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Exploring Differential Effects of Supervisor Support on Transfer of Training


Submitted By runzhun
Words 8738
Pages 35
The purpose of this article is to provide further insight into the relationship between supervisor support and transfer of training, by taking into account the effects of other transfer-influencing factors in a systemic approach of the transfer process. A review of studies on factors affecting transfer of training was conducted, with a specific focus on the effects of supervisor support, resulting in the development of a research model of the transfer process. All components of the model were measured by means of questionnaires for former trainees and their supervisors, and stepwise regression analyses were carried out to examine the relationships in the model. Results indicate indirect relationships between supervisor support and transfer of training, by means of both trainees' motivation to transfer and the transfer climate. The indirect effect of supervisor support on transfer of training is only slight, however. Learning results are shown to be the strongest predictor of transfer of training. Owing to the small sample size structural equation modelling techniques could not be used, thus limiting the possibility to test the model as a single entity. The use of perceptional measures implies the risk of response tendencies from trainees and supervisors. Further research using different measures and different timing of measurement during the training and transfer process is recommended. Results of this study indicate that supervisor support that is intended to enhance transfer of training can best be directed at improvement of the transfer climate at the workplace. The paper provides both researchers and practitioners with a further insight into the complex effects of supervisor support on transfer of training, indicating the importance of taking into account the effects of other transfer-influencing factors.

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