...The most intriguing health trivia: The human body is like a machine that is full of wonder. Here is a collection of unusual health trivia — ranging from anatomy facts to medical anecdotes gathered from various sources. • The human brain cell can hold five times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica. • The average number of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain is 100 billion. • The brain is soft and gelatinous — its consistency is something between jelly and cooked pasta. • Though it makes up only two percent of our total body weight, the brain demands 20 percent of the body’s oxygen and calories. • The time until unconsciousness after loss of blood supply to the brain is about eight to 10 seconds. (So don’t let anybody squeeze your neck.) • Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. • The hearing range for a young adult human is 20 to 20,000 Hz. For an elderly person, hearing is less at 50 to 8,000 Hz. In contrast, a cat can hear better at 100 to 60,000 Hz, and a dolphin has the widest hearing range at 200 to 150,000 Hz. • The auditory pain threshold is 130 Db. The threshold for hearing damage is 90 Db for an extended period of time. A rocket launching pad is equivalent to 180 Db, a jet plane to 140 Db, an automobile horn to 120 Db, a nagging wife up to 75 Db, and a soft whisper, 30 Db. Interestingly, the sound of a snore (up to 69 decibels) can be almost as loud as the noise of a drill. • There are 9,000 taste buds...
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...1932, July 18 Where You Get 100% trusted News Partly Cloudy, 28C° the Scoop daily HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN We asked ourselves is it possible that in this darkness a light will appear, and yes it finally happened, Franklin D. Roosevelt has defeated the republican Herbert Hoover. FDR has created a New Deal which is going to make people find new jobs in the government. But what exactly is the New Deal? The New Deal Franklin D. Roosevelt has kept his promise and released the New Deal, he and his advisors called the “Brain Trust” believe this will give an end to the great depression and prevent it from happening ever again. The New Deal is said to be consisting of the historical “3rs”, they are relief, recovery and reform. Relief is for the poor people and unemployed people to find jobs and have a good life again. Recovery and reform are for the economy to get better, so we can start have our own businesses and the government can run again. We have interviewed Carlson, a ranch hand that has been trying Franklin D. Roosevelt to achieve his dream by working as hard as he can. What do you think about The New Deal? “I think that The New Deal will change our lives, with The New Deal I can finally have a house, a wife and be able to tend my own farm animals. Do you think people will repeat their mistakes? “I think people understood what they did wrong and now we have a second chance, so we gotta work hard to repair America...
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...DIFFERENT TYPES OF AIRCRAFT ENGINE AIR INLET Air intake (inlet) — For subsonic aircraft, the inlet is a duct which is required to ensure smooth airflow into the engine despite air approaching the inlet from directions other than straight ahead. This occurs on the ground from cross winds and in flight with aircraft pitch and yaw motions. The duct length is minimized to reduce drag and weight.[1] Air enters the compressor at about half the speed of sound so at flight speeds lower than this the flow will accelerate along the inlet and at higher flight speeds it will slow down. Thus the internal profile of the inlet has to accommodate both accelerating and diffusing flow without undue losses. For supersonic aircraft, the inlet has features such as cones and ramps to produce the most efficient series of shockwaves which form when supersonic flow slows down. The air slows down from the flight speed to subsonic velocity through the shockwaves, then to about half the speed of sound at the compressor through the subsonic part of the inlet. The particular system of shockwaves is chosen, with regard to many constraints such as cost and operational needs, to minimize losses which in turn maximizes the pressure recovery at the compressor. An intake, or especially for aircraft inlet, is an air intake for an engine. Because the modern internal combustion engine is in essence a powerful air pump, like the exhaust system on an engine, the intake must be carefully engineered and tuned...
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...Hbhbh jj jjhjh j jhh jjhhj jjhj jvj jj jj jj j j j j j j j j j j j j j j I ii uy88 8 8y 8y y8 8y 8 8 8y 8 8y 8y 8 8 8 8y 8 y 8 88 y 8 8 y 8 y8 y8 8 8 y 8 8 y 8 8 8 8 8 y 8 8 y8 8 8 y8 y8 y8 8 8 8 y 8 8 8 y 8 8 y 8y 7 ty t6y t6 t y ty yt y ty y t y y ty y t y y yt y yt y y ty y t y t y y y y y y yt y ty yt y yt y yt y y ty y y y y y y y y y ty yt y yt y y y t y y ty y t y yt y y y yt yt yt y yt y ty y yt y yt y y y y y y yt y yy y y y yy y yt y y y yt y yt y yt yt yt y yt yt y y y y f gg fg gf g g g g g g g g g g g g gg gf g g g g g g g gf g g g g g gf g g g g g g g g g g f g f gg g dd sd aas s s a as s a a s s sa s s s s d s d d s sd ds s ds d d s sd d s d s ds s d s d s d s s d s s asd sd as as sd...
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...details were relatively limited, the companies said that Toyota owners who register with Toyota Friend will be connected “with their cars, their dealership, and with Toyota,” and will have access through the network to product information and maintenance tips. If an owner’s hybrid vehicle is running short on battery power, for instance, the Toyota Friend network will alert that customer to the condition via a short message similar to those exchanged on Twitter, according to the statement. Members will be able to access the community through smartphones, tablet computers, and other mobile devices. In recent years, many companies have rushed to establish a presence in the greenfields of social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, creating communities of customers and fans there. Toyota’s new CRM effort is distinctive because of its closed nature and its reliance on telematics, which connects a driver directly to information on a car’s status. “To date, [Toyota Motor Co.] has developed its own telematics services to connect people, cars, and their surroundings,” the statement read. “Through Toyota Friend, TMC aims to offer its telematics services worldwide. Moving forward, TMC plans to advance toward the realization of future mobility by teaming up proactively with global IT companies.” Toyota President Akio Toyoda said this latest iteration of customer relationship management is a natural evolution for the auto industry. "Social networking services are transforming human...
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...A a a a a a a a a a aa aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a man I don’t even know why I am doing all of this I cannot stand to erite and I also hate college. Rscc is so dumb I want to go back to Tennessee tech. I think it would be so amaazibng if I could have sex with Melanie iglesis. A a a a a a a aa a aa a aa fffffff ffffffffffffffff fffffffffff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f ff f f f ff f f fnbb b b b b b b bb b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b bb b b b b bb b b b b b bb b b b b b b bb b b b b b b b b b b b b b bb b b b b b b b b b b b b b b bb bb b b b b b b bb b...
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...,.s,./cv.;’sdldf’lv;dsl;sdlf;mdlvdfl;’vkfgl;,d’defvml;dfvld’;lb;’fg. Fffffff Ghyghty hgmbnvhf tjhjghgjvb dfdkkdd vgjvgjfmfn dmjdkckFjifrek;lk;le;wgmcx,vncblkfdmc Assignment – Self Check Link Do not attach ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET with the online submission of your assignment. Always check "copy" limit with provided "Self Check Link" before making final online submission. A copy of "Safe Assign Report" is mandatory with the hard copy submission to your lecturer. >> View/Complete Final Assignment – Submission Link Do not attach ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET with the online submission of your assignment. Always check "copy" limit with provided "Self Check Link" before making final online submission. A copy of "Safe Assign Report" is mandatory with the hard copy submission to your lecturer. >> View/Complete Outsourcing IT: The strategic implications - Elsevier linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/002463019500038KSimilar However, 70 of all organizations surveyed did not have a formal IT ..... Fourthly, Pilkington retained inhouse capability to manage the contract. ... PILKINGTON PLC: A Major Multinational Outsources Its Head Office ... www.wiley.com/college/turban2e/icase1.html - CachedSimilar What in-house capability did Pilkington retain? Was this enough? Were there advantages in keeping inhouse greater technical expertise? ... Im information systems www.slideshare.net/.../im-information-systems - United States - Cached What in-house capability did Pilkington...
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...fffffffffff ffffffffffff dssfffff ffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffff ffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff dssfffffff ffffffffffffffffffffff dssffffffffffffffffff f ffffffffff dssffffff fff fff ffffffffffff fffffdssffffff ffdssfffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff fffffffffffffffff ffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff dssffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffdssfffff ffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffff ff ffffffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff ffffffffffffffff fffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdssfffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffff fdssffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdssffffff fffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffff fdssffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdssfffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff dssffffff ffffffffffffffffff fffffdssffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff dssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff dssf ffff ff ffff...
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...INTRO Imagine this...you just gave a stellar presentation at your company’s monthly meeting. You were nervous, but you don’t think anyone really noticed...so you confidently head back to your seat at the conference table, Patting yourself on the back, and as you go to sit down the chair rolls from right underneath you and you PLOP..right on the floor..and it that wasn’t enough.... as you fell, you kind of let out this yell of several obscenities! Something like a Oh Shhh...OH Fffffff...something like that! You look up from the floor.. and your Boss is there..your Boss’s Boss is there, and that person you've been trying to Holla at for months from Accounting...There’s always someone from accounting your trying Holla out..Anyway...There you are ON the Floor...time has actually stood still....Well What do you do? Do you get up and run crying out the room? Do you get up quickly and sit in the chair and try to pretend nothing happened....Or do you...take a moment..then lift your hands up and say...THank you..I do all my Stunts.....Well according to an article written in Psychology Today by sociologist Erving Goffman...”It’s not the embarrassing moment that makes or brakes us...IT’s the recovery...It’s how we recover” People will remember our reaction, more than they will remember the actually embarrassing moment! Now lets face it..Everyone has had a moment when they wish they could just disappear right then and there. Unfortunately, it is not that easy!But once we learn how to...
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...Java Server Faces (JSF) Tutorial JAVA SERVER FACES TUTORIAL Simply Easy Learning by tutorialspoint.com tutorialspoint.com i ABOUT THE TUTORIAL Java Server Faces Tutorial JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java-based web application framework intended to simplify development integration of webbased user interfaces. JavaServer Faces is a standardized display technology which was formalized in a specification through the Java Community Process. This tutorial will teach you basic JSF concepts and will also take you through various advance concepts related to JSF framework. Audience This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic JSF programming. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in JSF programming from where you can take yourself to next levels. Prerequisites Before proceeding with this tutorial you should have a basic understanding of Java programming language, text editor and execution of programs etc. Because we are going to develop web based applications using JSF, so it will be good if you have understanding on other web technologies like, HTML, CSS, AJAX etc. Copyright & Disclaimer Notice All the content and graphics on this tutorial are the property of tutorialspoint.com. Any content from tutorialspoint.com or this tutorial may not be redistributed or reproduced in any way, shape, or form without the written permission of tutorialspoint.com. Failure to do so is a violation...
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