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Submitted By aaronhodes
Words 7450
Pages 30
Day 1: Had my first day today and it was very interesting. First I had an orientation where we went over general guidelines for interns at Viacom and then we signed some paperwork. Played some icebreaker games and got a crash course in all the entities that Viacom owns such as MTV, MTV2, VH1, Comedy Central, CMT, BET. After I met with JC, one of the research analysts for MTV and I got a tour of where I was working and met fellow employees and met my supervisor Mitchell. I then attended a meeting with the research, programming and creative insight teams where we discussed millennials (people aged 15-30) and their media consumption. We watched clips about certain shows that were going to be aired and whether or not millennials would watch these shows. We also discussed other areas regarding media consumption.

Day 2: I arrived early to work to start learning. The more the better in my opinion. I got acclimated at my desk and started learning the basics. I got a crash course in MTV and ratings since I am in intern in the research and strategic insights department. Then I attended a focus group regarding upcoming MTV events and gave input regarding the specific topics. Got acclimated with startrak, the system in which MTV/MTV 2 pulls ratings.

Day 3: got acclimated with startrak even more. Learned some of the more difficult tasks associated with it. I learned how to pull the ratings for MTV and checked ratings that my supervisors JC, Cara, and Mitchell create. Basically its just a page of the time schedule of the week and I am given a sheet of paper and my job is to make sure that the ratings number on the programming list match what is inputted into the computer. I then did some basic data entry. It wasn’t that bad of a day. I attended another meeting with the ratings team and discussed upcoming goals and we talked about how were are doing in regards to meeting this quarters goals.


Day 4: I learned how to program shows into a program called my events. So basically I was given the list of programs that needed to be inputted in my events. So basically I dragged the certain shows and attached an episode number along with a trackage (the time period that the show occurs i.e AM, Afternoon, PM, late night). I did that for a couple hours and then I sat in on a VP meeting where the directors and vice presidents in the ratings, programming, and marketing departments had their weekly meetings. It was a rather informal meeting although I felt like the information that they talked about was very important but at the same time they were just chill when they talked about the various points of the departments. They were trying to figure out how to attract women 18-24 for because the shows that they air were having unexpectedly lower ratings than previously thought. After I left the meeting I started to update a database which showed competitive shows and I had to enter premiere along with finale dates for these shows. That took me the entire rest of the day.

Day 5: I updated more of the competitive blog for the shows. I had to go onto and basically find shows on various networks for the months of june-september and highlight any shows that were being premiered or if there were any finales. Once I did this, I handed the shows to one of my supervisors Cara where she checked over it to make sure she had everything she needed. Then I went to program more of the shows into my events. JC told me that I needed to do this everyday first thing in the morning because Nielsen, the ratings company, has a set deadline to when the programs need to be inputted into the computer. Then I started to do basic data entry regarding MTV/MTV 2 shows and learned how to run reports on startrak regarding named shows and their average rating across a variety of time slots and certain weeks.

Day 6: I needed to make a powerpoint regarding the NBA playoffs because MTV wanted to see the ratings for the NBA playoffs for the last 3 years with every round and to see the MTV shows that aired during the particular time slots. I had to run a report of each network that showed NBA playoffs (ESPN, ESPN 2, TNT, NBA TV, ABC) and I had to run the report and check the ratings with those network games. Basically I had to find out the amount of people that were watching these games and then I had to create a powerpoint and make notes on the trends over the various networks and give insight to how we can get higher ratings for the MTV shows even when NBA playoff games are on. This took me the entirety of the day.

Day 7: Today was a rather slow day. Monday, along with Tuesday, is one of the busiest days in the office considering all the ratings from Friday come in. I updated the NBA playoff report with the most up to date basketball game and tracked trends and gave insight to why ratings went up or down across the 2 stations that held the western and eastern conference finals, TNT and ESPN. Once I updated that, I did my daily input of programs into myevents. Then I did a mini-project regarding Punk’d and seeing the ratings along each of the 8 older seasons along with the newest 9th season. I tracked ratings from people between 12-24, along with ratings for women and men as subsets. After I ran that report, I was supposed to give insight to why the latter seasons of punk’d, arpund 2006 and 2007, did so poorly, and why MTV decided to bring back the series temporarily. After that I had about an hour left in my day so I checked the ratings from Friday for MTV and MTV 2. When I was done with that I was done for the day. We have a general meeting for the insight and research department tomorrow. It should be pretty interesting.

Day 8: Today I attended a conference for VH1 and MTV regarding scheduling and we watched some upcoming shows that were going to be aired on the two networks and me along with other interns and we were basically assessing the pros and cons in the sense of whether or not the show applied to millineals. This lasted about a good hour and a half and lunch was served. Then when I got back to my cubicle, me and one of my supervisors and I learned how to make a quarterly report of the ratings. So basically I had to make a report of the fiscal year of 2007 (Q4 of 2006 and Q1,2,3 of 2007) and then once I was finished with that I created another report of the fiscal year of 2012. Then I had to format the report the way they wanted to and I had to basically notice the changes between these 2 fiscal years. Although you couldn’t make direct comparisons for all of the shows considering there were some shows that were not shown in 2012 and 2006 but for the shows that took place between the two fiscal years, I tracked the ratings of people between the ages of 12-24. After that, I went into powerpoint and created multiple slides concerning the competitive schedule of other networks and I was supposed to note whether or not ABC family, one of MTV’s biggest competitors, had any sort of season premiere or series premiere. Then I did my daily checking of the ratings for MTV and MTV2.

Day 9: Today was by far one of the most boring days as an intern. It was just one of those days where I finished my daily requirements and then sat around for the majority part of the day. 2 of my 3 supervisors were in meetings all day. The only major task that I had all day was to track the various programs from the reports I created yesterday and had to group the shows together whether they were acquired shows, acquired movies, original programming, music videos, or music blocks. This took me about 2 hours but after that I went on my first food run for the employees. I was surprised that I hadn’t done many up until this point. My supervisors told me that I would be doing a lot of work tomorrow, so I guess I should prepare myself to be busy. But I would so much rather be busy than bored.

Day 10: Today I had one of the more productive days. I first put the programming into myevents for Thursday through Sunday. This took awhile because I had to go into the system and rerelease the schedule because there were many programming issues and changes that needed to be addressed. Then after that I went back to the competitive schedule and I had to make other powerpoint slides for SYFY, TNT, USA, and TLC. These are MTV’s other competitors and just like with ABC family, I had to note the different series and season premiers, along with their starting times. This took a good couple hours. Then I checked the ratings for MTV and MTV2 to ensure that they were correct and could be released to Nielsen in time for the weekend. Then the final task that I started was learning how to run a different report, except this time, I wouldn’t be running the report through startrak, but rather through myevents. Basically, I was to measure the reach and the frequency of black, white and Hispanic viewers for MTV2 from 2007 and I had to compare that to 2012. So basically I had to break down the report by month and also by fiscal quarter. The reports take a long time to create, so basically I created the parameters for the report and then I ran them, but the reports wont be available to view until Monday. When I was done running the report, I went home. Monday, I will look at the actual reports and analyze them.

Day 11: Today I was busy from minute one to minute end. To start off the day, I had to check the ratings from the previous Friday for MTV and MTV2 to ensure that they were correct. Then I ran various reports that had to do with MTV and MTV2. Basically the purpose of running these reports was so I could track the season and series premieres of various shows. I had to track them and figure out which seasons had the highest ratings for the total coverage of people that have the ability to watch MTV and MTV2 and then I had to track trends through certain subgroups such as age, gender. After these tasks were completed, I, along with the rest of the research department attended a meeting with one of the qualitative and quantitative research for the Obama campaign and he basically at first gave us a crash course of what he was doing research wise for the 2008 presidential election and how his tactics have both changed and similar for the upcoming 2012 election. He gave us hints at what he was doing to ensure he could grab the most votes for President Obama in the upcoming election and talked about the many issues he has seen throughout the process. He then opened it up to a Q&A where people from the department asked questions in regards to MTV. After that, the VP of the research department, Nick Shore, had more of a general meeting about the changes he made in the quarter and made some lofty goals for the research department to hopefully achieve by the end of the fiscal year. After the meeting ended, I went back to finish up the reports and by the time I was done with that, it was time to go.

Day 12: Another busy day at work today. When I got in, I did my daily checking of the ratings, but this time it was for Saturday and Sunday and also for MTV (I usually only check the MTV2 ratings). This took me quite some time. After this, I went into my events, where I had to input the schedule for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in order for Nielsen to see the programmed shows. This took me a good hour and a half. Then, my supervisors took me out to lunch, it was kind of a meet and greet; they were very interested in getting to know me. After we got back from lunch, I learned some new stuff. I learned how to create a report that showed the top 10 cable and broadcast shows from the previous day. Basically, I had to go into startrak and plug in all these certain requirements and the data that it spat out had to do with the % of coverage of the certain shows and also the number of people that watched each show. So basically, I had to sort the top 10 shows based off impressions (the amount of people that watch the shows) and had to format the report in a certain way. This report is actually sent out to everyone in the research department, so I felt that for the first time, I wasn’t just doing intern work, but rather work that everyone was going to see. After I was done formatting the report, I basically had to say out of the top 10 shows, how many of those shows were MTV or MTV2, if any. I had to write out the overall rating for the top show on both broadcast and cable. This is sent to everyone precisely at 5:00 PM so I got the ability to send out the information to my supervisor, who made some minor touch ups before sending it out the rest of the staff. It was a very productive day.

Day 13: Today I had a very busy day besides the fact that I only did a couple of things. For the first hours of work today, I had to update the competitive database and had to make a powerpoint for about 15 other networks where I had to note the series and season premieres. Then after I finished that up I saw a screening of the Glass House that appears on ABC. Basically what we did was watch the pilot episode and then break into groups where we discussed the pros and cons of the show and then we had to decide whether or not the show was a threat to any MTV shows. The screening took a good 2 hours so then when that was finished, I did my daily checking of the ratings and now every day I have to run a report that details the top 10 cable and broadcast shows. So I completed that report and by the time that was done it was time to leave. It was a very productive day.

Day 14: So today I was very productive day. I had to run many reports today for various shows on MTV and MTV2 and me along with other interns had to make a presentation to my top supervisor Mitchell about the ratings and the certain content that appears in the show. I also helped create a powerpoint with other interns that had to do with millineals and their programming needs and wants. We basically summed up that millineals have this overall ADD mindset and tend to focus their attention on many different shows for small periods of times. We also went into detail regarding the types of programming that millineals, as opposed to Generation X’s, like to watch. Basically I had to give the ratings for the beginning, middle, and end of the certain season of these particular shows and then had to present all the info to Mitchell. After that was done I put the rest of the weekends programs into myevents and then all I did was check the ratings for MTV and MTV2 from Wednesday and then my day was complete.

Day 15: Today was a great day. I learned a bunch of new stuff today. I finally completed the competitive schedule for the other networks and I gave that to one of my supervisors as they will be using it in a presentation later next week. Today, I learned 2 valuable things in startrak. I learned how to run a report that gives program based day parts. Basically what this means is that I can now run reports of a singe telecast and see how that particular show’s ratings matched up to the entire days ratings on that particular network. So it basically gives me a sense of comparison when I want to see how the particular show did. After I learned that, I had to enter the programs into myevents for Monday an Tuesday which unfortunately took longer than expected because the program was running slow this morning. Then after I went to an ALL staff meeting for MTV; every department was here. I sat in on this meeting and it was by far one of the most interesting meetings I have been to. This meeting occurred because the 2nd fiscal quarter had ended this previous Sunday. I sat and listened to each department go through both good and bad points. After that was done I went back and learned the 2nd important report to run in startrak. This one was a telecast combination. Basically I got to see the ratings of every series premiere and how it compares to that particular show’s network for whatever the year was. After that was done, I basically just checked the ratings for MTV and MTV2 like I always do. After that was done my day was done.

Day 16: Today was a relatively short day. So I started to put in the programs for Wednesday and Thursday into myevents and then the fire alarm went off! So we basically were out of the office for the next 4 hours because there was a small fire on one of the upper floors of the building. After I got back I learned how to run a market break report which basically gives me the ability to look at certain specifics such as race, income level etc and see the ratings for those particular “market breaks.” This was probably the most interesting report I had to run cause you could literally see if white people or whatever race watched more of a show than another race. I had to run a report for MTV for the past fiscal year and had to determine whether or not black people watched this particular show more than Hispanics. After this was done, I basically just checked the ratings for MTV and MTV2 and then I did the rankers. Basically, the rankers are the top 10 telecasts for broadcast (NBC, ABC, CBS) and cable. They are ranked off impressions, or the total amount of people that tuned into the show that day. After I completed the rankers, I emailed them to my supervisor JC and then I was done for the day.

Day 17: Today was a great day. I first ran other market break reports and program based dayparts. This took me a solid 3 hours for the reports to run and for me to format them correctly. I didn’t understand how to run one of the reports so I asked my supervisor for some extra help and they were more than willing to help me out. The people here at MTV will help out anyone that is in need. They want me to succeed and to understand the material that I am learning so I thought that it was beneficial to learn form the “best.” This time for the market break report, I was told to see whether or not people between the $25-49,999 income level watched the show Hip-Hop Squares, more than people who made in between $50,000-89,999 watched. Then I went to an intern meeting with 2 of the lead marketing people for the Logo Network. We learned about the digital and consumer marketing aspects and what they do to improve the Logo Network. After they were done with their presentation, they opened it up to Q&A for the interns and we asked questions about the network and tips that they would give us to succeed both as an intern and a person. After that was done, we had a meeting with the VP of the research department, Nick Shore. Basically he introduced our intern group project that we will be presenting to the research department along with the CEO of Viacom. THE CEO OF VIACOM! Basically we are giving a business pitch to see how we can continue to make money across multiple platforms as 90% of our income comes from TV advertising but yet each day more and more people are watching on other platforms besides the TV. Nick also told us that this upcoming Monday we, the interns, are running the all staff meeting for the research department. Basically he gave us 2 questions to run the meeting on. 1) If we ran MTV… and 2) MTV should know this… I am very excited for that meeting. After that was done, I checked the ratings and then my day was done.

Day 18: Today was a great day. I got to work and started imputing the programs into myevents for this weekend. After that was done, I had to finish up the market break report for the income level stuff because that was finally done running when I got in this morning. Then at 11:30, I had a meeting with the interns to discuss this upcoming staff meeting that we are going to run. We basically ran through the 2 questions so that we could answer them correctly. After that meeting was done, I ran more and even more market break reports for JC so that we could see a variety of shows and see the ratings across the different races. After that was done, I was given the most daunting task since I have been here. I had to track the ratings for every series premiere since MTV has been on the air. We have data all the way back from 1995. So I basically have 16-17 years of data that I needed to sort through. When the report was done running, I looked and saw that I had over 2 million data entries to sort through. So I got a start on that. It definitely wont be done for a good week. After that was done, I checked the ratings for MTV and MTV2 and did the rankers. Once that was done, I got to go home. It was a very productive week to say the least.

Day 19: So today was quite an unusual day. When I first came in I checked the rankings and did the rankers from this past Friday. After that was done, myself along with the other interns went and prepared for the meeting that we were going to be putting on for the entire research department along with the CEO of Viacom. After we made some last minute prep stuff it was on to the meeting. We ran the entire meeting and we first started to discuss with the staff about new and trendy things that occur in pop culture today that they may or may not have been aware of. We talked about twitter, facebook, certain pop culture words, along with up and coming ideas that MTV should be aware of. Then after that part was done, we went onto the part that discusses “If we ran MTV….” Here was the most interesting part of the meeting because this is where we got to express some new ideas that we thought would be able to advance MTV because we feel as if MTV isn’t as popular as it used to be and were trying to get them ahead of the curve. After the meeting was done, I ran various reports for JC regarding MTV2 and their winter show premieres as compared to summer show premieres and I was supposed to give insight into why certain shows perform well based off the time of the year. After that was done, I ran another report that had to do with certain show that MTV was looking to acquire from another network and I had to look up that show and see how the ratings did for the past 2 years and to send the data over to JC for him to take a look at. After that was complete, I did my last daily items and then I was free to go home.

Day 18: Today was a very slow day. Today I did a lot of “classic intern work.” I ran around all day buying supplies for a meeting that the research department needed because they had to switch the meeting for today and none of the items were going to be here on time unless I went and got them. I went to run errands around Times Square in order for the meeting to run smoothly. After doing that for a good 2 hours I came back and ran some reports for JC for him to look at. I ran a program based daypart. This means that I got to look at the show in comparison to the total day of the particular network and I got to see how the show also compared to the lead in show and the lead out show. That was pretty interesting. Then after that I went to a meeting with the marketing research group and we watched commercials that they thought millineals would be most drawn to. We watched about 17 commercials and were told to write down our feelings of each individual commercial and to give it a rating on 1-5 and back up our rating. That was the most interesting part of my day by far. This took a good couple hours so after that was done, I went back and ran a couple of more reports for JC before checking the ratings from the weekend and also doing the rankers for the weekend. And after all that good stuff was done, I went home.

Day 19: 4th of July, NO WORK.

Day 20: Today was a very interesting day although I got to go home early which was nice. I ran a report for JC of the top 5 ratings for every day, week, month, year, fiscal year, and quarter for both MTV and MTV2. He called it a cheat sheet that people were going to look at in order to have a basis of what good ratings for the network should like. This took me much longer than expected because I had completed it once, but then JC told me that I had to do it all over again because he wanted the ratings to have 3 decimal places and I originally only had the ratings to 2 decimal places. So I had to go back and run the report again which changed up all the top 5 ratings. After that was done, me and the other interns worked on our final intern project and began to come up with ideas about how we can assess the current market situation and see how our competitors are doing in relation to MTV. We had to take notes on what networks are doing what and whether or not they are doing certain things better than MTV. I am responsible for coming up with the ratings for other popular shows on rival networks and comparing them to the shows for MTV that air at the same time. We worked on the group project for a good 2 hours and then I was introduced a individual project that I am supposed to complete by the end of my internship. It’s a bit of a heavy task. I am supposed to get the ratings of every single episode and every single show in the history of MTV. I was quite surprised that no one had come up with this yet but I guess I am in charge of doing it now. It will be a very long and tiring experience but I bet I will be relieved once it is over. After JC and Mitchell introduced the project to me, I did my daily checking of the ratings along with doing the rankers and finally went home.

Day 21: Today I was busy from the second I sat down until I left. I didn’t even take a lunch break. When I first came in I did the rankers from the past Thursday and also checked the ratings as well for the day. After that was complete, I ran a couple of reports for JC about the fiscal years of MTV and MTV2. After that was completed, I had to update the competitive calendar that I completed about 2 weeks. I kept having to go back and make edits because every person who I sent it to had something to critique about it, and they were going to use the competitive powerpoint in a meeting tomorrow so it needs to be perfect. Once that was done, I had to update the actual competitive sheet that one of my supervisors had. This required me going online and checking premiere dates of seasons and then to input those dates, shows, networks, type of show (cable or broadcast) into an excel sheet. After that was done, I did some prep work for the intern project by gathering data from other networks since 2010 and comparing the particular shows ratings that we wanted in comparison to the network ratings for those years. When I completed that, I prepped the report that I am going to start tomorrow for my individual project. By that time it was 5:30 and I got to go home. Its been a very long day, but because I was so busy, the time flew!

Day 22: Once again it was a very hectic day. I started off the day by making final changes to the competitive poweropint that I thought I had finished yesterday. Then I had to come to the meeting where my powerpoint was going to be shown so it was nice that I was given credit for it during the presentation. After that was done, I needed to make reach and frequency reports for all of 2011 and 2012 separated by month and by quarter. After I ran those reports I was sidetracked because I needed to meet up with the other interns to discuss where we were for the market assessment portion of the intern presentation that we will be putting on in a couple weeks. When I finished that meeting, I finally got to start on my HUGE individual project. I got through 40 shows but that is tiny in comparison to how much more I have to do. While I was doing that, I had to run another report because the programming department was interested in acquiring a movie and wanted to see how that particular movie did on that corresponding network. So I had to complete that and send that over to Mitchell, my head supervisor. Then I went to a meeting that was about millineals in general and how we are different from people who are Generation X’ers and Baby Boomers. When that was completed I did the rankers and checked the ratings and then I finally went home.

Day 23: Today was a very busy day, as usual. I started off the day putting in Monday through Wednesday into myevents. That took a good hour. After that was completed, I ran a long report for JC. About a week ago, I ran a report for him about the telecasts over the past 3 years. Now, it was time to update that file and make some minor changes in order for him to present the data in a meeting he was having. After I completed that, I went to the all staff meeting for the research department. This was probably the most interesting meeting of the entire summer. First, in the meeting was a woman from nickelodeon talking about the next generation. Later, we had a “Generation X” throwback where employees who are from that generation presented items from their life. This was a very funny meeting. After that meeting was all done, I went straight into another meeting where we were discussing names for a possible show that could be on MTV in the near future. I really feel like I’m part of the process here. When that was completed, I went and ran a report for Cara about the top 50 telecasts of the year in order for her to present it at the budget meeting. When that was done, I checked the ratings as usual and did the rankers. After I did that, I went back to work on the major project. Then it was about time to go home, thank god, it was a very busy day.

Day 24: Today was by far the longest day of the summer. I came into work early so I could get ahead on the huge individual project. I was working on that for an hour until JC came over and then I had to run various reports to him. One of the reports took me at least 3 hours to run and then format. This report was basically a daypart average report and I needed to track down the ratings across the various networks dating back all the way to 2000. The reason it took me forever is because of the way he wanted the report to be formatted. I had to cut and paste so many different things that it seemed like it was taking forever. Then I got an even larger task to do. I had to complete this report of the fiscal 2nd quarter, this was an excel sheet with over 75,000 entries that I needed to do equations for in total. This was a very daunting task, to say the least. After that was done, I had a meeting with the other interns as we discussed the second part of the project in where we need to give a business pitch to MTV. We were brainstorming ideas for what could be done and we are meeting up tomorrow to share our ideas. After that meeting was completed, I checked the ratings and did the rankers. Then I took the last couple hours to work again on my huge individual project. After that, I finally got to go home.

Day 25: Today, once again, was very long. I came in early to get ahead on my individual project. I got quite far today, I got a good 75 entries done in that. After that was done, I put Thursday-Saturday into myevents for the programming. When that was done, I met up with the other interns to discuss the business pitch part of the intern project. We came up with a great idea. We thought of a great way for MTV to be hip again and to get reconnected with their target demographic. We launched the idea of EDMTV. EDM is rapidly increasing in today’s pop culture and we thought it would be a great idea for MTV to immerse itself in that. Once that was done, I went back and ran a couple easy reports for JC that took awhile. Then the most interesting part of my day occurred. I was interviewed for the upcoming intern video that Viacom will be putting on their website at the end of the summer. So I thought that was pretty cool. After that was done, I went back to work on the individual project. I got a few more entires done in that when JC had me run a very long report that basically had me look at various networks and I had to determine which networks had a huge spike and then followed by at least 2 years of decline. I had to format the report to show % of schedule, GRP, and % of GRP. That took me along time and I still haven’t completed it. After that was done, I checked the ratings for MTV and MTV2 and did the rankers. After that my day was done.

Day 26: Today was a much more relaxing day on the whole. I started off the day by putting the last day into myevents. Then when that was done, I met with the other interns as we went into further discussions on our business pitch. When that was done, I went to another meetings with Mitchell and the other directors of the department. That was a very interesting meeting as they discussed this past quarter and how we can improve. After that was done, I got back to my individual project. Im still not even half way done with that so its quite disappointing. After that was done, I started to run the quarterly report for MTV to date. Once that was done, I checked the ratings and did the rankers and then went home.

Day 27: Today was a very relaxing day. All I did was do myevents for Monday and Tuesday and then worked the resrt of the day on the intern presentation with the rest of the interns. We are coming up with the presentation details and are making the beginnings of the powerpoint. The rest of the week should be the exact same thing; I think we are presenting next Monday. Finally, I did the rankers and checked the ratings like I usually do and then I got to go home. Not that many reports I had to run today, thankfully.

Day 28: So today was a very productive day although I didn’t run that many reports. All I did today was get ahead in my individual project that I can hopefully complete by the end of my internship. I really am only halfway through the project because its so tedious and I need to make sure everything goes correctly but im optimistic that I can complete it by the end of my internship. Also today we went through the final planning stages of the group presentation/business pitch we will be giving on Monday. We presented our ideas to the marketing research employees and they gave us helpful feedback on what they like and what we can improve on. So after they gave us the feedback we made some minor changes and are meeting tomorrow to smooth everything out because we have a mock presentation that we are giving to the marketing research employees before we give it to the entire research staff. After that was done, I completed the GRP budget report which took a good hour or so. After that was done I checked the ratings and did the rankers and by that time I was allowed to go home.

Day 29: Today was a very similar day to yesterday. All I did today was get ahead in my individual project that I can hopefully complete by the end of my internship. I am about ¾ of the way done because I did a lot of work on the project today. We mapped out even more items for the presentation on Monday and we are presenting it tomorrow actually for the VP of research before we give the actual presentation. Im kind of nervous but I guess everything will work out. They gave us even more feedback on what we need to change, so that was good. After that was done I checked the ratings and did the rankers and by that time I was allowed to go home.

Day 30: Once again, same ole day. The only difference today was that we presented our presentation to one of the VP’s of the research department. Then I got even more ahead in my individual project. I really think Im going to be able to complete it but then again, who knows? I’m really hoping I can get it done. I cant believe the summer is almost over. I only have one more week left in my internship and its gone by so quick.

Day 31: Today was a great day. We finally presented our business pitch to the whole department. I was very nervous going into it but had prepared well and knew that I was going to do well. The presentation lasted about an hour so after that I was very relieved to get that done. When that was done, we had our all staff meeting and we had a speaker come in and talk about how he manages creativity. The speaker went into depth about time management and basically how to use our creativity to the best possible extent. It was a very riveting presentation. That took me to about 2 o’clock. I worked on my individual project for a long time and that took me until about 4. I am really hoping to have the project done by Thursday because if I don’t il be very mad. But by the looks of it I really think I should complete it on time. At 4 I did the rankers and checked the ratings and then I went home. I have about 6 hours left id say on the individual project. 3 more days of my internship; the summer has gone by so quick.

Day 32: So, the last Tuesday of my internship. It seems like the days are going so slow, but then again, im always occupied and rarely have 20 minutes to myself during the day. I kind of wish I had time to just relax during the day; I find myself falling asleep at the wrong times. I FINALLY FINSIHED MY INDIVIDUAL PROJECT. I was so relieved to be honest, I thought I was never going to finish but I spent a good couple of hours finishing it. After that was done, I worked on a couple easy reports that JC had me do. After that was done, I had to create a survey on survey monkey for JC because MTV is recoding their shows and I was given the task to make a survey on which code would be most appropriate according to the particular show. After I finished that, I did a couple reports for Cara regarding the Olympics this year and in years previous. I noticed that the ratings go up every 4 years. I guess more and more people like to watch the Olympics. Then when that was done I put a couple days of programming into my events. When that was done I did the rankers and checked the ratings and then by that time I was allowed to go home. 2 more days!

Day 33: Today I had a very busy day but this allowed me to work on some mini projects that I had always wanted to work on but never had the chance. I was doing report after report after report. Then I had a quick meeting with Mitchell and J.C about budget. After that was done, I put the rest of the weeks programming into myevents. When that was done, I had a farewell lunch with Mitchell, J.C, Cara and Kristina. We went to this really good Japanese place. When that was done I went to a meeting about scheduling with J.C. When that was done, I got to go home. I cant believe that I only have one more day left in my internship, the summer has absolutely gone by so quick.

Day 34: I literally did nothing on my last day! It was very very relaxing. All I did today was do the rankers and checked the ratings. I am so happy that the internship is over and I learned so much about how MTV and I guess for the lack of a better term, how the real world works. I leave NYC on Saturday and I think forusre I have made my mark but I cant wait to be home. BLOOMINGTON IN 2 WEEKS! HO HOO HOOSIERS!

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...fffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffAssignment of Fin-2103: Principles of Marketing Assignment on “Elements of Macro-Environment & its impact over marketing of Bangladeshi goods & services” Md. Omar Faruque Course Instructor/ Lecturer, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business studies Jagannath University, Dhaka .] Sultan Ahmed Khan Representative of the group Epimetheus BBA 3rd Batch Department of Finance, Jagannath University, Dhaka. Submitted by Submitted to Group Name: Epimetheus Group No: Name of the members of the group: Serial No: Name of the members of the group Roll Number 01 Sultan Ahmed Khan 091597 02 Md. Mynul Islam 091633 03 Sharjil Ahmed 091623 04 Anik Mahmud 091636 05 Mamunur Rashid 07882747 06 Md. Mofazzal Hossen 091615 07 Nusret Jahan Nupur 091519 08 Mahmuda Akter Tonny 091571 09 Protiva Talukder 091602 Group Representative: Sultan Ahmed Khan. Group Coordinator : Md. Mynul Islam. Contact : 18th October 2010 The Course Instructor, Md. Omar Faruque, Lecturer, Dept. of Finance, Jagannath University, Dhaka. Subject: Thanks to our mentor for giving us a challenging assignment. Sir, We are the students of dept. of finance (3rd batch) of Jagannath University, Dhaka. We are very much enthusiastic about our assignment. We are really happy to have such an assignment of challenging and interesting like this. Our presentation topic is `Elements of Macro...

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