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Ethics Essay Eth316


Submitted By dpg0214
Words 780
Pages 4
Denise Griego
June 4, 2014
Angela Peinado

Many cultures have different perspectives of ethics and morals. Not one opinion or perspective is correct. Religious groups think their perspective and knowledge of ethics and morals pertain to God or gods. Theists think their perspective does no pertain to a God. Which group is correct? In this essay the information obtained will describe what each groups knowledge is pertaining to ethics and morals. The person obtaining the knowledge will be the one to determine which is correct and has the best definition.
Similarities between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics are they all to making the right and wrong decisions. Determining which will be most effective with the way one was raised, or learned while growing up. Everyone should have been taught right from wrong at a young age. Not everyone is taught the same beliefs, but knowing right from wrong is the key issue.
Differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics are the group, or range of people the ethics or morals is taught to. Also the group of people or person decides which form is best needed in the situation at hand. Virtue theory is described as what is means to be good; the Greek philosopher Aristotle described the virtual theory as a median between excesses, and habits of the character. Thomas Aquinas philosopher and theologian priest adds the religious component to the virtue theory. Father Thomas also separates the different types of virtues and moral dilemmas (Peinado, slide 22, 2014).
The Utilitarian Theory refers to a team or community; the benefits the larger group has, the greatest good for the greatest number. The British philosopher Jeremy Bentham defines the utilitarian theory as usefulness to the team or community, and maximizes pleasure while minimizing pain. Another

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