Premium Essay

Explanations of Crime


Submitted By honeykaur
Words 268
Pages 2
Explanations of crime
• There is now robust evidence demonstrating that both men and women with schizophrenia are at elevated risk when compared to the general population to be convicted of non-violent criminal offences, at higher risk to be convicted of violent criminal offences, and at even higher risk to be convicted of homicide (Wallace et al. 2004) - It all relates back to the schizophrenia gene passing onto an individual.
• Greater opportunities for crime in cities and towns (urban areas) than in villages (rural areas). More clubs, pubs, etc. in urban areas (including inner cities). Levels of burglary, vehicle-related thefts and violence in rural areas have been consistently lower than in non-rural areas.
• Greater numbers of young males (14 – 21 the peak years for criminal activity) living in urban areas means greater likelihood ofcrimes being committed.
• However, research by the Home Office (2000) shows that when offenders do travel to offend it is overwhelmingly local in nature and has connections with the offender’s home location e.g. a place the offender goes to shop
• Depression to blame for 32,000 violent crimes a year, says Oxford University. Depressed people are three times more likely to commit violent crimes than the general population, researchers have found
• A huge study by Oxford University found that depressed people are three times more likely to commit a violent offence than the general population.
• Overall they found that depressed people were likely to be linked to 46,000 violent crimes, but when other factors were taken into account, the illness itself was responsible for around

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