Sitework was estimated with the following methodology and assumptions: Site Preparation: * There was no construction in the area, before Joe Redington Jr./Sr. Middle/High School, just medium trees and stumps * Six (6) auger holes were used on building’s area in order to investigate the subsurface
* For excavation and fill, the site was divided in homogeneous parts and an average elevation was established having in mind the final grade. The amount of existing ground to be excavated or filled was estimated by the average end area method; * A 25% swell factor was used and a 15% shrinkage factor was used; * Trenches were excavated through building’s and pipe’s perimeters in order to do the footing and accommodate pipes; * Screened bank run gravel was utilized as bedding for pipes and conduits to support the earth load; * The land was graded according to its final characteristics: areas to be paved with grader; areas under slab; sloped areas; * Geotextile was used in the field area to control the rolled erosion.
Underground Utilities: * According to a brief research, Southcentral frost line is between 4 and 6 ft. Once Wasilla is located near the ocean, frost line was considered around 4 feet under the floor. Having this in mind, water pipe, storm drain pipe and sewer pipe were placed at 5 ft bellow grade; * For water and sewer pipe high density polyethylene was used. For storm drain pipe, corrugated polyethylene pipe was used, as specified in project. Bases, Ballasts, Pavements & Appurtenances: * For roads, sidewalks, parking lot, entry way, student drop off 2’’ asphalt pavement and 24’’ subbase was used; * For the building, 12’’ subbase was used; * For practice field, slopes, rain garden and event parking, 4’’ top soil was used; * A 2’’ asphalt and 12’’ subbase was used for bleach pad; * Curbs were estimated through both sides of sidewalk, road, parking and around the whole building.