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Family Health Assessment


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Family Health Assessment
Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion

Family Health Assessments
A family health assessment is important in understanding and formulating a wellness plan for the patient and their family as a whole. This paper will discuss the nurse’s role in assisting a family understand wellness by utilizing Gordon’s functional health patterns when performing the assessment on the family. Nurses have an important role in educating in regards to health promotion. This writer has developed several open ended questions in regards to health patterns based on the Gordon’s functional health patterns which includes question from nutrition to coping skills and everything in between. This assessment tool included 11 systematic principles for data collection of the family, and will assist the nurses to develop a nursing diagnosis and appropriate interventions for the family involved.
The family this writer has chosen to utilize is the Maldonado family, consisting of Mr. Maldonado whom is 28, Mrs. Maldonado whom is 31, and their two boys Chris 7, and Gabe 2. The assessment began with a health perception and health management in which the family verbalized of some of their health practices and habits for preventing illness and maintain health. The selected family have been married for 6 years and both come from Hispanic backgrounds. Mrs. Maldonado stated in regards to health practices and management stated she is responsible for maintain the kids wellbeing due to she is a stay at home and Mr. Maldonado is the bread winner. Mrs. Maldonado stated the health practices she utilizes is over the counter medication until she sees the children need to see a doctor for infection of any kind. Mrs. Maldonado perceives her family’s health to be good majority of the time. In regards to nutrition the family stated they eat three to four meals a day. Mrs. Maldonado stated the children have snacks in between meals due to their light eating at meals. Mrs. Maldonado also stated that she provides her children with fruits and vegetables for snacks and rarely does she offer them chips or candy. She did acknowledge to attempt to eat more chicken than red meat but stated due to her spouse’s preference in red meat the transition is not easy. This writer asked about the consumption of fluids which Mrs. Maldonado stated both her children ask for water when thirsty only during meals does she provide them with juice or milk. Rest and sleep patterns are next. The Maldonado’s stated they think you can never have enough sleep or rest. They stated their amount of sleep is usually 8 hours. They stated as a family they go to bed at the same time usually at nine and awake at seven am to start their day. Mrs. Maldonado stated the children take an hour nap in the day time which she promotes so they won’t be too fussy. The Maldonado family stated they usually have regular elimination patterns, which is daily. They both stated the boys tend to get constipated so she uses homeopathic remedy such as giving them prunes and prune juice. When asked about the cause she stated she has not been very vigilant in food that could be causing the constipation in her children. As far as her and the Mr. she stated they have no issues. Her idea of a regular pattern is daily or every other day. The next question was in regards to exercise and or activity the Maldonado’s stated they go to the park as a family and play games with their children such as hide-n-go-seek so the children do not become aware that they are exercising and they get tired out. Mrs. Maldonado stated she thinks an hour of exercise a day is important to try and stay in shape as opposed to Mr. Maldonado whom is very thin and does not exclusively exercise. For cognitive question Mrs. Maldonado stated she is aware of the definition the word cognitive means, but to her knowledge everyone is fine and has no cognition problems. As far as sensory perception due to her children’s ages of 7 and 2 she stated they really need to touch, feel, smell and see things. She stated these senses are so important due to her children wanting to touch and feel their pet dog and hamster. She believes a lot of learning occurs through touching and seeing thus making it a sense she deems very important to her family. When it comes to self-perception she stated she sees herself as the matriarch in her family due to her husband being rooted in their Hispanic culture, her role is to run the home and rear the kids, and his is to provide. Although due to her recently going back to school she needs help with babysitting the children something Mr. Maldonado cannot always do due to his mentality of that’s a women’s job. She stated her oldest son Chris sees himself as an older brother and is protective of his younger brother but dislikes to always have to be understanding because he is the older brother. For role relationship she stated her role is very important in her family as she maintains the piece within. The family has a good bond with their in laws of opposing sides. Mrs. Maldonado stated her oldest son has mentioned feeling left out because they coddle the younger child. As far as sexuality Mrs. Maldonado was open in discussing this she stated they have a regular regime when it comes to sex she stated due to her spouses timidness she must initiate. She denied any pain or abnormalities. For coping Mrs. Maldonado states at time she feels she carries majority of the stress due to her return to college, the responsibilities of the children and maintaining her home. Some coping skills she utilizes is addressing this to her spouse in him sharing more of the responsibilities of child-care and the care of the home. She stated she does meditation to help reduce the stress. She deems her coping skills healthy.
Wellness diagnosis that this writer has selected given the families health patterns are: 1. Readiness for enhanced family coping. 2. Readiness for enhanced sexuality patterns.
These wellness diagnosis were chosen given the families coping and sexuality patterns have room for improvement. Gordon’s functional health patterns are an important tool when assessing a family as a whole. This tool provides the nurse with plenty of insight regarding this family’s health patterns.

Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns. Scribed. Retrieved June 1, 2016, from

Weber, J. R. (2005). Nurses' Handbook of Health Assessment, 5th Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott.

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