Premium Essay

Evidence In Oedipus The King

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Imagine: you’re a part of the jury in a court-case involving the accusation of a man murdering his own father. What is the first thing one would look at to prove the case guilty or not guilty? Starting at the very basics, evidence is by far the most important attribute of a case. Evidence of motives, intentions, actions, confessions and other vocalizations hold the most effective and win-worthy arguments. These components are like a concoction, with the right amount of each, it creates the perfect argument for a case. They all provide different characteristics and can be interpreted diversely. For this reason, when studying the murder in the story of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, all of those qualities were taken into consideration. In the play, …show more content…
When he was told it happened before Oedipus has become king, he was curious as to why it took them so long to start looking into the homicide. Being so determined to find the murderer, he set harsh punishments for whoever killed Laïos. “They must be killed or exiled.” (17). It didn’t matter who it was, “If you think a man can sin against his own kind / And not be punished, I say you are mad.” (29). He’s saying that even if it was himself, Oedipus, the punishment would still apply. Little does he know, by saying those words, he’s digging his own …show more content…
Since he was never told that he was adopted, he ended up avoiding the wrong people, considering that his so-called parents weren’t his biological parents. He spent so long making sure he never laid hands on Polybus and Meropê - his adopted parents - that he didn’t realize that he should’ve spent that time avoiding Laïos and Iocaste. In the end, his actions ruled out his good intentions. With this in mind, his motives and actions were also scrutinized. He never had any motives to kill his father, he actually tried to prevent it. As for how it happened, Oedipus was crossing over an intersection of 3 highways when he was pulled over, by a groom who was leading the horses, which made Oedipus enraged. He was hit by a severe case of road rage and not only killed the groom, but Laïos too who was with the man. Oedipus didn’t know at the time that it was his father that he murdered, but soon discovers his wrongdoing. He was accused multiple times of killing Laïos, but being in denial, he refused to believe them. As told by Teiresias, “the double lash of your parents’ curse will whip you / Out this land some day.” (23). He foreshadows what Oedipus has done and what will happen to him. Like most, after denial comes acceptance and grief, and that’s exactly the course Oedipus is

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