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Example Of Personal Narrative Essay

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On the eastern shore of Maryland in the early 2000s, Troy grew up in a home she thought was full of love. Below the surface there was abuse and turmoil. Unbeknownst to her, her father’s drug use and physical abuse would alter her life for years to come. One night I patiently waited for my father to come home but was informed that he never would. Since then I has been on the path to mental stability, recovering from trauma and trying to cope with the anxiety and depression she was left with.
In 2003 when I was just 7 years old, I came home one evening from my grandparent’s house eagerly waiting to be greeted by my father's presence. Skipping across the yard my curls bouncing around my face, wearing the pink track suit my grandmother gifted …show more content…
I’m sixteen years old attending Northwood high school in the dead town of Pittsboro. It had been about seven or eight years since I had seen my father. Once a daddy’s girl, the only person I cared for was my mother. She supported me through everything and pushed me through school when I felt I couldn’t go on. My only two friends left school and there I was, alone. My anxiety and depression have developed and tackling school became one of the hardest things I have done thus far. While everyone was going out or dating or driving; I was home doing none of those things. I didn’t want to be like everyone else but I wanted their abilities. I remember my first time getting in the car. I was excited to learn how to drive. My first step to freedom. As we pulled off I felt my body start to tense. My neck hurt from straining and gripping the steering wheel for dear life. So many thoughts ran through my head. I don’t know how to switch lanes, what if somebody hits me or I hit them. My mom is in the car and I didn’t want to mess up.What would she say? Would she feel safe? All of these feelings and thoughts overwhelmed me to the point where I began crying. I needed to stop I couldn’t continue. I wanted to stop right where I was, my mom was in my ear “Troy you can’t have a break down right here.” That didn’t stop it from

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Compare & Contrast

...Compare-Contrast Essay The thought of doing an essay for most people can at be quite intimidating because of the need to be technically proficient, following the mandatory expectations outlined and some might find them boring because they feel like it is too restrictive in nature. That is merely just a common misconception though, there are several different styles of essays and the two that are going to be discussed are descriptive and narrative essays. The narrative essay's main purpose is to tell a story using characters and a plot, where perhaps a problem is given, and the events that unfold eventually explain a solution to the problem or issue presented. In contrast the descriptive essay can be very powerful in the fact it is written using the five senses (visual, audible, taste, tactile sensations and smells) this allows the author to bring a scene or object to life in the mind of the reader. While narrative essays are almost like a movie that is played out in the judgment of the reader, the descriptive essay paints a vivid photograph or place the reader can experience and this is why descriptive essays are the superior of the two styles. One of the best qualities that narrative essays are able to offer over descriptive essays is they are structured to appeal to the simplest of mankind's urge to share a good story. There are various forms in which we can find a narrative writing example such as a poem, play, novel and the obvious essay. There are times...

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