... Academic performance of a student determines their success in their undergraduate career. It is the key-determining factor of how well students meet standards given out by their schools or universities. As career competition grows ever fiercer in the working world, students became more desperate on how they could excel their academic performances. Many experiences and studies found out that several factors of this study could absolutely change and affect the grades of the students. Not a single factor can definitely pointed out as a predicting grade. It has been interplay of so many factors – gender, IQ, study habits, age, year level, parent’s educational attainment, social status, number of siblings, birth order, etc. In fact, almost all of existing environmental and personal factors are a variable of academic performance. In this research study, focus is on the effect of study habits in the academic performance of students, specifically the second year BS Accountancy students. BS Accountancy is one of the toughest courses in the world. It is extremely specialized: the curriculum requires study sufficient for professional practice (often at the major-level) in financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, and taxation. The curriculum also includes general coverage of management and business mathematics, and intermediate coursework in business law and economics. Thus, in order for them to fulfill the requirement of the curriculum, accounting students needs to have...
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...(BSAT) is a program that prepares students for a career in the accounting and finance divisions of organizations in the private and public sectors. The accounting courses in the program, combined with business management courses, equip students with the needed skills, proficiency, and intellectual abilities to lead successful careers. But, unlike Accountancy, BSAT is a non-board course. However, the graduates of the said program can take the Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Examination for license. This study aims to determine the reasons and causes why BSA students end up getting BSAT degree instead of Accountancy degree. We, researchers, will investigate on the factors affecting the students focus in studying. We will be conducting survey in the form of questionnaires and interviews with 3rd year and 4th year BSAT students of Araullo University – Phinma Education Network. There are many factors that affect a BSA student to fail: his abilities, his interest in the course, the teaching method, the classroom, lack of personal direction, pressure from parents or peers, laziness, lack of confidence, family or relationship problems. Another factor that is going to be stressed out in our study is the retention policy being imposed in the accountancy program. It will be explained here how this policy affect each and every BSA student; what improvements can be done to maximize its use and be an effective tool in producing quality students. Furthermore, there is also a growing...
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...The Effects of Romantic Relationships on the Academic Performance of University of the Philippines – Cebu College Students (A.Y. 2011-2012) A Research Paper Submitted to the Humanities Division University of the Philippines Cebu College Lahug, Cebu City In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course Communication II Researchers: Alma Mae J. Bernales Fretzy Colonia Adviser: Ms. Crina Tanongon October 2011 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We, researchers would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following people who offered their untiring support and help to make this research complete. To, Ms. Crina Tanongon, for her constructive criticism, patience in checking the grammatical errors, untiring effort in sharing us new ideas, and encouragement which inspired us to make this study a success. To our parents, Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Bernales and Mr. & Mrs. Efren Colonia who sustained and motivated us throughout this whole semester, for willingly giving us the moral and financial support for this study, and for the patience in understanding us when we have our sleepless nights while making this study. To our fiends, who were really there to make us smile when things gone wrong, and for their cheers and inspirational comments when we were so down. To our respondents, the BSCS-II students, for their participation in this study and for their time and effort in answering the questionnaires sincerely. Most of all, to the Almighty God who gives...
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...crime in terms of law, and community reaction to crime. It also deals with the scientific study of criminals and criminal behavior. Criminologists attempt to build theories that explain why crimes occur and test those theories by observing behavior. This course focuses on such topics as criminal jurisprudence, criminal sociology, crime detection and investigation, drug education and vice control, law enforcement administration, correctional administration, industrial security management, probation, and juvenile delinquency. As such, criminology students shall pass all of the General Education and Professional subjects and undergo Comprehensive Review to be more capable of passing the Licensure Examination. General Education subjects like English, Mathematics, Filipino, and Science serve as the basic foundation of learning in other subjects in the curriculum of BS Criminology like technical report writing which helps the students to be aware of what is the actual way on how the police officers made blotter and police report writing, while...
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...Institute of Science and Technology EARIST Manila Campus Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila College of Public Administration and Criminology THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF WORKING STUDENTS IN EULOGIO “AMANG” RODRIGUEZ INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (EARIST) SY: 2014-2015 A Thesis presented to: Prof. Cinderella U. Reginio Eulogio ‘’Amang’’ Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology EARIST Manila Campus Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for Technical Writing Presented By: Group 2 Students of Bachelor of Science in Public Administration II-3 1. Aplacador, Rose Jane E. 2. Bayanay, Madel G. 3. Buce, Sheena M. 4. Cuenta, Robby Mae L. 5. Dizon, Gelly S. 6. Lachica, Donnalyn B. 7. Manalo, Jollibe C. 8. Ola, Reynier O. 9. Paguinto, Katherine T. 10. Patal, Einiel L. 11. Patlonag, Marryrose R. 12. Perante, John Rey Danniel N. 13. Prado, Daisy N. 14. Soriano, Aldrin S. 15. Trongco, Florante C. September 2015 Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology EARIST Manila Campus Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila College of Public Administration and Criminology APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Technical Writing, this thesis entitled The Academic Performance of Working Students in Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science And Technology (EARIST) SY: 2014-2015, has been prepared and submitted by PA II-3 Group 2, which is hereby...
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...research. The related literature starts with the good and important effects of different gadgets used in learning areas and goes on with the possible effects that might happen to Students when technology is being used extensively. On the later part of the chapter are the gathered related studies and articles done by various researchers. Foreign Literature Jessica White (2005) said that, technology has completely changed the scope of education in America. Most states require a technology aspect to their school improvements plans. They have embraced the idea that using technology in their classroom makes the subject anything from math to art-more accessible to many kinds of students. Educators, administrators, parents, and students are so well-versed in technology that it has become norm in even the most economically disadvantaged schools. She also stated that controversy exist about some students having access too much information. Some internet sites are not monitored by educational sources. Students who have not been taught the proper way to research on the internet might make a research hypothesis based on a website whose information is untrustworthy. Educators should be cautious and explain exactly what their expectations to their students are. Plagiarizing-detection software checks that students aren’t stealing information in using it as their own research. However, this software wasn’t available when much of the controversy first became an issue. According to the National...
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...Contributing to the Holistic Development of FEU Students This research digest is an informative tool of the University Counseling and Career Office with its major goal, to analyze and contribute novel ideas, towards the growing field of guidance and counseling. The main objective of which is to intensify the holistic welfare of the FEU students. Furthermore, this digest features the scholarly work of the adept and experienced team of the UCCO focusing on the counselor-based programs and action plans. With this, the team is delighted to share with you this annual digest as a response to the emerging needs and for the sustenance of the value of excellence of the Institution. POINTS OF INTEREST Page 2 UCCO’s SWOT Analysis, Nature of Counseling and Special Cases: Basis for a Comprehensive FEU-UCCO Guidance Program A Five Year Cross-Sectional Survey of FEU Institutional Exit Interviews An Evaluation on the Needs Assessment as Basis for Revision of ACE Modules College Adjustment Level of F r e s hm e n I nt e r na t i o na l Students Profile of FEU Students under the Selective Retention Policy Learning Style Profile of Freshmen Students of FEUMakati Psychological and Adjustment Problems Among Freshmen Architecture Students Results of the Module Evaluation on Leadership and Self-Empowerment Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Warmest regards, Dr. Sheila Marie G. Hocson, UCCO Director UCCO provides an opportunity for students to understand themselves better, identify...
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...Chapter 2 Related Literature International Educators have, for many years, noticed that some students prefer certain methods of learning more than others. These traits, referred to as learning styles, form a student's unique learning preference and aid teachers in the planning of small-group and individualized instruction. If optimal student learning is dependent on learning styles, and these styles vary between distance and equivalent on-campus students, then faculty should be aware of these differences and alter their preparation and instructional methods accordingly. According to Joy Paul Guilford’s Structure of Intellect (SI) theory, intelligence is viewed as comprising operations, contents, and products. There are 5 kinds of operations (cognition, memory, divergent production, convergent production, evaluation), 6 kinds of products (units, classes, relations, systems, transformations, and implications), and 5 kinds of contents (visual, auditory, symbolic, semantic, behavioral). Since each of these dimensions is independent, there are theoretically 150 different components of intelligence. Examples of learning styles one is called the Cognitive learning style by Anthony Grasha and Sheryl Reichmann refers to the preferred way individual processes information. Unlike individual differences in abilities (e.g., Gardner, Guilford, and Sternberg) which describe peak performance, styles describe a person’s typical mode of thinking, remembering or problem solving. Styles are...
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...Contributing disciplines to the OB field: Organizational behavior is an applied behavioral science that is built upon contributions from a number of behavioral disciplines. Psychology is the science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. it may be the mental and behavour characteristic of an individual or group Sociology is study the social system in which individuals fill their roles; that is, sociology studies people in relation to their fellow human beings. Social psychology is the area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology and that focuses on the influence of people on one another. it deal with the fulfilment of social needs in a phycological sense of interpretations.it cause different socio phycho conditions and affaire for the modificationof OB. Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. we also define anthropology as "science of human beings especialy of their environment and social relations and there culture" environment play a pivotal role in the improvement and modification of OB Political science is the study of the behavior of individuals and groups within a political environment. Management Functions (Henry Fayol) Planning: A manager must determine what the organizations goals are and how to achieve those goals. Much of this information will come directly from the vision and mission statement for the company. Setting objectives...
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...Factors that affects career Preferences among Grade 10 High school Student of Mt Moriah Christian Academy By: Angeles Jarvin Joseph L March 2014 ii ii Approval Sheet This thesis entitled “Factors that affects career Preferences among Grade 10 High school Student of Mt Moriah Christian Academy”, prepared and submitted by Jarvin Joseph L Angeles , in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements of Fourth Year students has been examined and is Recommended for the Committee examination ____________________ Mrs. Daisy D. Rogelio English and Filipino Coordinator Oral Examination Committee _________________ ____________________ Dr.Rosario N. Andaya Ms. Aleli G. Ocampo School Principal Math and Science Coordinator Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Fourth year of Mt.Moriah Christian Academy. _______________________________ Dr. Rosario N. Andaya School Principal iii iii ABSTRACT Title: Factors That Affects Career Preferences among Grade 10 High school Student of Mt Moriah Christian Academy Researcher: Angeles, Jarvin Joseph L. Thesis Adviser: Mrs. Daisy Rogelio Panel: Mrs. Rosario Andaya School: Mt. Moriah Christian Academy Date Completed: March 2014 Aim: To know what Factors Affects Career Preferences among Grade 10...
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...SELECTED MARINE STUDENT TO THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE” A Research Paper Presented to the College of Arts Department In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course English Presented To Sir. Joel E. Payapa, Ed.D Presented By Cercado, Joshua Kim T. Daniel, John Daniel M. De Guzman, John Odilon T. March 15, 2013 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The extent of student’s learning in academics may be determined by the grades a student earns for a period of learning has been done. It is believed that a grade is a primary indicator of such learning. If a learner earns high grades it is concluded that they may also have learned a lot while low grades indicate lesser learning. However, many experiences and studies found out that there are also several factors that would account for the grades. No single factor can be definitely pointed out as predicting grades. It has been an inter play of so many factors – gender, IQ, study habits, age, year level, parent’s educational attainment, social status, number of siblings, birth order, etc. In fact, almost all of existing environmental and personal factors are a variable of academic performance. However, at this point in time, there searchers would like to investigate the possible relationship of study habits and the factors affecting it to the academic achievement of under graduate education student of Technological...
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...This school is home of the topnotchers in different fields of medical science. In that note, the growing population of new students, Filipino and even foreign students is observable. Entering into a new university is a big challenge for every freshmen student because they need to adapt to the new setting. For many young people, the transition to college is relatively smooth and they learn to handle their new lives well. But for some, however, the need to manage new schedules, new friendships, new responsibilities and intense study can be overwhelming. Adjustment with university life is considered one of the main indicators of success in university life as it is an indicator for the student’s ability to face the problems resulting from fulfilling his academic, social and emotional needs. Through achieving adjustment with university life the students will be able to form a kind of good relationships with others in the university leading him to enhance his academic achievement. Moreover, adjustment with university life can be a strong indicator of the academic level of the students from one hand and the level of social relations development and achieving personal goals from the other hand. We can note that many educational scholars studied this aspect in order to explore the status of the academic, social and psychological level of undergraduate students then determining the problems facing them when trying to achieve their goals. The stage of university life is an important...
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...ISSN 2313-7797 MARINE TRANSPORTATION AND MARINE ENGINEERING STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE ON CLASSROOM SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Edwin M. Agena Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas PHILIPPINES Brian L. Tiongson Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas PHILIPPINES Bienvenido Arevalo Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas PHILIPPINES Myrna C. Clemeno Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas PHILIPPINES Geronimo Dolor Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas PHILIPPINES Jake M. Laguador Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas PHILIPPINES ABSTRACT Social interaction of the students within the classroom involves the teachers and their classmates where teaching and learning activities are being facilitated which need to be improved and addressed some factors that may somehow influence the learning process of the Marine Transportation and Marine Engineering Students in one private Asian university. This study aimed to determine the difference on the attitude between Marine Transportation and Marine Engineering students towards the classroom social environment in terms of teachers as to character, subject mastery and teaching strategy; as well as in terms of their interpersonal relationships with other students. Descriptive type of research was utilized in the study. Results showed that the Marine Transportation and Marine Engineering students have positive attitude towards their teachers and peers. They...
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...Irregular College Students Background of the Study Academic performance really means three things: this means the ability to study and remember facts, it also means being able to think in relation to facts and thirdly, it further means being able to communicate one’s knowledge verbally or practically (www.google.com). A marching band is a company of instrumental musicians performing outdoors for the purpose of entertainment and sometimes in competition. Instrumentations typically include brass, woodwinds and percussion instruments (en.wikipedia.com). The marching band at Partido State University was one of the competing units among the marching bands. They joined military parades, concerts, street parades and many more. It means that joining in marching bands had a lot of trainings and practices to be done. In this regards the academic performance of the band members maybe sacrifice because of double priorities. In addition, the society may have different expectations of the performance of the band members according to their own perspectives. It was observed that there are band members who had incomplete or failing grades. It all depends on how they personally addressed problems as a student and as a band members who got failing grades and incomplete grades faced a consequence of termination as a band scholar. http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Problems-Encountered-By-Irregular-College-Students/134394 Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the Third Year...
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...Studies Prof. Dr. S. M. Abbas Faculty of Medicine Prof. Khursheed A. Hashmi Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Darakhshan J. Haleem – Dean Faculty of Science (Caretaker) Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. ZafarIqbal – Dean Faculty of Arts (Caretaker)Faculty of Education University of Karachi Page 3 ADMISSION PROSPECTUS STUDENTS’ STUDENTS’ AFFAIRS o look after students affairs, in general, and to supervise their extra-curricular activities in particular, an office of Advisor Students’ Affairs is situated at the first floor of the Administration block. Teachers and the staff are available for the students’ guidance. 2012 M.Phil./Ph.D theses to students of various departments of the University. LEJ Digital Library is also available at the campus that can be used by all the students to access a large number of books or journals on-line. T Transport: Over 24,000 students come to the campus from different parts of the city on daily basis. It is difficult to facilitate every student with the transport facility. However, the University tries its best to provide a limited transport facility to its students. Schedule of point buses that provide pick and drop service to the students, at highly subsidized fare, is announced by the transport office in...
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