...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Home Page » Science Project 1 In: Science Project 1 Project 1 Write an essay of 1500 words, giving credible references on the use of physics in your daily activities. You need to mention 5 or more activities where physics is used. Remember to follow the APA style and give references. Physics is used in so many ways that most people do not even realize that they are using it. Even a stay at home mom uses physics more than one would think. Daily activities that many people do include physics without thinking about it, such as driving a car, using a headrest in a car, walking and running, flushing the toilet, and washing and drying clothes. Driving a car has many different aspects of physics involved, but today only acceleration, speed, and velocity will be discussed. People talk in terms of physics everyday without even knowing that is what they are discussing. For example, “speed” limit, how quickly a car can “accelerate,” and when they add a direction, they are actually talking about the velocity of a vehicle because velocity has a magnitude and direction, not just magnitude. According to Barry Parker in Issac Newton School of Driving, “you are accelerating and decelerating most of the time when you take a trip through the busy streets of a city, either by stepping on the gas, braking, or turning the steering wheel.” Basically...
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