...Results of my Ethical Lens Inventory and Career Plan Building Activity: Aptitude My results in the Ethical Lens Inventory and Career Plan Building Activity: Reasoning Aptitude, came as no surprise. I feel that they both reflect my personality along with how I academically do things. I believe these both will help me in the near future. I think my results in the Ethical Lens Inventory had a great perspective of who I am. My ethical behavior is doing the right thing, which I agree, because I hold strong standards for myself. My values, core and classical, state that I see how the community as one should work together in order to achieve the best outcome. I also value the individual balance as I seek to satisfy my duties. I have strong balance with no blind spot, and I make ethical choices for myself and others. I like my results in, Tools for analyzing problems because, I use critical thinking skills, which I believe is a huge part of life. You have to use critical thinking with almost everything you decide. I also have a good sight in seeing things clearly. I listen to my heart, use my head, and act with confidence. I think my personal Ethical Lens directs my academic behavior in many ways. You need to be honest and treat everyone with respect. I believe that my Ethical Lens states that because, I value the community with autonomy and equality equally. Also as stated in paragraph two, doing the right thing plays a part in academic behavior because it shows honesty and commitment...
Words: 515 - Pages: 3
...Ethical Lens Inventory Results |[pic] |Ethical Lens Inventory Report for LATONYA CAIN | | |www.EthicsGame.com | | |GameMaster@EthicsGame.com | [pic][pic] [pic] |[pic] | |[|Rights Lens |Relationship Lens |[| |p| | |p| |i| | |i| |c| | |c| |]| | |]| | | | | | | | | | | | |Results Lens |Reputation Lens | | |[pic] | Your personal preferred lens is: Rights and Responsibility and Relationship Lens You use your reasoning skills (rationality) to determine both the universal rules that each person should follow (autonomy) and the processes that will...
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...The result of my “Ethical Lens Inventory” were that I use rational reasoning skills to determine both, the universal rules that each person should follow and the processes that will ensure fairness and justice for all in the community. What this means is that I like to gather all the information, research all available options, and think things through carefully before I make a decision. I also like to make sure my decisions are equally fair and beneficial to everyone, regardless of the time that it may take. These are the same skills that I use academically as well. I like to make sure that I complete all my assignments with well thought out, researched and prepared material. I will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible material, again, no matter how long it takes. The results of my “Ethical Lens Inventory” show that I am a critical thinker by nature. Again by me carefully analyzing, researching, and thoroughly thinking things through to come up with the best possible solution. I have always believed that it is only fair that I give a problem or situation my all, regardless whether it is for work, personal or academically. The results of my “Reasoning Abilities” in My Career Plan Building Activity were on the same lines as my “Ethical Lens Inventory”. I am a person that works well in careers where success comes from apply practical skills and where thinking is used mostly to solve problems. It also states that I am likely to be attracted to...
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...My Responses to the Questions Asked 1. Describe your ethical perspectives as identified by the Ethical Lens inventory, including your blind spot, strengths, weaknesses, and values My blind spot in not caring for others as I should, I typical care for myself and leave them to defend themselves. I am prudence and very much afraid of failure, even when failure is not an option. Knowing I will fail but never get up was a good tip to know, I was afraid for a second because refuse to fail. 2. Define what personal ethics means to you and how you apply it within the workplace Personal ethics means you outside of work and what affects you. This goes beyond your job and pretty much comes from home or deal with family in particular. You can apply this to your workplace by taking the good part of the personal parts, that’s positive and use them to get your job done. 3. Select one of the following scenarios. Explain how your personal ethics might help you determine a course of action in this situation. You have been sick all week and did not submit your weekly assignment. It is now Sunday night at 10:30 p.m. and you have to write a 1,050-word paper for your final assignment. You know you will not have time to complete it and you also know you cannot submit work late on the last week of class. Your grade will suffer if you do not get it turned in tonight and you might lose your scholarship. You notice a paper for sale online on your topic. Do you buy it and submit it as...
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...University of Phoenix Material Outline and Introductory Paragraph Worksheet Create an outline and introductory paragraph in preparation for writing a complete Personal Plan due in Week Five. Use the following information to assist you with the content of your outline and introductory paragraph: • Ethical Lens Inventory results • Career Interests Profiler results • Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies results • Your SMART goals, including those identified in the University of Phoenix Material: Goal Setting Use the following to assist you with the writing of your outline: • Sample Outline in the CWE • MyFoundationsLab: The Writing Process • MyFoundationsLab: Prewriting Outline: Introduction 1. Topic a. Subtopic b. Subtopic 2. Topic a. Subtopic b. Subtopic Use the following to assist you with the writing of your introductory paragraph: • MyFoundationsLab: Developing and Organizing a Paragraph • MyFoundationsLab: The Topic Sentence • MyFoundationsLab: Recognizing a Paragraph Introductory Paragraph: Outline: Introduction 1. Study Habits a. Time Management b. Study Areas 2. Reading Habits a. Comprehension b. Distractions Introductory Paragraph: My study habits for college by far have been substandard. I need to improve on my overall study habits. I will have to create and stay...
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...Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection Andrew P. Fields US/101 April 16, 2013 Nakia Samuel Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection In this paper I will be discussing key concepts based on my ethical lens inventory. I will be explaining my ethical lens and academic behavior, along with; how my ethical lens influences these things. I will also be discussing the results of my reasoning aptitude, and how my ethical lens and reasoning aptitude will help me in the classroom and workplace. I feel the results of my ethical lens inventory are very valuable in determining who I am as a person. This is very interesting to me to know that my ethical lens reflects me perfectly as a person. For my core values, I value sensibility and follow my heart to make prudent choices, and I use rationality before anger. I agree with my key phrase results about making choices good for everyone. I feel that I am compassionate and free willed. My blind spot; WOW! This is very interesting. Yes I do sometimes set goals that are optimistic. As my wife says; “I am optimistic, and she is a realist.” This is very true for me. For my vise I feel everyone has a little greed in their life. Thankfully my compassion rules over my greed for the most part. My crisis is very deep and spot on. I don’t have very many friends, and I feel it is for the reasons that my ethical lens says. I do feel...
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...Ethical Decision Making Throughout the course of this term, I was introduced to a plethora of new Information. Initially, we were taught that there are a series of different ethical lenses that can be used in decision making. There are four different Lenses, they are: 1. Rights Lens. In this Lens, the core point for decision making is “An action is ethical if I fulfill my duties and do the right thing as I claim my individual rights.” – (Ethical Lens Inventory.) 2. Relationship Lens. In this Lens, the core point for decision making is “An action is ethical if it supports a framework for continuous systemic ethical improvement for both the organization and the institutions supporting it.”- (Ethical Lens Inventory.) 3. Results Lens. In this Lens, the core decision making point is “An action is ethical if good ends – good results – come from the action.” – (Ethical Lens Inventory.) 4. Reputation Lens. In this Lens, the core decision making point is “An action is ethical if it is consistent with the habitual development of sound character traits including habits of thoughtful reflection, good intentions and noble human virtues.” – (Ethical Lens Inventory.) After completing different ethical scenarios using the different lenses, my preferred lens is the right and responsibility lens. What is interesting about this is the fact that it was predicted that this was indeed my preferred lens after completing the Ethical Lens Inventory. Throughout my working career, I’ve found that...
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...Juanita Johnson GEN/200 March 4, 2012 Personal Ethical Statement My preferred ethical lens is Rights and Responsibility lens centering toward rationality. I have the ability to identify my obligations, my duties, as well as, rights in the situation. This ethical lens taught me not to comfort anyone with a problem without going to the head first. Saying, if I was to see a co-worker stealing I should go to the boss or supervisor before confronting the person. The blind spots I have with the inventory are the Relationship and Reputation lens. From the evaluation I learned that I’m more focused on the Rights and Responsibility lens as well as the Results lens, that I am not allowing myself to see and evaluate the bigger picture of a situation. It teaches me that I’m willing to forgive a person for wrong doing whether approving the situation for results. I also learned to focus on the process and the system needed for an ethical organization. The Relationship lens give me the right to voice, notice, and have contracts honored. The strength I gained from this inventory I have the ability to make people happy. According to the Results lens, I tend to be a realist and acknowledge the very human frailties that we all have. I consider my weakness to be in the Reputation lens. The ethical coach thinks I need more understanding with the four core virtues in this lens. These virtues include: (a) Integrity, (b) Contributory Justice, (c) Retributive Justice, and (d) moral...
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...Critical thinking and ethics Noella Lubin GEN201 07/13/2015 PAMELA BREITUNG The relationship between critical thinking and ethics . Critical thinking plays a huge role in ethics. Critical thinking is thinking clearly, thinking fairly, thinking rationally, thinking objectively, and thinking independently (Braithwaite, 2006). Ethics is moral principles that govern a person or group behavior and the rule of conduct. Critical thinking is a form of fiction and identifying the unknown (Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Burgess, 2013). Critical thinking develops a mental process of evaluation that helps to determine their ethical standards. By incorporating the critical thinking process into their mindset, it enables you to more efficiently to make a decision based on truths and verified information rather than the unknown. There are steps to take in regards to thinking critically, and you should follow them as listed to make a rational decision. Step one (Knowledge), Being able to identify what is being said. Step two (comprehension) understanding the material, you make the knowledge that you acquired your own by relating it to what you already know. The better involve, the better you comprehend. Step three. (Apply) Know what you have read, heard, seen and understand it and carry out some task to implement what you comprehend to an actual situation. Step four (analysis) breakdown...
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... which are nurtured by an individual and are influenced by both society standards and personal experiences. I found the information provided by my Ethical Lens Inventory to be very informative. According to the Ethical Lens Inventory, it states that my preferred ethical lens is the Results Lens. That means I tend to listen to my intuition to determine the greatest good for each individual. My definition of an ethical person is one who makes responsible choices that benefit everyone involved at the same time. I have a tendency to seek “win-win” results for everyone, even in complex situations. My blind spot is being satisfied with too little good, which means that sometimes I fail to be accountable to those who are depending on me when I exercise my free will. If I have satisfied my own needs I have a tendency to become complacent and leaving problems unresolved in the long run. For me, this is completely true. Meanwhile, everyone else is left to fend for him or herself. My strengths are I prioritize the value of autonomy over equality, which I believe is the best way to ensure everyone is treated fairly and I value sensibility over rationality because I believe examining each situation in its own context rather than treating all situations with the same solution achieves results. My weakness according to the Ethical Lens Inventory is becoming too greedy. That means if I fail to exercise free will responsibly, my healthy pursuit of good for all can change into an excuse for taking...
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...or ethics as you would say. The choices we make should be driven by our own beliefs not influenced by someone else. Ethical Lens Inventory After reviewing my personal Ethical Lens Inventory, it proved me right. The Ethical Lens Inventory stated that my personal preferred lens is nothing, which is right. It stated that I use my reasoning skills to determine my duties, as well as rules and the systems that will assure fairness and justice for everyone. Also the definition of ethical behavior in this inventory explained I define an ethical person as one who does the right thing, said I hold this high a standard for myself, but do not judge others who fall short, and that’s not wrong. Values and Behaviors I always assumed my ethical viewpoint is that everything should be fair. In the lens inventory I learned that one of my weaknesses is that I trust too much; I have too much justice for people. I usually forget that not everyone deserves equal access as much as I would like everyone to have that no everyone deserves that. I found out that one of my strengths is that since I believe everyone deserves an equal chance I do my best work for what is just right for everyone, I believe in finding solutions to things no matter what it takes. Conclusion In this five week class I realized that I am very happy with the person I am today and the ethical lens inventory helped me understand that even better. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and I am glad I know...
Words: 382 - Pages: 2
...Introduction This document covers the ethical leadership traits and self-evaluation of ethical leadership based on ethical leadership inventory. A1. Ethical leadership traits In following section, I have covered some of the ethical leadership traits of Mr. Kenneth Chennault, Chairman and CEO of American Express. Kenneth began his career in American Express as a consultant and promoted to the top position in corporate ladder as CEO and Chairman, with his constant ethical leadership practices. According to interview published by Collis, C (2014), Kenneth articulated below key career incidences which really shaped his career as ethical leader and helped him promoted to the top position in American Express. Integrity and Trust: Integrity is the fundamental and key principle of ethical leadership. As per Kenneth, integrity means consistency of words and action and to build the trust in people leader needs to exhibit consistency of word and action. Kenneth was able to build the trust in 150 year old, bureaucratic organization by consistently delivering on what he promised and able to motivate people for bigger vision in the interest of the company. Vison: After assuming CEO position, Kenneth articulated clear and galvanizing vision for American Express. In 1980, he turned around the merchandize business process by supplying and distributing it through mails. He expressed and convinced his vision for more flexible and sustainable delivery process to key departments in American...
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...Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection Introduction to University Studies/101 September 08, 2013 Angie Dorrell Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection The results in the Ethical Lens Inventory and Career Plan Building Activity: Reasoning Aptitude both worked in concert to give me an overall view of my moral and ethical outlook in an academic and professional capacity. I utilized these two test to aid in fortifying my strengths and recognizing and building on my weakness. The Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) determined my preferred lens as Rights and Responsibilities and my Core Values as Autonomy and Rationality/Sensibility. Combined these results state the truth of the range of my moral capacity. ELI summarizes my definition of ethical behavior as one who fulfills their duties as an individual and responsible adult who makes responsible choices that benefit the community. I am an individual first and part of the community second, but in all things I seek truth, justice, fairness, and equality. The Your Gift section of the Inventory best describes my view of what everybody should bring to any situation, Self-Knowledge and Free Will. I use my resources and skills to gather and verify information and truth for myself and use it in accordance with what is right and true. Every coin has two sides. The Inventory’s negative traits state I’m can become greedy or judgmental and in my quest to my “Responsible Self” I could face failure, exhaustion, and a lack of satisfaction in the goals...
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...Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethical Leadership C206 April 4th, 2015 Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethics is the guiding force in any respectable organization. With a moral compass, especially in the leadership of organization, a company can become compromised and fall into a quagmire of legal issues, a tarnished reputation, and devaluation of company stock if it is a publically traded company. In pursuit of examine my own ethical lens I will analyze the ethical traits of an admired leader, my own traits as exhibited in the Ethical Lens Inventory, and how I make a decision concerning a particular ethical dilemma. Ethical Traits of President Obama My chosen leader for this ethics review is President Barack Obama. President Obama’s two leading exhibited ethical traits are respect and fairness. According to article Obama's Leadership & Character Traits Obama showed the first trait, respect, when he shared his views concerning diplomacy with Iran before he took office. He believed that we should recommence peace talks with Iran rather than pass a bill that would seek to label a group within their borders a terrorist threat which would lead us to locate troops near the Iranian border and escalate already heated tensions with Iran. Obama showed respect in this instance by believing that the past of an organization does not inherently infer that the organization should be disrespected by using force first rather than diplomacy. (Obama's Leadership & Character Traits...
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...Ethical Lenses and Ethical Theories April Mallari ETH / 316 02/09/2012 Evelyn Moorman The purpose of this paper is to compare the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. The differences in how each theory addresses ethics and morality along with a personal experience will be addressed to help explain the relationship between virtue, values, and moral concepts as they relate to one of the three theories. A personal experience would be my character results from the University of Phoenix web based Ethics Game called the Ethical Lens Inventory. I was assigned to play the Ethics Game-Ethical Lens Inventory for class to determine which ethical perspective best categorized me. The results were surprisingly quite accurate in describing my character especially after reading the definitions of each lens and found that I fell into the Rights and Responsibilities Lens. There are four lenses in the ethics game, the Rights and Responsibilities Lens, Relationship Lens, Results Lens and Reputation Lens. Three of the four lenses will be covered in the paper as the Rights and Responsibilities Lens and Reputation lens are both categorized into two different views of the deontological theory. The Rights and Responsibilities Lens classifies me as a “person who uses my reasoning skills and (rationality) to determine your duties as well as the universal rules that each person should follow (autonomy)”...
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