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Examples Of Judgement In The Great Gatsby

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In the first two chapters of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald introduces characters that have a wide assortment of varying values and beliefs. While most may argue that these aren’t really “values”, the narrator/protagonist Nick Carraway firmly believes that “judgements should be reserved” and that the “gate to the soul is the eyes”. While Myrtle has a less philosophical approach and is solely obsessed with money and living the rich life though in reality she is not. Tom “loves” and “values” his wife while it is obvious that this is clearly paradoxical.
Nick is very judgemental, though he does not verbally express his judgements he has a lot of discontent and discomfort towards the actions and beliefs of the other main characters. "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone . . . just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."(1) from this the reader can tell that Nick is very reserved and keeps his judgement to himself. Nick’s use of his better judgement is really a humongous contradiction to his actual thoughts. Nick believes that you can see a person's soul and thoughts through their eyes, could it be argued that if anyone ever looked into Nick’s eyes and took a chance to listen that they’d see his discontent and in turn alter their own behavior. …show more content…
Most people would argue that Tom has an “odd” way of showing his love and value of Daisy .On another spectrum Tom doesn't value Myrtle at all this can be assumed from the quote on pg 37, “Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand.”, from this the reader can conclude that Myrtle is worthless to Tom. One could also argue that Tom’s mistreatment of Daisy mentally is a symbolic equivalent of his mistreatment of Myrtle physically. Tom does physically to Myrtle what he can’t do to his beautiful wife

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