... 4. What are the AC brands u are aware of? Voltas, hitachi, Carrier, samsung 5. Which of these brands did u consider unworthy of consideration before ur purchase? Why? NA Information search 1. Sources of info about the brand? (memory, personal sources like friends, independent sources like magazines, marketing ads, experience of it elsewhere) Friends, newspapers, experience of it elsewhere 2. Any info search done online? Yes Evaluation of alternatives Most important evaluative criteria to choose between brands? (Price, Aesthetics, Features like sleepmode/automatic off etc., service offered by the brand, warranty/guarantee etc.) Aesthetics, warranty, Purchase process 1. How did u choose the outlet to buy it from? (Variety offered, proximity etc, size of the outlet) Big outlet 2. Did you state your ac needs to the salesman at the outlet? No, 3. Did the salesman try to explain other brands and their benefits? yes 4. Where there any deals or price discounts? Yes 10% off Post purchase evaluation 1. How often do u use the ac (how many hrs/day, how many months in a year) 3-4 months 2. Reason for non-use? 3. In case of dissatisfaction with the brand, what action would you take: * Complain to store/manufacturer * Stop buying that brand or from that store * Engage in negative word of mouth * Complain to pvt or govt comsumer protection agencies * Take legal action 4. Will u consider another brand for the...
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...Chapter 1 Introduction to Educational Research LEARNING OBJECTIVES To be able to Explain the importance of educational research. List at least five areas of educational research. Explain the difference between basic and applied research. Describe evaluation research, action research, and critical theory research. Discuss the different sources of knowledge. Visit the study site for an interactive concept map. Explain the scientific approach to knowledge generation. Explain how to determine the quality of a theory or explanation. List the five objectives of educational research and provide an example of each. 2 RESEARCH IN REAL LIFE Research Aids Decision Making In June 2002, New York Governor George Pataki signed a state law giving Mayor Michael Bloomberg control of New York City’s public school system. Most observers agree that this is a school system desperately in need of reform. The 1,100 schools within this system educate 1.1 million kids. However, using the word educate would seem to be somewhat of a misnomer because only about half of the city’s public school students finish high school in 4 years. Only 40 percent of third- through eighth-grade students score at an acceptable level in reading, and only 34 percent do so in math. About 100 of the 1,100 schools are classified by the state as failing, and another 300 are almost as bad. Clearly, something needs to be done. While campaigning for mayor, Michael Bloomberg had many ideas, one...
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...importance of the nucleotide sequence of mRNA as the fundamental basis for the genetic code universally deciphered by living cells. You will produce sequences of ribonucleotides that will be translated into protein to simulate the landmark experiments involving cell-free extracts that were essential for interpreting and understanding the genetic code. A major step forward in figuring out the code was the discovery by Nirenberg in 1961 that a cell-free extract made from E. coli cells could translate RNA added to the extract into proteins. The composition of the newly synthesized proteins could be determined by measuring the incorporation of radioactive amino acids into these proteins as they were translated. In his first experiment he made poly U RNA, using the enzyme polynucleotide phosphorylase, and translated it into a peptide of polyphenylalanine using the cell-free extract. This was definitive proof that RNA could code for the synthesis of proteins and gave the first possible assignment of a nucleotide code to the amino acid it specified. Methods and Materials: For each of the four bottles of ribonucleotides that appear, click on the arrow to select a nucleotide. Do this for two nucleotides initially. Click the Make RNA button to display the sequence of mRNA that you created. Click Add to Notes to create a record of your experiment. To translate this sequence into amino acids, click on the To Translation Mix button. Click Add to Notes to add the amino acid sequence to your...
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...three key facts about shor t-run economic fluctuations Consider how the economy in the shor t run dif fers from the economy in the long run A G G R E G AT E AND DEMAND S U P P LY Use the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply to explain economic fluctuations A G G R E G AT E Economic activity fluctuates from year to year. In most years, the production of goods and services rises. Because of increases in the labor force, increases in the capital stock, and advances in technological knowledge, the economy can produce more and more over time. This growth allows everyone to enjoy a higher standard of living. On average over the past 50 years, the production of the U.S. economy as measured by real GDP has grown by about 3 percent per year. In some years, however, this normal growth does not occur. Firms find themselves unable to sell all of the goods and services they have to offer, so they cut back on production. Workers are laid off, unemployment rises, and factories are left idle. With the economy producing fewer goods and services, real GDP and other measures of income fall. Such a period of falling incomes and rising 413 See how shifts in aggregate demand or aggregate supply can cause booms and recessions 414 PA R T E I G H T S H O R T - R U N E C O N O M I C F L U C T U AT I O N S recession a period of declining real incomes and rising unemployment depression a severe recession unemployment is called a recession if it is relatively mild...
Words: 16219 - Pages: 65
...“The Art of Personality Development” Trainers Guide :- The art of Personality Development is not just a topic or module to be delivered in training. It is the very essence of “Why the Personality exists?”. The art of Personality development is very critical, especially in the current times when the corporate world has many choices to select the right candidate for the job. Hence developing the correct personality that suits the corporate world is very essential for the students to get a right job. Thus the main responsibility of the facilitator is to: ❖ Provide competitive learning environment ❖ Develop an overall Winning Personality ❖ Generate enthusiasm that Create awareness and understanding ❖ Enhance knowledge ( and application of that knowledge) The most important thing that this module should do is enhance/develop skills in the Students, such as, how they need to change their attitude and develop positive traits and exhibit a great personality. The entire module has to be covered in: Approximately 180 minutes (3 hours) Note: Time slot not be extended on the activities the trainer is leading and the way he/she conducts the activities. INTRODUCTION Duration: 20 minutes Welcome and overview of training session Welcome participants to the training session. If the focused group is MBA students then greet them GOOD MORNING MANAGERS and if MCA and B tech students GOOD MORNING Engineers). • Do introductions...
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...making decisions TEN OF PRINCIPLES ECONOMICS Discuss how incentives af fect people’s behavior The word economy comes from the Greek word for “one who manages a household.” At first, this origin might seem peculiar. But, in fact, households and economies have much in common. A household faces many decisions. It must decide which members of the household do which tasks and what each member gets in return: Who cooks dinner? Who does the laundry? Who gets the extra dessert at dinner? Who gets to choose what TV show to watch? In short, the household must allocate its scarce resources among its various members, taking into account each member’s abilities, efforts, and desires. Like a household, a society faces many decisions. A society must decide what jobs will be done and who will do them. It needs some people to grow food, other people to make clothing, and still others to design computer software. Once society has allocated people (as well as land, buildings, and machines) to various jobs, 3 Consider why trade among people or nations can be good for everyone Discuss why markets are a good, but not per fect, way to allocate resources Learn what determines some trends in the overall economy 1 TLFeBOOK 2 4 Ten Principles of Economics PA R T O N E INTRODUCTION scarcity the limited nature of society’s resources economics the study of how society manages its scarce resources it must also allocate the output of goods and services that they produce...
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...besa44438_ch03.qxd 10/12/04 5:45 PM Page 68 3 3.1 3.2 C H A P T E R CONSUMER PREFERENCES AND THE CONCEPT OF UTILITY R E P R E S E N TAT I O N S OF PREFERENCES UTILITY FUNCTIONS APPLICATION 3.1 APPLICATION 3.2 APPLICATION 3.3 APPLICATION 3.4 Influencing Your Preferences How People Buy Cars: The Importance of Attributes Taste Tests Hula Hoops and Pet Rocks Why Do You Like What You Like? If you are thinking about buying a car, your choices can be overwhelming: Should you buy or lease? New car or used? A sport utility vehicle, a sedan, a sports car, or a minivan? Should you get a sunroof or four-wheel drive? How much extra would you pay for a vehicle that will have a high resale value in the future? What are the expected operating expenses for each model—insurance, repairs, gasoline, and so on? Finally, what opportunities will you forgo if you buy a car? How else could you spend your money, either today or in the future? Making decisions about a product with many options is not easy. Before buying a car, for example, you might draw on the experiences of friends and family, read advertisements, visit dealers, and test-drive vehicles. You might also research different models and financing options on the Web, read Consumer Reports, price insurance rates for favorite models, or even visit chat rooms frequented by car buffs. As a consumer, you make choices every day of your life. Besides choosing among automobiles, you must decide what kind of housing to rent...
Words: 14819 - Pages: 60
...word beats sending e-mail - C) page 6 U N IT2 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Talk about international brands BUILDING RE LATI ONSHIPS Writing: e-mail Reading: Diego Della Valle: Italian atmosphere is central to Tod's global expansion Financial - Times C) page 14 U N IT3 The price of success: Make recommendations to improve communications within an electronics company Financial Times UNIT Talk about what makes a good communicator LANGUAGE WORK Idioms Marketing word partnerships Brainstorming Noun compounds and noun phrases Henri-Claude Cosmetics - creating a global brand: Devise a TV commercial for a new eau-de-cologne Writing: action minutes Listening: An interview with a professor of international marketing and the CEO of a training organisation Talk about building Listening: An interview with the Head of Global relationships Corporate Responsibility of a major company C) page 22 Describing relations Networking Multiword verbs Reading: How East is meeting West - Al-Munir Hotel and Spa Group: Come up with a plan for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty Writing: letter Business Week WORKING ACROSS C U LTURES: 1 DOING BU S I N ESS INTERNATIO NALLY C) page 30 REVISION U NIT A C) page 32 DISCUSSION U N IT4 SUCCESS C) page 36 U N I TS JOB SA TISFACTION Discuss what makes people/ companies successful RISK C) page 52 Listening: An interview ...
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...S T R U C T U R E IS N O T O R G A N I Z A T I O N Diagnosing and solving organizational problems means looking not merely to structural reorganization for answers but to a framework that includes structure and several related factors. R O B E R T H. W A T E R M A N , J R . , T H O M A S J. P E T E R S , A N D J U L I E N R. P H I L L I P S 14 T h e Belgian surrealist Ren~ Magritte p a i n t e d a series of pipes and titled the series Ceci n'est pas une pipe: this is n o t a pipe. The p i c t u r e of the thing is n o t the thing. In the same w a y , a s t r u c t u r e is n o t an organization. We all k n o w that, b u t like as n o t , w h e n we reorganize w h a t we do is to r e s t r u c t u r e . I n t e l l e c t u a l l y all managers and consultants k n o w t h a t m u c h m o r e goes o n in the process o f organizing t h a n the charts, b o x e s , d o t t e d lines, position descriptions, and matrices can possibly depict. But all too o f t e n we behave as t h o u g h we d i d n ' t k n o w it; if we w a n t change we change the s t r u c t u r e . Early in 1977, a general c o n c e r n with the p r o b l e m s o f organization effectiveness, and a p a r t i c u l a r c o n c e r n a b o u t the n a t u r e o f the relationship b e t w e e n s t r u c t u r e and organization, led us to assemble an internal task force to review our client w o r k . T h e natural first step was to talk extensively to consultants and client executives a r o u n d the w o r l d w...
Words: 7510 - Pages: 31
...Front) (2points) (Down,Left,Back) (2 points) Plus 2 points if no wrong equilibrium is given. Grading recommendations: To give ONLY the equilibrium payoffs instead of the equilibrium strategies: subtract 1 point per occurrence, i.e. if this is done for all 3 equilibria but everything else is correct the student gets 8-3=5 points in total. QUESTION 2 (4 points) Look at the following two-player game. Find all dominant strategies, and indicate what, if any, they are. | Player 2 | Player 1 | | Left | Middle | Right | | Up | (3,2) | (9,1) | (6,4) | | Down | (2,5) | (8,8) | (2,9) | Player 1 has a dominant strategy: Up. (2 points) Player 2 has a dominant strategy: Right. (2points) QUESTION 3 (6 points) Look at the following three player game in extensive form. The numbers 1,2 or 3 at each decision node indicate whose turn it is. Top Sky Down Sea (7,9,8) (3,5,4) (0,7,1) (2,7,9) No Yes 2 (9,3,9) Green Red 1 3 3 Find the equilibrium by backward induction, and then state what the equilibrium is, and what the equilibrium payoff for each player is. Note: You do not need to draw the game tree in the answer booklet or explain. Equilibrium Payoff (2points): (3,5,4) Equilibrium (4points): Player 1 chooses Top. Player 2 chooses Sea. Player 3 chooses Red (at decision node after 2 chooses Sky). Player 3 chooses Yes (at decision node after 2 chooses Sea). Grading guide: Many students will not state “Player 3 chooses Red (at decision...
Words: 1795 - Pages: 8
...CORPORATE GOVERNANCE – AN INTRODUCTION CORPORATE GOVERNANCE – MORE DETAILED AREAS AGENCY THEORY AND TRANSACTION COST THEORY GOVERNANCE IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND ORGANISATIONS RISK MANAGEMENT INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS STAKEHOLDER THEORY AND CSR BUSINESS ETHICS THE PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT 5 7 21 29 35 49 61 69 e o bo k 0 s2 0 .bl 0 o p gs o t.c o m 81 93 www.studyinteractive.org ebooks2000.blogspot.com 3 eb o s ok 2 0 00 .b s log p o t.c o m 4 ebooks2000.blogspot.com www.studyinteractive.org Introduction to the paper eb o s ok 2 0 00 .b s log p o t.c o m www.studyinteractive.org ebooks2000.blogspot.com 5 IN T R O D U C T I O N T O T H E P A P E R AIM OF THE PAPER The aim of the paper is to apply relevant knowledge, skills and exercise professional judgement in carrying out the role of the accountant relating to governance, internal control, compliance and the management of risk within an organisation – in the context of an overall ethical framework. OUTLINE OF THE SYLLABUS 1. 2. 3. 4. Governance and...
Words: 25700 - Pages: 103
...Infosys: Company Profile About Infosys: Infosys Limited was started in 1981 by seven people with $250. Today, Infosys is global leader in "next generation" IT and consulting, with revenues of $6.04 billion. Infosys defines, designs and delivers technology enabled business solutions that help Global 2000 companies in Building Tomorrow’s Enterprise. Infosys provides a comprehensive range of services by leveraging our domain and business expertise and strategic alliances with leading technology providers. Infosys service offerings span business and technology consulting, application services, systems integration, product engineering, custom software development, maintenance, re-engineering, Independent Testing and Validation, Business Process Outsourcing, and IT infrastructure services. Infosys pioneered the Global Delivery Model (GDM), which emerged as a disruptive force in the industry leading to the rise of offshore outsourcing. The GDM is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, with the least amount of acceptable risk. Infosys has a global footprint with 64 offices and 63 development centers in US, India, China, Australia, Japan, Middle East, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland, Canada and many other countries. Infosys and its subsidiaries have 130,820 employees as on March 31, 2011. Establishment: Infosys was founded on 2 July 1981...
Words: 13460 - Pages: 54
...this chapter, we will learn how discre- York City’s Staten Island to the borough of tionary fiscal policy fits into the model of Brooklyn, carries more than 300,000 cars short-run fluctuations we developed in each day. Chapter 10. We’ll see how deliberate In Japan, stories like this are common. During the 1990s the Japanese government What you will learn in this chapter: changes in government spending and tax policy affect real GDP. We’ll also see how ® What fiscal policy is and why it is an important tool in managing economic fluctuations ® Which policies constitute an expansionary fiscal policy and which constitute a contractionary fiscal policy ® Why fiscal policy has a multiplier effect and how this effect is influenced by automatic stabilizers ® How to measure the government budget balance and how it is affected by economic fluctuations ® Why a large public debt may be a cause for concern ® Why implicit liabilities of the government are also a cause for concern spent around $1.4 trillion on...
Words: 15653 - Pages: 63
...Infosys: Company Profile About Infosys: Infosys Limited was started in 1981 by seven people with $250. Today, Infosys is global leader in "next generation" IT and consulting, with revenues of $6.04 billion. Infosys defines, designs and delivers technology enabled business solutions that help Global 2000 companies in Building Tomorrow’s Enterprise. Infosys provides a comprehensive range of services by leveraging our domain and business expertise and strategic alliances with leading technology providers. Infosys service offerings span business and technology consulting, application services, systems integration, product engineering, custom software development, maintenance, re-engineering, Independent Testing and Validation, Business Process Outsourcing, and IT infrastructure services. Infosys pioneered the Global Delivery Model (GDM), which emerged as a disruptive force in the industry leading to the rise of offshore outsourcing. The GDM is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, with the least amount of acceptable risk. Infosys has a global footprint with 64 offices and 63 development centers in US, India, China, Australia, Japan, Middle East, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland, Canada and many other countries. Infosys and its subsidiaries have 130,820 employees as on March 31, 2011. Establishment: Infosys was founded on 2 July 1981...
Words: 13460 - Pages: 54
...integrals of complex functions Our goal here will be to discuss integration of complex functions f (z) = u + iv, with particular regard to analytic functions. Of course, one way to think of integration is as antidifferentiation. But there is also the definite integral. For a function f (x) of a real variable x, we have the integral b f (x) dx. In case f (x) = u(x) + iv(x) is a complex-valued function of a a real variable x, the definite integral is the complex number obtained by b integrating the real and imaginary parts of f (x) separately, i.e. b b u(x) dx + i a f (x) dx = a v(x) dx. For vector fields F = (P, Q) in the plane we have a the line integral P dx+Q dy, where C is an oriented curve. In case P and C Q are complex-valued, in which case we call P dx + Q dy a complex 1-form, we again define the line integral by integrating the real and imaginary parts separately. Next we recall the basics of line integrals in the plane: 1. The vector field F = (P, Q) is a gradient vector field g, which we can write in terms of 1-forms as P dx + Q dy = dg, if and only if C P dx+Q dy only depends on the endpoints of C, equivalently if and only if C P dx+Q dy = 0 for every closed curve C. If P dx+Q dy = dg, and C has endpoints z0 and z1 , then we have the formula dg = g(z1 ) − g(z0 ). P dx + Q dy = C C 2. If D is a plane region with oriented boundary ∂D = C, then P dx + Q dy = C D ∂Q ∂P − ∂x ∂y dxdy. 3. If D is a simply connected plane region, then F = (P, Q) is a gradient vector...
Words: 4089 - Pages: 17