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Fallacies Research Paper


Submitted By tjohnson50
Words 629
Pages 3
Coppin University | Fallacies | Research Paper #2 | | Johnson, Tiara | 6/28/2013 |

Fallacies are arguments that have an error in their reasoning. Its conclusion does not have to be true for an argument to be fallacious. There are formal and informal fallacies. An invalid argument that stems from an error in its logical form is called a formal fallacy. An error in reasoning that has originated in improperly is called an informal fallacy. Arguments in either fallacy can still be valid. Some fallacies manipulate or by intentional deception others persuade unintentionally due to lack of understanding or ignorance.
A False Cause is an argument that connects or establishes a cause mistakenly. For example, "Since hair tends to thin after some elderly grow grey hair, the thinning of hair causes the greys to grow." This fallacy identifies something that really isn’t the cause as the cause. This is also known as non causa pro causa.
The fallacy of Accident is when the whole is wrongly applied to some. The fallacy is a generalization that can be assumed to be true in entirety but may not apply to a particular case. It is when your priorities are not placed correctly. It is good to do the ideally honest or correct thing but if someone’s life was in danger it is better to save that person than do what is ideal. This is a result of the fallacy using a statement as if it had no qualified meaning. For Example, “Thou shalt not kill; if this is true in every situation, you should not kill insects in your home. “Both of the following fallacies The fallacy of False Cause and the Fallacy of Accident are closely similar due to the fact that they mistake what is right in one scenario for what is generally right as a whole.
Two of the Fallacies of Ambiguity that have distinction are Equivocation and Amphiboly. The Fallacy of Equivocation is a fallacy of definition when

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