...Exchange Traded Funds March 2012 • ETF have shown consistent growth in volumes both in terms of number of trade and turnover. Based on the underlying asset different types of ETFs have been identified. The turnover and price of each class of ETF listed on NSE is given below. % Turnover February 2012 Gold Money Market Equity Market International Equity Market Total T/O ( ` Lacs) 37919.31 26320.58 18968.98 245.26 45.44% 31.54% 22.73% 0.29% Total 83454.13 100.00% 31.54% ETF Based on Asset 45.44% 22.73% 0.29% Gold Money Market Indian Stock Market % International Stock Market ETF based on Gold SYMBOL AMC NAV Avg T/O Return % Feb-12 Jan-12 ` lacs 1Month 3Months AXISGOLD AXIS 2817.57 2785.41 10.17 1.15 -0.78 BSLGOLDETF BIRLA SUN LIFE 2878.80 2842.56 3.27 1.27 -0.93 GOLDBEES GOLDMAN SACS 2752.54 2721.08 1158.79 1.16 -0.79 GOLDSHARE UTI 2765.36 2733.44 122.26 1.17 -0.79 HDFCMFGETF HDFC 2820.02 2787.67 71.05 1.16 -0.77 IDBIGOLD IDBI 2886.10 2852.87 10.71 1.16 -0.79 IPGETF ICICI 2837.22 2800.19 9.94 1.32 -0.78 KOTAKGOLD KOTAK 2763.77 2732.06 184.52 1.16 -0.80 QGOLDHALF QUANTUM 1375.29 1359.61 13.32 1.15 -0.79 RELGOLD RELIANCE 2691.41 2660.65 175.91 1.16 -0.78 RELIGAREGO RELIGARE ...
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