...ORGANIZATIONAL BULLYING: ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EMAIL By Ruth Ragatz Dr. Fritz COMM 494W-75 October 12, 2013 ORGANIZATIONAL BULLYING: ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EMAIL Introduction I. United Healthcare – The assessment A. Determine the “Good” of the Organization 1. Historical Moment A. Dwelling Place B. Community of Memory B. Multiplicity of communication ethics 1. Define Communication Ethics for United Healthcare 2. Organizational Culture 3. Power and Leadership A. High Power B. Monological arrogance C. Dialogic Ethics 1. 2. 3. 4. Attentiveness Ground of Self Ground of Other Dialogic Civility II. United Healthcare – The analysis A. Codes, Procedures, guidelines 1. Internet Ethics A. Dehumanization B. Fair and equal opportunity C. Formal code of Ethics 2. Contextual Communication Ethics A. Eye of the Beholder B. Culture, Diversity, and communication B. Democratic Communication ethics 1. The habit of search 2. The habit of justice 3. The habit of preferring public to private motivations 4. The habit for respect for dissent A. Interpersonal Responsibility B. Accountability 1. Evaluation and the Good Conclusion 2 Ruth Ragatz Dr. Fritz COMM 494W-75 October 12, 2013 ORGANIZATIONAL BULLYING: ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EMAIL In the 21st century, organizations have benefitted from technological advances such as; the internet, mobile phones, computers, instant messaging, and even the ability for employees to work in cyberspace...
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...The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture Laurita M Jones, MBA, MSA Walden University The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture Leaders have a profound impact on their organization and how well their teams perform. Thus, organizational leadership plays an influential role in shaping culture and culture in return forms administration. As a leadership perception, corporate culture has been acknowledged as one of the various elements that leaders can utilize to enhance a dynamic business. The process of establishing the cultural foundation of a company begins with the appointed leadership of organizations. They do so by enforcing their assumptions and expectations of organizational culture onto their followers. High-level superiors are the major sources for communicating norms and core values in organizations. Therefore, it is imperative that leaders convey the organization leadership and cultural principles to their followers for utilizing their leadership powers to support and preserve an organizational culture that is ethical and healthy. With the attentiveness to culture in today’s business entities, and its resilient influence on the behavior of subordinates, leaders in company’s can produce a culture that supports high moral and ethical behavior. The subsequent analysis of leadership and organizational culture will attempt to discuss several mechanisms of leadership, and the role leadership plays in shaping the culture of an organization...
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...The ethics of leadership rests upon three pillars: (1) the moral character of the leader, (2) the ethical values embedded in the leader’s vision, articulation, and program which followers either embrace or reject, and (3) the morality of the processes of social ethical choice and action that leaders and followers engage in and collectively pursue. Research suggests that successful ethics management depends less on formal ethics programs and more on employees' fairness perceptions, ethical leadership at all levels, and the alignment of multiple formal and informal cultural systems to support ethical conduct. To the extent that Human Resource systems invoke fairness evaluations, Human Resource managers design leadership training, and Human Resource systems help to create and maintain organizational culture, Human Resource professionals must play a key role in ethics management. Research has found that employees' perceptions of fairness are equally or more important than other factors in terms of their influence on ethics-related outcomes. Fair treatment is so important because employees who perceive unfair treatment will rebalance the scales of justice by harming the organization. Employees who perceive fair treatment, on the other hand, will reciprocate by going above and beyond the call of duty to help management (by reporting ethical problems, for example). To ensure that employees feel they are treated fairly, it is important to design Human Resource systems and interventions...
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...Ethics during Change Ethics, according to dictionary.com is a system of moral principles (the ethics of a culture), the rules of conduct recognized in respect to human actions of a particular group or culture (medical ethics, law enforcement ethics), or the moral principles of an individual. Further definition says that ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the values related to human conduct in respect to the rights and wrongs of certain behavior (Dictionary.com, 2014). Ethics in the workplace is something that is a system of moral principles, or how a workplace culture views what is acceptable and what is not. In this article, we will discuss ethics and their effects during a change implementation, most importantly, how they change with the ever-changing business environment. Despite the hundreds of pages in an organizations code of conduct manuals, ethics, and the ethical culture is something that is often over looked during a change implementation. With everything that is changing in the business environment, often ethics and morals is the last thing management and upper echelon management tends to overlook. When the business changes, everything changes, including the culture of the environment. In the event of an environmental culture change, workplace ethics will have to change along with it. Ethics and Change During the initial stages of change, there is always resistance to change. One perceived reason of resistance to change is the perceived clash with...
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...Leadership – The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals ➢ Management – Use of authority inherent in designated formal rank to obtain compliance from organizational members ➢ Both are necessary for organizational success A leader does not have to be someone who holds a formal position or title. They can emerge from a group and provide vision and motivation to those around them. Management deals with the complexity of the organization and works with planning, organizing, leading and controlling to bring about order and consistency in the organization. Trait Theories of Leadership ➢ Theories that consider personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from nonleaders ➢ Not very useful until matched with the Big Five Personality Framework ➢ Essential Leadership Traits – Extroversion – Conscientiousness – Openness – Emotional Intelligence (Qualified) ➢ Traits can predict leadership, but they are better at predicting leader emergence than effectiveness. Behavioral Theories of Leadership ➢ Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders ➢ Differences between theories of leadership: – Trait theory: leadership is inherent, so we must identify the leader based on his or her traits – Behavioral theory: leadership is a skill set and can be taught to anyone, so we must identify...
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...The role of Leadership in Organizational Integrity, and five modes of Ethical Leadership Components of Ethical Leadership. Ethical leadership begins with the way leaders perceive and conceptualize the world around them. Ethical leadership, organizational ethics, and social responsibility are inseparable concepts. They are developing concepts, to be sure, but inseparable. How ethical leaders relate to and come to understand the world around them involves judgment and action. These can be developed. In sum, the leader's role is to guide the human potential of the organization's stakeholders to achieve organizational aspirations in ways that liberate rather constrain their imaginations and judgment. Ethical leadership must, then, be effective, efficient, and excellent if it is not to waste human potential. It is not enough to be ethical in one's individual actions to be an ethical leader. To be effective, efficient, and excellent, four components of ethical leadership must be understood and developed: purpose, knowledge, authority, and trust. The relationship between these four components can be visualized as interrelated components, as described in the figure opposite. Attention to any one component alone is incomplete and misleading. * Purpose-The ethical leader reasons and acts with organizational purposes firmly in mind. This provides focus and consistency. * Knowledge-The ethical leader has the knowledge to judge and act prudently. This knowledge is found...
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...1.0 Introduction Leadership can be defined as the process in which leaders influence their followers to achieve predefined organisational goals (Yukl, 2010). A leader is a person who the subordinates look up to for advices, guidance and also to make decisions which will benefit not only the ones directly involved, but everybody else as well. A leader is an important figure in an organisation because the way the subordinates perform will be the reflection of their leader’s calibre. Therefore, to ensure employees and other staff members to behave and comply with business ethics, the leader must set a good example to them by being ethical. This can also be known as ethical leadership. Brown, Trevino & Harrison (2005) has defined ethical leadership as it being the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct, shown through personal actions and interpersonal relationships and also the promotion of those conduct to the followers via a two-way communication, reinforcement and decision making. With that definition, it can be said that leaders play a very important role in ensuring that their subordinates behave and act ethically because they are their role model and whatever they do or say are being watched by their subordinates, whether they are aware of it or not. Subordinates, employees, they all watch how their leader acts and react both consciously and unconsciously (Huhtala, Kangas, Lamsa & Feldt, 2011), thus picking up habits and also making their leaders’ actions into...
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...examine leadership behaviours especially Ethical Leadership as it impacts the third sector organizations’ performance. This chapter is comprised of reviewed literature regarding leadership, ethical leadership and the third sector organisations. Specifically, this chapter will be broken down into (a) Leadership (b) leadership behaviours (c) ethical leadership in the Third Sector (d) Organisation Performance (e) the impact of ethical Leadership in the third sector’s performance. 2.1 LEADERSHIP Leadership is one of the world’s oldest preoccupation. The understanding of leadership has figured strongly in the quest for knowledge (Bass 1990). Purposeful stories have been told through the generations about leaders’ competencies, ambitions, and shortcomings; leaders’ rights and privileges; and the leaders’ duties and obligations. A review of relevant literature has uncovered many different definitions of leadership. Leadership remains one of the most relevant aspects of organizational context (Nwokocha 2011). For more than five decades ago, the term leadership has been a researchable topic. Mostly, the research work focuses on issues of quality of leadership, ability of a leader, or leadership effectiveness, or leadership styles (Daft 2008, Bass 1990, Erez et al 2001 & Yukl 2006) Stogdill (1974, p. 259) stated that “ there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept” and Yukl (2006) highlighted that leadership is a...
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...The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture Douglas E. Kronk Walden University Abstract Leadership’s role in shaping a healthy organizational climate has many facets. Both leadership and organizational culture are difficult concepts to define, as many researchers have chosen to define each in various ways. For the purposes of this paper, I examine leadership as a process that guides both leaders and followers to a common goal, that being a shared culture that binds the members together in a healthy and productive climate. I present several leadership factors that play an important role in shaping a healthy organizational culture. The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture One of the most critical roles of a leader is to create and maintain a healthy culture in his or her organization. This needs to happen at all levels of an organization, so the responsibility rests with all levels of leadership, from the most senior executives down to the first line supervisor. Culture represents the organization’s personality and has a critical influence on both employee satisfaction and organizational success. While every organization has a culture, it is often misunderstood by the members of the organization due to various interpretations between departments or divisions, both laterally and hierarchically. While some variation may be necessary to meet business demands in larger organizations, it is important for all organizations, both large...
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...Planning Planning is a management function that involves defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve the goals and developing activities to combine and organize activities. The main 4 reasons for planning is it provide direction, reduce uncertainty, minimise waste and set standard rules. Provide direction to managers and non-managers. When employees know where the organisation or work unit is going and what they must contribute, they can coordinate their activities and cooperate with each other to achieve the goals of the organization. Reduce uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate and consider the impact of change, and develop appropriate responses. Minimises waste and redundancy by planning work activities early and when means and ends are made clear through planning, inefficiencies can be eliminated. Set standards in controlling by developing goals and plans. Actual performances are compared with goals through controlling and correct actions are taken. Planning and performance resulted in positive relationship which produce high profits for the company. The combination of planning and implementing results in better yields. Sometimes environmental factors such as government rules constrain the outcome and reduce the impact of planning. Without planning, there would not be anything to organize or control, it involves 2 main elements: Goals and Plan. Goals are the outcome of individual or group organizations. Often referred as objectives. It...
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...Globalization Effects on Culture, Business Ethics, and Leadership: A Managerial View Introduction The world’s economy has developed and changed dramatically throughout the years and continues to do so. We are quickly moving away from a world where each country’s economy is isolated and more towards a world with an interdependent global economic system. This interdependent global economic system is commonly referred to as globalization (Saee 2005). The book written by John Saee, Managing Organizations in a Global Economy: An Intercultural Perspective, suggests that the growth of global trade, cross-border investments, mass migration, large-scale tourism, and much more has turned the world into more of a “global village” (Saee 2005). While globalization has effected nearly every aspect of human civilization, it has created some very serious concerns for managers whose organizations and firms already are or are planning to be involved in business transactions that take place outside of their domestic environment. If companies and corporations want to be successful in today’s economy, then it is important for managers to have a thorough knowledge and understanding of different types of cultures, business ethics, and ways of leadership, and the implications that these differences will have on their businesses. In this paper, we will discuss the effects that globalization has had on managers with respect to culture, business ethics, and leadership. Culture Globalization has caused...
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...Introduction of the relationship between leadership and ethics. First, leadership is a process that is not specifically a function of the person in charge. Leadership is a function of individual wills and individual needs, and the result of the dynamics of collective will organized to meet those various needs. Second, leadership is a process of adaption and of evolution; it is a process of dynamic exchange and the interchanges of value. Leadership is deviation from convention. Third, leadership is a process of energy, not structure. In this way, leadership is different from management-managers pursue stability, while leadership is all about change (Barker 2001, p.491). In organizational terms, as in life in general, ethics are beliefs about what is right or wrong, they provide a basis for judging the appropriateness of behavior and they guide people in their dealings with other individuals, groups and organizations, managers are witnessing to those right and wrongs. (Khar, Praveen & Aggarwal,2011; Hansen, 2011). As Wines (2008, p.484) commented: ‘At bedrock, those who profess ethics believe that human beings are autonomous moral actors capable of making meaningful choices’. 6Approaches to ethics tend to fall into one of two philosophical camps: the consequentialist (teleological) and the non-consequentialist (deontological) (Pettit2003; Harper et al, 1996). Consequentialists argue that ethical values are meaningless unless they are actively promoted. For consequentialists...
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...Organization Culture DQ1) 1. Who defines what the culture is in an organization and what are the components of a culture? Most successful businesses develop strategies that include their mission, vision, and values, with the confidence that their employees follow the organization's standards. These guidelines should define the culture the organization would like to establish. The leaders who hope to implement an essential retreat from the "norm" in an organization will must influence and lastly amend the culture of an organization. The main components of culture include language and communication style, customs, land, family relationships, gender roles, religion, political power, racism, scarceness and economic concerns. 2. What role does the organization’s culture play in defining, encouraging, and maintaining an ethical standards model? The culture role in defining, encouraging and maintaining an ethical culture within an organization is supreme and paramount. If one admits the role of a manager or leader in an organization, he or she should expect to be held to the highest principles of honesty and ethical behavior. Organization’s administrators are responsible for emerging and maintaining the ethical culture through, effective leadership, severe-hiring practices, ethical based training, well-expressed programs, responsibility, and the identification and recognition of insubordinate subcultures. 3. Review the attached file diagram for Sequential Theory. Does...
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...Rise and Fall of Carly Fiorina Introduction Johnson’s article demonstrates why Carly Fiorina failed as an Ethical Leader of the HewlettPackard Company for five years up to 2005. Johnson’s argument concentrates on Fiorina’s role as a moral person rather than as a moral manager and provides considerable behavioural trait failures by Fiorina, supported by plenty of anecdotal evidence to support his claim. Johnson identifies Fiorina’s leadership direction was set by the Board of HP, found that the Board itself had been unethical, and the Board did little to influence or change this direction until the penultimate days of Fiorina’s tenure. The article fails to recognise that Fiorina’s “fall” was ultimately caused by her failure to improve the bottom line. But recognises that her poor performance as an ethical Leader had left her without sufficient support to allow her to complete her radical changes. The ethical Leader construct used here, could be considered to be inadequate to comprehensively assess Fiorina’s leadership, and highlights a need for a more integrated construct/s covering commonly shared behaviours. This essay discusses the addition of change-oriented leadership behaviour to task-oriented and relationship –oriented leadership constructs to overcome this limitation. Elements of leadership Johnson (p. 188) focusses on Fiorina’s ethical leadership behaviours (Brown , et al., 2005) to justify his judgement that Fiorina was a bad leader of Hewlett-Packard...
Words: 1988 - Pages: 8
...The Effect of Organizational Culture The organizational culture is very important to every person, especially to someone that works in a professional environment. Recognizing and acknowledging a firm’s organizational culture, its benefits and weaknesses before starting employment is one of the most important necessities. This helps a person to find out if they might be a good fit for the company and if that company will satisfy their personal values and beliefs. For me, as a future accountant in the professional public firm, some of the most important characteristics are ethical values and their practices within the company. I am very interested in learning how ethical values promoted by professional accountants’ impact organizational culture, how organizational culture affects accountants’ ethical judgments and how espoused organizational cultures influence public accounting firms. To analyze and look deeper into these issues, I evaluated and studied the following articles: Daniela, Ţogoe Greti, Mateş Dorel, and Mănescu Dragotoiu Mileva Valentina. Impact of Ethical Values Promoted by Professional Accountants on the Organizational Culture. Annals of the University Of Oradea, Economic Science Series 22.1 (2013): 1280-1285. Douglas, Patricia Casey, Ronald A. Davidson, and Bill N. Schwartz. The Effect of Organizational Culture and Ethical Orientation on Accountants' Ethical Judgments. Journal of Business Ethics 34.2 (2001): 101-121. Holmes, Scott, and Stephen Marsden...
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