English II Honors Syllabus
Mrs. Stephenson
Course Description:
The central purpose of English II is to cultivate the critical thinking, reading, writing, and oral skills required for students’ post -graduation ambitions. English II curriculum encourages students to develop their collaborative and independent study skills, their written and oral discourse, and their exploration and understanding of philosophical ideas. Students should also gain a familiarity with World Literature as a body of work by examining how cultural influences have influenced the work of international authors. Materials:
• Text and/or assigned novel (I will give you stories and poems, bring novels as needed)
• Binder of some sort (this will house the various handouts and short works)
• Loose-leaf notebook paper
• Flash Drive
• Pens/Pencils (for assignments only pencil or blue or black ink will be accepted)
Make-up Work:
If you are absent on a due date, work should be handed in on the first day you return to class. If I see you when an assignment is due, you come to class after my class, the assignment will be counted as late.
My expectation is that all of the work you turn in is your own. That is, you conceived it and wrote it.
Electronic Devices:
• Students will have one warning to put away their cellphone.
• Students must turn off and put away all electronic devices prior to the beginning of class. After the first warning, if I see unauthorized use of these devices during class, I will confiscate the device for the remainder of the school day and issue a consequence. Technology:
• Summative Assignments will be turned into Turnitin.com.
• All students must have and utilize Edmodo.
If you have questions or concerns, please use Edmodo to communicate with me