...species can be transferred to another and produce an organism that is transgenic or a gene can be altered and reinserted into an individual of the same species. Either way resulting in genetically modified organism also known as GMO. One GMO being used now is genetically modified or engineered animals which are animals in which modern technology and molecular biology are used to alter their existing characteristics or traits. Genetically modified animals are used for various purposes the biggest one now is bio pharma meaning they are intended to produce substances that can be used for human or animal pharmaceuticals. There is also a development of genetically modified animals for the use of scarce cells, tissue, or organs for transplants into humans known as xenotransplantation such as organs from pigs who are a potential source of organs for transplant. The benefits genetically modified animals can produce depend entirely on the traits that are introduced, for example some animals can be made to grow faster and therefore requiring less food to sustain them other animals have improved fat composition providing a more healthful nutrient profile. As of now no genetic modified animal has been approved to be raised for food use in the U.S.A mostly genetically engineered animals are used for medical applications and medical research purposes. Social and ethical implications- The animal’s condition and overall welfare may not be taken into consideration when creating these genetically...
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...Table of contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 1. A brief description of the technology and an explanation of the associated science (Mariella Velasquez) ………………………………………………..……………. 3 2. Psychological considerations and sociological effects (Mariella Velasquez) …………. 3 3. The historical development and context of the technology (Wesley Rupe) …………. 13 4. Political and legal influences (Mark Young) (Not Complete) 5. Economic questions and considerations (Jawad Rana)………………………………….…… 21 6. The technology in its cultural context, media influence (Charles Taiwo) (Not Complete) 7. Implications for the environment (Charles Taiwo) (Not Complete) 8. Moral and ethical implications (Layli Stroia) ……………………………………………………..… 30 Outline A brief description of the technology and an explanation of the associated science Definition: What is Genetic Engineering? Genetic engineering (GE) is the process of manipulation of an organism genome to create a new DNA. The new DNA might be implanted in a totally different DNA species. It is widely used to create hybrids (some species are not able to naturally breed), correct genetic flows in any type of being. It is applied in fields such as agriculture, industrial, medicine and pharmaceutical. (Aldridge, 1996). As Primrose explained, gene manipulation involves the creation and cloning of artificially created DNA (recombinant DNA) that provides with DNA...
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...Part IV Katie Schulz Mrs. Polski Modern Problems May 2, 2013 Introduction~ Animal experimentation began in the early 3rd and 4th centuries BCE with the Greeks performing the first experiments on living animals. Ever since these early periods there has been a search to answer the question of whether animal testing is ethical. This question is proposed due to the suffering of animals during medical experimentation. Veterinarian, Peter M. Henrickson, found this to be the case in his experience during a veterinary class. The research began on Rodney a shepherd mix. “The first thing we did was neuter him, a seemingly benign project, except it took us an hour to complete the usual 20-minute procedure, and an anesthetic overdose kept him out for 36 hours. Afterward, he recovered his strength quickly and felt good” (Henrickson, Par. 4). They then proceeded to do an abdominal exploratory, opening his abdomen and then closing him again. “This was the first major surgery for any of us, and, with inadequate supervision, we did not close him properly. By the next morning, his incision had opened and he was sitting on his small intestine. Hastily, we sewed him up again, and he survived. But it was a week or more before he could resume walks he had come to eagerly anticipate” (Henrickson, Par. 6). After Rodney’s slow recovery they once again put him under anesthesia. “We broke his leg and repaired it with a steel pin. After this, Rodney seemed in almost constant pain, his temperature...
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...ANIMAL PROCEDURES COMMITTEE REVIEW OF COST-BENEFIT ASSESSMENT IN THE USE OF ANIMALS IN RESEARCH JUNE 2003 REPORT OF THE COST-BENEFIT WORKING GROUP OF THE ANIMAL PROCEDURES COMMITTEE PREFACE Letter to the Minister from Michael Banner, Chair of the Animal Procedures Committee 17 June 2003 Dear Ms Flint ANIMAL PROCEDURES COMMITTEE: RECOMMENDATIONS ON COST-BENEFIT ASSESSMENT UNDER THE ANIMALS (SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES) ACT 1986 On behalf of the Animal Procedures Committee I enclose the Committee’s report on cost-benefit assessment. In it we address the adequacy of the current cost-benefit assessment performed in the course of evaluating project licence applications. We have sought to look at the many issues which arise in relation to this important element of the regulation of the use of animals, but would draw attention to three particular aspects of our work. In the first place we have addressed the fundamental question as to scientific validity of the use of animals. We believe that our considerations and conclusions offer an important clarification of the debate and fulfil the request made by your predecessor, Mike O’Brien, to provide advice on this issue. Secondly, while we conclude that some uses of animals may yield scientific knowledge, we argue that this does not settle the question of justification. We go on to elucidate the full range of factors which must be considered for there to be a rigorous application of the cost-benefit assessment. Thirdly, we also consider how...
Words: 56267 - Pages: 226
...Genetically Modified Crops- A Sociological Study Group project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Course Introduction to Sociology and Social Anthropology Course Code DC01 BA Social Sciences Submitted by Aashna Singh (100115) Priyanshu Barodia (100301) Abhishek Kumar (100564) Rupam (100568) Aila Bandagi (100277) Sashwatha Sridhar (100288) Kiran Johnson (100019) Souparna .V (100090) Minakshi Patel (100362) Vibhor Choudhary (100485) Tata Institute of Social Sciences Hyderabad 2012-13 CONTENTS * Introduction ……4 * GM Crops-What, How and Why? ……5 * Technology Used ……7 a. BT Technology b. Recombinant DNA technology c. Terminator Gene Technology * Health Impacts- ……9 a. Deaths and Near Deaths b. Viral and Bacterial Illness c. Cancer and Degenerative Diseases d. Antibiotic Threats...
Words: 9544 - Pages: 39
...What is Cloning? Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. Every single bit of their DNA is identical. Clones can happen naturally—identical twins are just one of many examples. Or they can be made in the lab. Below, find out how natural identical twins are similar to and different from clones made through modern cloning technologies. How Is Cloning Done? Many people first heard of cloning when Dolly the Sheep showed up on the scene in 1997. Artificial cloning technologies have been around for much longer than Dolly, though. There are two ways to make an exact genetic copy of an organism in a lab: artificial embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer. 1. Artificial Embryo Twinning Artificial embryo twinning is a relatively low-tech way to make clones. As the name suggests, this technique mimics the natural process that creates identical twins. In nature, twins form very early in development when the embryo splits in two. Twinning happens in the first days after egg and sperm join, while the embryo is made of just a small number of unspecialized cells. Each half of the embryo continues dividing on its own, ultimately developing into separate, complete individuals. Since they developed from the same fertilized egg, the resulting individuals are genetically identical. Artificial embryo twinning uses the same approach, but it is carried out in a Petri dish instead of inside the mother. A very early embryo is separated into individual cells, which are allowed...
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... 19 Cultural/Media Influence (Kaneka Jackson)………………………….…..…………….. 24 Environmental Implications (Gene Kim)……..….….…..….….……….……………..... Moral/Ethical Implications (Gene Kim)………………..….…….….…….………....... References…..….…..…….…….…….…….…..…….……..…..….…..…….…….…. Introduction The world is forever changing. New technologies are being introduced and discovered as generations grow and the need for basic food items is increased. Technology is involved in every facet of our lives. It is used continuously every day whether it be waking up to an alarm clock, watching TV that you recorded on a digital video recorder, brushing your teeth with a mechanical toothbrush, or using your GPS navigation system when going to your latest vacation destination. The latest technology has made it possible for people to communicate with others all over the world in both audio and video formats. Scientists are continuously looking for ways to make living easier and more productive. They are looking for solutions to world hunger, new medical advances to cure cancer and other diseases plaguing the world, and ways to make our society a healthier place to live. In this research paper, we will be discussing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and their contributions to these causes. We will be examining the history, political, moral, ethical, and many other ways that GMOs have influenced everyday living. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)...
Words: 12380 - Pages: 50
...Chapter 1: Ethical Theory Meta-ethical positions include: * Ethical non-cognitivism (concept that ethics is a matter of feelings) * Ethical relativism (concept that ethics is relative to a particular point of view) * Ethical objectivism (notion that ethics is objective in nature). Meta-Ethical Positions Ethical Non-cognitivism The basis of ethical non-cognitivism is that ethical disagreement can be a highly emotional affair where no amount of reasoning is likely to convince the other party. * Example: “Let’s just agree to disagree” Ethical Relativism * Ethical relativism says that while ethical statements are cognitively meaningful, they do not hold in any objective sense because they depend on our point of view. * If we accept ethical relativism, then ethical disagreement among people who do not share the same perspective becomes impossible. * It assumes that if people agree on something, then it must be true. * Ethical relativism is suspect for a pragmatic reason: it is fundamentally at variance with our social practice. * Example: “To each his own”, or the belief that what’s right for one group isn’t necessarily right for another Ethical Objectivism * Ethical objectivism holds that right and wrong are objective phenomena. * Example: “I’m right and you’re wrong” What is Ethics? * As a discipline, ethics is a branch of philosophy. * It deals with questions of right and wrong conduct, and with what we ought to do and what...
Words: 23725 - Pages: 95
...Bookmarks tab on the left side of this window. ***************************************************** We are the last. The last generation to be unaugmented. The last generation to be intellectually alone. The last generation to be limited by our bodies. We are the first. The first generation to be augmented. The first generation to be intellectually together. The first generation to be limited only by our imaginations. We stand both before and after, balancing on the razor edge of the Event Horizon of the Singularity. That this sublime juxtapositional tautology has gone unnoticed until now is itself remarkable. We're so exquisitely privileged to be living in this time, to be born right on the precipice of the greatest paradigm shift in human history, the only thing that approaches the importance of that reality is finding like minds that realize the same, and being able to make some connection with them. If these books have influenced you the same way that they have us, we invite your contact at the email addresses listed below. Enjoy, Michael Beight, piman_314@yahoo.com Steven Reddell, cronyx@gmail.com Here are some new links that we’ve found interesting: KurzweilAI.net News articles, essays, and discussion on the latest topics in technology and accelerating intelligence. SingInst.org The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence: think tank devoted to increasing Humanity’s odds of experiencing a safe, beneficial Singularity. Many interesting articles on such...
Words: 237133 - Pages: 949