...critique a study of adherence to walking or stretching during pregnancy in high risk women who were sedentary and had previously experienced preeclampsia. The introduction of this article does give a sense of the importance of the problem area. This four-year study investigates the effects of walking or stretching on the incidence of preeclampsia and reports on adherence to the intervention and on the secondary outcomes of changes in resting heart rate (HR), resting blood pressure and weight gain. Problem Statement The purpose of the study was to compare a walking exercise to a stretching exercise program during pregnancy in high-risk women who were sedentary and had previous history of preeclampsia. The problem was clearly stated and was a feasible researchable problem. The problem had significance for nursing and for the medical profession and might improve practice and education. While the researcher does a good job of stating why the problem is important, it could have been helpful for him to list numbers of people who are affected by preeclampsia and complications of the disease itself. Purpose and Research Questions The research questions were clear by much inquiry. The research questions were: (a) Will previously sedentary pregnant women adhere to an exercise program for 40 minutes a day 5 times a week in the latter half of pregnancy? (b) Is there a difference in adherence to a walking program or a stretching exercise program? (c) How does adherence to walking or stretching...
Words: 826 - Pages: 4
... Introduction This paper is to critique a study of adherence to walking or stretching during pregnancy in high-risk women who were sedentary and had previously experienced preeclampsia. The purpose of the study was to compare a walking exercise to a stretching exercise program during pregnancy in high-risk women who were sedentary and had previous history of preeclampsia. This five-year study investigated the effects of walking or stretching on the incidence of preeclampsia and reports on adherence to the intervention and on the secondary outcomes of changes in resting heart rate (HR), resting blood pressure and weight gain (Yeo, 2009). Statement of the Problem The problem was clearly stated and was a sufficient researchable problem. The researcher does a good job of stating why the problem is important, but there was no mention of the number of people who are affected by preeclampsia and complications of the disease itself. Yeo (2009) identifies the following research question for this study as: 1. Will previously sedentary pregnant women adhere to an exercise program for 40 minutes a day 5 times a week in the latter half of pregnancy (Yeo, 2009)? 2. Is there a difference in adherence to a walking program or a stretching exercise program (Yeo, 2009)? 3. How does adherence to walking or stretching change with the advance of pregnancy (Yeo, 2009)? 4. Which exercise is more effective in reducing the risk of preeclampsia? (Yeo, 2009). The title indicated...
Words: 1554 - Pages: 7
...paper is to critique a study of adherence to walking or stretching during pregnancy in high risk women who were sedentary and had previously experienced preeclampsia. The introduction of this article does give a sense of the importance of the problem area. This four-year study investigates the effects of walking or stretching on the incidence of preeclampsia and reports on adherence to the intervention and on the secondary outcomes of changes in resting heart rate (HR), resting blood pressure and weight gain. Statement of the Problem The purpose of the study was to compare a walking exercise to a stretching exercise program during pregnancy in high-risk women who were sedentary and had previous history of preeclampsia. The problem was clearly stated and was a feasible researchable problem. The problem had significance for nursing and for the medical profession and might improve practice and education. While the researcher does a good job of stating why the problem is important, it could have been helpful for him to list numbers of people who are affected by preeclampsia and complications of the disease itself. The research questions were clear by much inquiry. The research questions were: (a) Will previously sedentary pregnant women adhere to an exercise program for 40 minutes a day 5 times a week in the latter half of pregnancy? (b) Is there a difference in adherence to a walking program or a stretching exercise program? (c) How does adherence to walking or stretching change...
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...parturition, is the culmination of a human pregnancy or gestation period with the birth of one or more newborn babies from a woman’s uterus (Chang, Chen & Huang, 2008). The three main stages of labor for the normal human childbirth process are the shortening and dilation of the cervix, descent and birth of the infant, and birth of the placenta (Creighton, 2011). Many women will experience evokes a lot of negative feelings like pain and anxiety during labor, as well as the positive feelings of joy and elation after childbirth. Cantwell and Cox (2003) discuss that pregnant women may have different kinds of emotions such as ambivalence concerning their pregnancy, fear regarding their ability to cope with the pregnancy and an inability to adapt to the pregnancy. Therefore, who anxiety will affect the mothers pending lifestyle changes and her baby’s physical healths. Other than that, “depression is a most common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration.” (WHO, 2006). Western epidemiological discovers that around 10-20% of pregnant women to have depression disorder. The occurrence of depression happens in different trimesters of pregnancy. Bennett el al. (2004) found that the rate of depression during the first trimester of pregnancy was similar to the general female population but depression rates during the second and third trimesters were double...
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...COURSE OF THE STUDY AND SUBJECT | I year M.Sc nursingObstetrics and Gynecology of Nursing | 4. | DATE OF ADMISSION | 20th April – 2007 | 5. | TITLE OF THE STUDY | A study to assess the Effectiveness Of Self Instructional Module on knowledge of primigravida mothers regarding postnatal care during the early postpartum period in selected maternity hospitals, Bangalore. | 6. BRIEF RESUME OF THE INTENDED WORK 6.1 INTRODUCTION The wealth of the nation is its healthy population. The mother contribution in creating a healthy population is beyond explanation, so mother should be kept physically, emotionally and socially healthy. The processes of pregnancy and birth challenge the woman’s psychological and physiologic coping mechanisms. It is during the puerperium period that the woman must return to the non pregnant state. The pueperium is a period of 6 weeks which begins as soon as the placenta is expelled. The pueperium can be divided into three categories: the immediate postpartum period, which covers the first 24 hours; the early postpartum period or 1st week; and late postpartum period, which refer to 2 to 6 week. 1 The care which mothers and babies require during the puerperium should be based upon three main principles:...
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... Lindawan, Ma. Kristine S. BSN II – B Group 2 December 17, 2011 Table of Contents Chapter I - Introduction A. Description of the Case………................................................................. 4 B. Purpose and Objectives........................................................................... 5 C. Significance and Justification.................................................................. 6 D. Scope and Limitations.............................................................................. 7 E. Background of the Study......................................................................... 8 Chapter II Review of Related Literature..................................................................................
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...Canyon University NUR-502 March 25, 2015 Native American Cultural Impact on Healthcare Culture plays a unique and significant role going to healthcare process. Each culture has their own belief systems and values. Native American make up 1% of the population in the United States ("Diversity: Understanding and Teaching Diverse Students," n.d.). Understanding their system of beliefs and values would help to benefit Native American women during the prenatal care. When nurses become culturally competent in their care, not only do the patients benefit but the healthcare system does as well. It is important to understanding the Native American culture in order to facilitate their healthcare. Summary of Article One article that discussed Native American women and their prenatal care is “Living in Two Worlds: Native American Women and Prenatal Care.” This article discusses a study that looked at traditional practices related to pregnancy and compare them to current practices related to prenatal care. The review of literature look at barriers to prenatal care that resulted from conflicts between traditional practices and Western Medicine (Long & Curry, 1998). Focus groups were held to look at exploring traditional beliefs and ways to improve prenatal care (Long & Curry, 1998). The authors chose the focus groups from two sites in Oregon (Long & Curry, 1998). The participants consisted of elder and young women separated into two groups by age (Long & Curry, 1998). The...
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...Pregnancy: The Fight to Survive Sociology Research Paper Tri-County Technical College November 24, 2014 ABSTRACT Objectives: To research the causes of death during childbirth and infancy in nations around the world. To examine related health concerns of birth rate, death rate, birth defects, and how access to medical care in different nations contribute to the birth and survival of the fetus. Reviewing statistics of birth rates in all income nations and the overall affect on the population. Applying the Social Conflict theory as it relates to views on pregnancy. Explore different ideas on how to change declining birth rates and promote better health care for all nations. Key Words: Pregnancy, birth rates, death rates , birth defects,social conflict, health care associated with pregnancy. INTRODUCTION In December of 2013, The World Health Organization (WHO) conveyed a consultation on improving the measurement of quality of maternal, newborn, and child care in health facilities. This annual report proposed 19 core indicators for reporting on the quality of MNHC care in nations around the globe. While some key interventions have increased over the past decade, little progress has been made in the quality of care in some health care facilities around the world. The amount of health care coverage provided to mothers, newborns, and children in low income nations is very minimal compared to high income nations particularly in the United States where health care and...
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...risk of disease onset if a multifactorial component exists? Question 2= Genetic screening has become widely available to the public including prenatal screening of the fetus in utero to screening adults for genetic disorders, such as Parkinson's disease and breast cancer. Share your thoughts on the legal, ethical, and social implications that may be related to genetic screening. How would you educate your patient that is considering having genetic screening? Week 2: Question 1= Choose an FDA-approved prescription medication and discuss the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the medication, including any differences that would be expected based on the patient's age, a condition of pregnancy, or lactation. Address any adverse effects the medication may have based on age, pregnancy, or lactation. Question 2= Active acquired immunity can be achieved through the use of childhood immunizations. Many parents voice concerns regarding the safety of vaccinations. What is your opinion on the current use of vaccinations? How would you educate parents regarding the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations? Defend your answers with evidence-based research. Week 3: Question 1= Share a case study of an electrolyte imbalance from your practice or from the...
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...“Running Head: Literature Review: BULIMIA NERVOSA \ Literature Review: Bulimia Nervosa BACKGROUND Bulimia nervosa is an illness defined by food binges, or recurrent episodes of significant overeating, that are accompanied by a sense of loss of control (Medical Encyclopedia ) 90 percent of people with bulimia are women; but bulimia affects people from all walks of life, including males, women of color, and even older women. (Wolfe 2007). My research will concentrate on young women who suffer from the disease. This concern came about after a close family member was diagnosed two years ago and now suffers extensively with multiple organs in her body being affected. My research with try to uncover the cause that leads to the disorder, the conditions that are associated and they avenues that can be used to overcome and lead a normal life that takes the focus off size and image and focus on achievement of self worth. LITERATURE Twelve forms of sources were used for this investigate research of bulimia nervosa. The sources included a telephone interview with, Beth Brown from Brooklyn, NY, the mother of the young lady who inspired by researching this disease. Ten articles that were retrieved from the internet after using bulimia nervosa as the phrase on several search engines and two articles that were biographies written by suffers of bulimia. Two of the articles came from MedicineNet.com. The first outlined and defined causes, diagnoses, complications and...
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...Improving Compliance to Treatment Plan in DM Patients Table of Contents Problem Identification 3 Literature Review 5 Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Literature 6 Formulation of Intervention Protocol for Clinical Problem 12 Proposed Intervention 12 Outcomes and Associated Evaluation Criteria 13 References 15 Appendix: Table 18 Improving Compliance to Treatment Plan in DM Patients INTRODUCTION The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2011) identified diabetes mellitus (DM) as a major public health disorder in the United States that results in one’s shortage of insulin or...
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...With regards to this assignment the aims are to analyse patterns of health within the adult population regarding health disease and exclusion, whilst also having the ability to assess the health needs and the impacts they have on individuals and their communities. The assignment targets to analyse and investigate public health perspectives, ideologies, with the use of current legislation and policies. Public health aims to help people avoid becoming ill with strategies to help stay healthy, this is defined by the Department of Health (2012) which states a variety of policy areas of concern, these include immunisations, alcohol, drug users, sexual health, pregnancy, smoking, alcohol and a child’s health (DOH, 2012). The health issue chosen for this assignment will be smoking in pregnancy and the implications smoking can have with regards to health issues and the problems faced globally, nationally and within a chosen demographical area. In order to clarify what is meant by the term ‘health’ an understanding must be achieved and although according to the World Health Organisation (1986) health being ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. Although this is a highly thought of definition according to Macaulay & Herbert (2011) the (WHO, 1986) definition of health is no longer appropriate and should be changed towards ‘the ability to adapt and self-manage in the face of social, physical, and emotional challenges’...
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...of a licensed physician, which was intended to terminate a suspected or known intrauterine pregnancy and to produce a nonviable fetus at any gestational age. Over the past years there seems to have been substantial changes in the demographic composition of women who have abortions. Theorists have often tried to determine the number of factors that may have influenced the change demographics, including shifting perspectives on teen pregnancy, religious shifts and changes in the community views regarding abortions. This paper will outline current literature on the subject of abortion along with discuss how women view abortion in regards to their decision to seek abortive services or to bear children and demographic representation of women who seek abortive services. The Demographics of Abortion 2 Review of Literature Abortion is an issue where moral principles, emotion and law often come to a head. There are many view points on abortion, but the main two differences are "pro-choice" and "pro-life". A pro-choice person feels that the decision to have an abortion is the mother's choice. A pro-life person feels that from the moment of development of the embryo is alive, and by having an abortion the mother commits murder. Some studies show that abortion has had a significant demographic impact on American society, although no one knows how many of the terminated pregnancies were replaced by later births (Masteo,...
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...HCS 465 Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care University of Phoenix September 16, 2013 Eduardo E. Perez Instructor: Dorene Fankhauser Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care There have been many studies and as well as research methods that have been used to conduct research on childhood obesity over recent years, and the ways that parents and health care providers can help prevent it. The studies have been and are conducted on children between the ages of six months to twelve years of age. Childhood obesity is a growing trend in the United States and has become a major concern for pediatricians and parents. Studies have shown that nearly 10% of children who are younger than five and two years who are obese. The study is to help resolve obesity in children, and help the health care administrators to find ways to help control this disease with using different methodology measures. The purpose for this study is to locate preventative measures for obesity in children, how we may provide ways to assist the medical professionals in providing care that are needed. Many of the research questions address different ways that pediatricians could prevent childhood obesity by simply educating the parents. Some of the particular questions were also directed towards the mother that breastfeed their child to maintain a healthy weight. Lastly there were questions about the sugared...
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...Problem Statement The problem is that schools are not implementing the necessary motivational tools for “At-Risk” students that are already lacking in motivation themselves. This problem results in “At-Risk” students falling short of the appropriate next steps to succeed academically. This is more succinct: The problem is that At-Risk students score lower academically due to lack of motivation. Purpose Statement The action in this research was to analyze the attitude and personalities of 10 adolescents that were eligible for expulsion from school. The students range from ages 12 to 16 and were referred to an expulsion program for various reasons, including no interest in academics, disrespect, poor grades, or just utter defiance. The overall purpose of this research was to discover how “At-Risk” students are motivated and to determine what instructional strategies are most effective in motivating students. The purpose of this study is to see if implementing XXXX will impact the motivation and academic achievement of the At-Risk students in the researcher’s class You need to think of one specific way you can solve the problem and place it in the purpose statement. Now base your research questions on the problem and purpose statements. Motivating “At-Risk” Students: Taking the Next Steps towards Academic Success An Action Research Project Proposal Presented To The Faculty of the Department of Graduate School College of Education North Greenville University...
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