature)

Sila hantar borang permohonan ini lengkap dengan dokumen yang berkenaan kepada : (Please send this application form complete with all the related documents to :)



LAPORAN PENYOKONG (Referee’s Report) Laporan ini adalah SULIT dan hendaklah dimeteri oleh penyokong sendiri dan diberikan kepada pemohon untuk dihantar bersama dengan borang permohonan. (This report is CONFIDENTIAL and must be sealed by the referees and forward the envelope to the applicant to be submitted together with the application form) BAHAGIAN A : UNTUK DIISI OLEH CALON (Part A : To be completed by the applicant) Nama : __________________________________________________________________________ (Name) Program Pengajian : MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION___________________________ (Programme of Studies) Tempat Pengajian : UUM KULIM CAMPUS (D-MEN RESOURCES SDN BHD)_________________ (Place of Studies) BENTUK PENGAJIAN* : [ (Mode of studies) STRUKTUR PROGRAM : [ (Programme Structure) ] Penuh Masa (Full- time) [ X ] Sambilan (Part-time) [ ] Jarak Jauh (Distance Learning) ] Kerja Kursus & Penyelidikan (By Coursework & Thesis)

] Penyelidikan [ X ] Kerja Kursus [ (By Research) (By Coursework)

BAHAGIAN B : UNTUK DIISI OLEH PENYOKONG (Part B : To be completed by the referee) Nama (Name) : _____________________________________________________________________ Jawatan Hakiki (Official Position) : _____________________________________________________ Nama dan Alamat Majikan: __________________________________________________________ (Employer’s name and address) ______________________________________________ Poskod (Postcode) : _________________ Bandar: _______________ (Town) Negeri : _______________ Negara : _________________________ (State) (Country)

No.Tel : ________________ No. Faks : ______________ E-mail : __________________________ (Tel. No.) (Fax No.) (E-mail)

BAHAGIAN C : LAPORAN PENYOKONG (Part C : Referee’s Report) a) Berapa lamakah anda mengenali pemohon? Bil. tahun ______________________ (How long have you known the applicant? No. of years) b) Bagaimana anda mengenali pemohon? (How do you know the applicant?)

* Sila tandakan ( X ) di mana yang berkenaan Please tick ( X ) whichever appropriate

c) Apakah pertalian di antara tuan dengan pemohon? ___________________________________ (What is your relationship to the applicant?) d) Adakah anda percaya pemohon bersedia untuk beban kerja pengajian Siswazah? (Do you believe that the applicant is prepared for graduate work?) [ ] Ya (Yes) [ ] Tidak (No)

e) Pada pendapat anda, apakah ciri-ciri keperibadian pemohon yang akan membolehkan beliau mengikuti pengajian Siswazah? (What do you think are personal traits of the applicant that will enable him/her to pursue graduate study?) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ f) Bagaimanakah anda menilai pemohon bagi perkara-perkara berikut? (Tandakan  ) (How do you rate the applicant on each of the following?) (Please tick  ) Cemerlang (Excellent) i) ii) Kebolehan intelek (Intellectual ability) Kematangan dan kestabilan emosi (Maturity and emotional stability) Amat Baik (Very Good) Baik (Good) Sederhana (Average) Lemah (Poor)

iii) Motivasi (Motivation) iv) Pengetahuan Am (General Knowledge) v) Inisiatif (Initiative)

vi) Kebolehan kerjasama (Ability to cooperate) vii) Tanggungjawab (Responsibility)

SOKONGAN ANDA (Your Recommendation)


] Disokong (Recommended)


] Tidak disokong (Not recommended)

______________________ Tarikh (Date)

_________________________ Tandatangan Penyokong (Referee’s Signature)

LAPORAN PENYOKONG (Referee’s Report)

Laporan ini adalah SULIT dan hendaklah dimeteri oleh penyokong sendiri dan diberikan kepada pemohon untuk dihantar bersama dengan borang permohonan. (This report is CONFIDENTIAL and must be sealed by the referees and forward to the applicant to be submitted together with the application form) BAHAGIAN A : UNTUK DIISI OLEH CALON (Part A : To be completed by the applicant) Nama : __________________________________________________________________________ (Name) Program Pengajian : MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION___________________________ (Programme of Studies) Tempat Pengajian : UUM KULIM CAMPUS (D-MEN RESOURCES SDN BHD)_________________ (Place of Studies) BENTUK PENGAJIAN* : [ (Mode of studies) STRUKTUR PROGRAM : [ (Programme Structure) ] Penuh Masa (Full- time) [ X ] Sambilan (Part-time) [ ] Jarak Jauh (Distance Learning) ] Kerja Kursus & Tesis (By Coursework & Thesis)

] Penyelidikan [ X ] Kerja Kursus [ (By Research) (By Coursework)

BAHAGIAN B : UNTUK DIISI OLEH PENYOKONG (Part B : To be completed by the referee) Nama (Name) : _____________________________________________________________________ Jawatan Hakiki (Official Position) : _____________________________________________________ Nama dan Alamat Majikan: __________________________________________________________ (Employer’s name and address) ______________________________________________ Poskod (Postcode) : _________________ Bandar: _______________ (Town) Negeri : _______________ Negara : _________________________ (State) (Country)

No.Tel : ________________ No. Faks : ______________ E-mail : _________________________ (Tel. No.) (Fax No.) (E-mail)

BAHAGIAN C : LAPORAN PENYOKONG (Part C : Referee’s Report) a) Berapa lamakah anda mengenali pemohon? Bil. tahun ______________________ (How long have you known the applicant? No. of years) b) Bagaimana anda mengenali pemohon? (How do you know the applicant?)

* Sila tandakan ( X ) di mana yang berkenaan Please tick ( X ) whichever appropriate

c) Apakah pertalian di antara tuan dengan pemohon? __________________________________ (What is your relationship to the applicant?) d) Adakah anda percaya pemohon bersedia untuk beban kerja pengajian Siswazah? (Do you believe that the applicant is prepared for graduate work?) [ ] Ya (Yes) [ ] Tidak (No)

e) Pada pendapat anda, apakah ciri-ciri keperibadian pemohon yang akan membolehkan beliau mengikuti pengajian Siswazah? (What do you think are personal traits of the applicant that will enable him/her to pursue graduate study?) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ f) Bagaimanakah anda menilai pemohon bagi perkara-perkara berikut? (Tandakan  ) (How do you rate the applicant on each of the following?) (Please tick  )

Cemerlang (Excellent) i) ii) Kebolehan intelek (Intellectual ability) Kematangan dan kestabilan emosi (Maturity and emotional stability)

Amat Baik (Very Good)

Baik (Good)

Sederhana (Average)

Lemah (Poor)

iii) Motivasi (Motivation) iv) Pengetahuan Am (General Knowledge) v) Inisiatif (Initiative)

vi) Kebolehan kerjasama (Ability to cooperate) vii) Tanggungjawab (Responsibility)

SOKONGAN ANDA (Your Recommendation)


] Disokong (Recommended)


] Tidak disokong (Not recommended)

______________________ Tarikh (Date)

_________________________ Tandatangan Penyokong (Referee’s Signature)

PUSAT PENGAJIAN SISWAZAH UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA SENARAI SEMAK PERMOHONAN (Application Check List) Tandakan  bagi perkara-perkara yang disertakan dalam ruang yang disediakan (Please tick  in the column for the documents which are enclosed) No. Dokumen Yang Diperlukan (Documents required) Slip bayaran wang proses RM 50.00 bagi pemohon Malaysia, atau cek/bank draf/kiriman wang, dibayar atas nama “Bendahari UUM”. (Payment Slip of procesing fee of RM50 for Malaysian applicants or cheque/bankdraft/money order, payable to “Bendahari UUM”) Borang Permohonan yang lengkap diisi dan bertandatangan (Complete and signed application form) Dua (2) keping gambar dengan satunya dilekatkan di borang permohonan (Two (2) copies of recent photograph, and one is fixed to the application form). Sesalinan Sijil SPM, MUET/TOEFL/IELTS, Ijazah/kelulusan setaraf, sijil kelulusan profesional dan transkrip akademik lengkap yang telah disahkan. Salinan sah keputusan peperiksaan akhir bagi setiap semester (bagi pemohon dalam tahun akhir pengajian. (Certified copies of SPM certificate, MUET/TOEFL/IELTS, degree/equivalent qualifications, professional certificates and full academic transcipts. Certified copies of result for every semester for applicants in their final year) Dua (2) salinan borang sokongan daripada dua (2) orang penyokong (Two (2) copies of referee form from two (2) referees) Sesalinan kertas cadangan penyelidikan bagi pengajian secara penyelidikan sahaja. (Sarjana 1000 – 1500 patah perkataan, Doktor Falsafah 1500 – 2000 patah perkataan) (A copy of your research proposal for applicants doing full reseach only. [1,000 – 1,500 words for the masters, and 1500 – 2000 words for Ph.D]) Lima (5) salinan setiap mukasurat pasport antarabangsa serta tujuh (7) keping gambar berukuran pasport untuk urusan permohonan pas pelajar (bagi pemohon luar negara sahaja) (Five (5) copies of every page of the international passport and seven (7) copies of passport sized colour photos for the student pass application process (for international applicants only). Tandakan  (Tick)










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...HOW TO READ ESSAYS YOU MUST ANALYZE 1. Take a pencil in your hand. 2. Read the essay over once, quickly, looking for the main idea, for what the essay is about in general, and for what the author seems to be saying. Don't get bogged down in details. (If you come to an unfamiliar word, circle it but go on reading). 3. Check the meaning of unfamiliar words. If they seem to be key words, i.e., if the author uses them more than once, scribble a brief definition at the bottom of the page or at the end of the essay. 4. Now re-read more slowly and carefully, this time making a conscious attempt to begin to isolate the single most important generalization the author makes: his thesis. Follow his line of thought; try to get some sense of structure. The thesis determines the structure, so the structure, once you begin to sense it, can lead you to the thesis. What is the main point the author is making: Where is it? Remember, examples or "for instances" are not main points. The thesis is the generalization the author is attempting to prove valid. Your job, then is to ask yourself, "What is the author trying to prove"? Another way of identifying the thesis is to ask yourself, "What is the unifying principle of this essay"? or "What idea does everything in this essay talk about"? or "Under what single main statement could all the subdivisions fit"? If the author has stated his thesis fully and clearly and all in one place, your job is easier. The thesis is apt to be stated...

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Essay write A Level Sociology Essay Assessment With reference to the present AEB syllabus, there are three main skills being assessed in your essays. 1. Knowledge and Understanding (9 marks) 2. Interpretation and Application (9 marks) 3. Evaluation (9 marks) What Does This Mean? What this means is that for writing an essay is that the content (studies, names of researcher, dates, figures, concepts, although important need to be organised coherently, applied to a variety of social situations and interpreted, and expressed in a critical fashion. You must be aware of the skills being highlighted in the question in order to use the appropriate skills in your essays. You should also practice writing essays regularly and develop a technique which addresses the skills required so that you can actually answer the question set. I hope that this handout should allow you to achieve this. Stage One Many students are too quick into diving into an answer. They have focused on certain key terms and ‘assumed’ what the essay requires from a quick look at the question. Instead, the question should be read a number of times. Task One With the title provided. Analyze the question by underlining the key features in the essay title Double underline the skills being assessed, e.g., describe and explain Identify any terms or concepts contained in the question. These terms will need to be defined, i.e. concepts such as interactionists. Essay questions will also include...

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...This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is my essay. This is...

Words: 401 - Pages: 2

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...from these events? How have they affected your personality or how you deal with situations now? Remember the focus of the essay is on the contrasting impacts of these events in your life. These events do not have to be major events, they could be minor in nature but their impact on you could be great and long lasting. Undertake the task of pre writing for this topic. Select your two events. Describe them in point form. Consider their diverse impacts on your life. By the end of this class you should have completed your pre writing and make sure you get your sheet signed by me. You have the week to work on your first draft. Those of you who would like to show me the first draft are free to submit it to me online and I shall hand them back to you online. I will tell you whether you are on the right track, however this is optional and you will not be penalized if you do not show me your first draft. You need to give me Draft 1 by Tuesday, Feb 26. This will be an online submission under Assignments on ilearn. I will correct it and give it back to you by Sunday March 3, and then you will work on changing the draft according to my corrections and bring it to class on Tuesday, March 5 when we will have a peer review session. So after our class today you need to upload your first drafts of the essay in a week, by Feb 26 in an area marked out as Essay 1 under Assignments on Ilearn. You need to exchange your second drafts with two of your classmates on Tuesday, March...

Words: 547 - Pages: 3

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...Essay Writer can provide students with the exact answers to their essay assignments through our free essay section as well as our custom essay writing services. All of Essay Writer’s free essays are uploaded to our site by some college and university students in the UK to serve as informative guides and comparative templates to help you finish your own essay writing tasks with greater ease and clarity. These sample essays are readily downloadable and very easily accessible; just simply select a subject area or topic from our list of available subjects. You can then go through our list of available essay titles under that subject. Welcome to Essay Writer’s free essays section! You can now access our very extensive collection of free essays. These essays are all original and previously not made available to anyone, and are excellently written and submitted by some well meaning college students who wish to share their knowledge to help you do better in writing your own essays. Below is the list of the subject areas we cover in our free essays section. Simply select the subject that corresponds to your need. You will then be shown a list of all the essay titles available for that specific subject. Essay Writer regularly updates its free essay database. Keep checking back for additional subjects or topics. You may also bookmark our Free Essays page to make it easier to check back on the availability of our free essays. To bookmark this page, simply click on the bookmark...

Words: 314 - Pages: 2

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...tutorial x 13 weeks)     Level: Foundation/Matriculation     Lecturers: Ms Fazidah Abdul Jamil., Mdm Goh Wan Chen, Ms Saratha Thevi Ramasamy, Ms Norzaireen Shamsul Kamar Synopsis: This course is designed for students who require the necessary skills for tertiary studies. Some basic grammatical concepts are taught and students are to apply them in their writing. Writing will focus on the development of coherent paragraphs. Reading skills will cover such strategies as scanning, skimming, main ideas, contextual clues and inferences. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this subject, student will be able to: 1. write summaries as well as process, comparison-contrast and cause-effect essays 2. apply basic grammatical concepts in writing 3. answer questions based on academic texts 4. give oral presentations Textbook: 1. Daise, D., Norloff, C., and Carne, P., (2011). Q: Skills for Success 4 : Reading and Writing Oxford University Press, UK 2. Paterson, K, and Wedge, R., (2013). Oxford Grammar for EAP. Oxford University Press, UK Recommended References: Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1997), Cambridge University Press, UK Mode of Assessment: [1] Class participation 5% [2] Quiz 1 15% [3] Quiz 2 10% [4] Oral Presentation 10% [5] Mid-Term Examination 20% [6] Final Examination 40% Syllabus – FDENG001 |Week |UNIT |Topics ...

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...Define Your Thesis For essays that are part of an Early Years Care & Education Degree, it is important to clearly define a thesis statement within the first paragraph of the essay. Even if you are given a topic to write, such as the importance of preschool classes in low-income neighborhoods, you need to develop a strong thesis in your own words. Here is an example: "Preschool classes in low-income neighborhoods are a crucial step in helping all children enter elementary school at the same educational level, regardless of the income of the family." Once you have defined a clear thesis, you can proceed to the rest of your essay. However, without a clear thesis, your essay will not hold up. Use Examples The majority of your essay should be a careful and clear argument that supports your thesis statement. Do research and cite as many examples as possible to prove your point. For an essay about the merits of all-day educational opportunities for preschool-aged children, check trustworthy sources such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children and national PTA. Provide each point in a strong and complete paragraph. Each paragraph should have a main statement, supporting information and a conclusion. Tie In Conclusion After you have made your argument, state your conclusion in a clear and concise manner. Whether you have proven that the teacher ratio in a preschool setting should be lower than 4 to 1 or made a case for more national funding for the education...

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...Carmen Hollow Mr. Beurskens College English Critique Essay: The Morals of the Prince May 3, 2011 The Grey Area between Good and Evil: A Critique of “The Morals of the Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli Introduction We’ve all made a promise that we couldn’t keep and we have all felt bad about breaking those promises. Whether it was a promise to our parents, our children or a co-worker, we don’t feel good about it, but sometimes it can’t be helped. Usually if we couldn’t keep a promise it was for a good reason and not a selfish one. To the person that we made the promise to, we may be viewed as uncaring or unreliable, but to ourselves we know that we had to make a decision that could hurt someone but at the same time our decision could help that same person or persons. Making a promise and not being able to keep it for one reason or another, is one of the few topics that Machiavelli writes of in his essay “The Morals of the Prince”. He also tells why he believes a prince should be feared rather than loved, and why a prince should be stingy and not generous. He wants us to know how a “perfect” prince should act and behave so that the prince will be viewed upon as a great prince. Summary Machiavelli writes about how he believes a prince should act and behave to be considered a successful prince, one that is loved and feared, liberal and stingy, one that knows when to keep his word and when to break it. In his essay, Machiavelli writes “a prince who wants to keep his post...

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...Basic techniques for generating ideas. Brainstorming. Brainstorming consists in writing series of words or sentences just as they flow from our mind, although they have no logical order or connections. Once the words are written down, we have to establish relationships among them. This is the embryo of the future text. Free writing. Free writing is a similar technique to the brainstorming. Consists in writing a text without previous decisions or ideas about how we want to write it. Just choosing a topic and writing about it, and then we can summarise the main ideas. Organisation of information. There are some basic rules for writing a well - structured text. The text should be organised in a clear way; it must not be a twisted or an incomprehensible lot of ideas. We have to try to write according to certain conventions about hoe the text is organised. We have to structure our text in paragraphs. Each paragraph must express one idea. Some rules referring to the paragraphs: A paragraph must be clearly separated from other paragraphs, either by an empty line or by indenting the first line, or both. There must be no blank spaces or half-empty lines inside the paragraph. A paragraph in academic prose does not begin with a dot, a line or a kind of mark, except in special circumstances. Each body paragraph must normally have a topic sentence, and more than one sentence. Types of paragraphs. The introductory paragraph. There must be at least one...

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