...Initial public offerings Initial public offerings Keith Broomfield Jr Trident University FIN501 Strategic Corporate Finance Professor: John Halstead Summer 2013 Keith Broomfield Jr Trident University FIN501 Strategic Corporate Finance Professor: John Halstead Summer 2013 Module 1 Case Module 1 Case 1) What type of IPO should AVG use—a traditional IPO or an online auction? Based on your analysis and findings, what would you recommend to the executives of AVG? Explain your reasoning in detail. As I understand the formula/process. Most IPO's are underwritten by an investment banking organization that specializes in providing venture capital to launch an organization toward a public offering. Once the valuation of the company whose public offering is being considered is established then shares are created. These shares represent a certain value or stock domination as based on the company's worth through their product, service or manufacturing capability as identified by the Investment Banking Firm. In other words what current market share does the pending IPO company have, their current net worth and the future of their product and the market they currently affect, oh yes and do they have a proprietary product or patent and what's their competition about. This is a rather simplistic formula and for the sake of time will work for now. Those initial shares are first offered to large institutional investors. These institutions are capable of providing large capital...
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