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Evaluation of a Code of Ethics


Submitted By SapphirreEyes
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Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics
Holly Danielle Murphy
PHL 323 Ethics in Management
September 20, 2010
Mary Carter

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics
The code of ethics for InnerCity Broadcasting Company may be found in any business as its code is very standard. In this paper I will identify the ethical system at play within InnerCity Broadcasting Company and discuss how the code of ethics is used within the organization. The paper will also identify the type of ethical system at play within the organization and include information in regard to the different departments and the code of ethics. Each member of the company will need to understand the entire code of ethics; however, they will find different uses for this code within his or her duties. Additionally, modification of the code of ethics will be discussed and any amendments will be identified accordingly. Finally, the reaction to the new amendments of the code of ethics by both management and employees will be discussed.
The company was founded by Percy Sutton who purchased the first owned African American radio station in 1971. He believed that the best way to empowerment was through the media and politics (HarlemTorch, n.d.). According to InnerCity Broadcasting Company (2010), the mission statement of InnerCity Broadcasting Company states: “Our primary focus is on entertaining and informing our listeners and helping advertisers to better understand the benefits of promoting their products and service to the multicultural audiences we speak to everyday” (para. 2). This statement heads the company’s code of ethics with topics ranging from personal appearance to workplace violence. The company’s code of ethics and their ethical system is a goal-based ethical system. In a goal-based ethical system, there is additional focus on the outcome or final purpose and in this instance, the final purpose and outcome would be to entertain and promote individuals from all different cultures and backgrounds.
Although InnerCity Broadcasting is owned by an African American male and can be geared toward the African American population, the diversity is also apparent in the different stations the company has to offer. For instance, InnerCity Broadcasting Company offers music of the genres R and B, gospel, rap, and hip-hop, which are music styles enjoyed mainly by the African-American population. In keeping with the diversity of the company, there are also radio stations with genres of hard rock, classic rock, and even sports and political radio stations. Additionally, InnerCity Broadcasting Company offers advertisers of diverse backgrounds to advertise with the company. Depending on the type of station and the music offered, the advertisers will differ. For instance, advertisers for a motorcycle company could potential advertise on any of the stations, but specifically would be generated toward the audience more likely to ride motorcycles, e.g. the classic rock radio station. The urban radio stations would play advertisements for clubs and activities that African-Americans enjoy.
The code of ethics that InnerCity Broadcasting has is a relatively simple one with the goal in mind of entertaining and informing kept in play. Managers, employees, others will each need to use the code of ethics that the company has to offer. Each individual will find a different use for the code of ethics and will find each portion to be useful in different ways. It is essential for managers to understand all aspects of the company’s code of ethics and to abide by those rules and to portray them to his or her staff. For instance, management would need to keep abreast on issues such as confidentiality of information and complaint resolution procedures whereas employees will find topics such as personal appearance and dress code as well as absenteeism and tardiness helpful. Managers would need to know the most information of all employees within the company because they are the individuals enforcing the rules. Professionalism and treating others with respect and dignity are portions of the code of ethics that are also very important to every member of the InnerCity Broadcasting Company, from the board of trustees down to the part-time employees and interns. Confidentiality and conflict of interest are items in which management will be more beneficial than it would be to the employees. Employees will need to understand the basics of both confidentiality and conflict of interest but managers will need to enforce those rules. The code of ethics and the success of InnerCity Broadcasting Company exist together; the code of ethics is designed to make the company successful. Managers must enforce the code of ethics and employees must understand the code of ethics as it relates to him or her. When all parties are in understanding of these ethics, the success of the company is almost guaranteed.
The code of ethics might need modification if the current code of ethics is not working as it should. This could have additional meanings depending on the areas affected. If managers are not able to enforce rules, it is essential for the manager to be retrained to understand the code of ethics properly and also to understand how to positively motivate employees. Motivating employees may seem unimportant; however, there are times in which motivation could be the key to the success of the company. The current code of ethics addresses complaint resolutions; however, conflict resolution is not addressed within the code. It is essential for a conflict resolution procedure to be in place to ensure conflicts are handled properly and with the greatest of ease. Not possessing this procedure will hinder management, especially those unaware of typical conflict management procedures. Management is in need of the guidelines that the company wants to enforce and not having these established procedures will not allow managers to perform his or her job adequately. The code of ethics does not contain an open-door policy either and if the company does, in fact, believe in this practice, the code of ethics should be modified to include this information. If I were to become the new CEO of InnerCity Broadcasting Company, I would ensure the open-door policy is created and formally stated within the code of ethics. I would also add the conflict resolution procedure and implement both procedures effect immediately. Employees and managers would be expected to react professionally toward the changes and welcome these additions with ease.
On the whole, InnerCity Broadcasting Company has a code of ethics that is equivalent with other companies within the same industry. The main goal of the company is to ensure that both advertisers and the public are kept informed and entertained and with the assistance of the code of ethics, the success of this goal is obtainable. Like many companies, the mission statement plays the largest role in the code of ethics, finding the base for the code. The current code of ethics includes items such as personal appearance and the guidelines for appropriate conduct. In addition, information about conflicts of interest and confidentiality are included within the code of ethics. Along with the code of ethics, the ethical system that plays within the company is goal-based and contributes toward the success of the company. Although the current code of ethics is a good one, there is room for improvement by adding an open-door policy and a conflict resolution procedure. Appointing me to CEO of the company would result in these two items being placed within the code of ethics.

Wesley-Busher, B. (n.d.). Retrieved from
InnerCity Broadcasting Company. (2010). Mission Statement - ICBC Broadcasting Holdings. Retrieved from

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