...Student Name______________________________________________ S. Id No___________________________________________________ S. Phone (w)________________ (h) ____________________________ B.B.A. – General Business Concentration S. alt. email ________________________________________________ Adviser ___________________________________________________ A. phone __________________________________________________ A. email___________________________________________________ 2010-2011 Catalog This plan is an unofficial document used for advisement only. How to use this program plan: Write the grade for the course that satisfies each requirement. If the student takes a course that is chosen from a list of possible courses, Circle the course number taken in addition to writing the grade. General Education: (60 hours) GGC or Grade Course Number & Title Transfer Area A - Essential Skills: (9 hours) (“C” or better) _______ _____ ENGL 1101 English Composition I _______ _____ ENGL 1102 English Composition II _______ _____ MATH 1111 College Algebra (or higher) Area B - Institutional Option (4 hours) _______ _____ ITEC 1001 Introduction to Computing Area C - Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours) _______ _____ Choose one from the following: Additional Requirements (3-4 hours) Physical Education Requirement _______ _____ Wellness (1 hour) _______ _____ Additional Physical Education (2 hours) ________ ______ Regents Requirements – The requirements for US and Georgia History and Constitution can...
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...Minor Programme^ (Applicable to students admitted in 2012-13) Integrated BBA Programme^ Students are required to complete a minimum of 18 units* as follows: (a) Two required courses: MGNT1010**, 1020 (b) Three courses from the following elective courses: DSME1035 (or 2030), FINA2010 (or 2310), MGNT2040, 2510, MKTG2010 (c) One 3-unit course at DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG 3000 and above level * 6 units 9 units ** 3 units Total: 18 units As non-IBBA-Major BBA students cannot take MGNT1010, they can take any MGNT-coded course to replace MGNT1010. Those who have taken MGNT-coded courses (or #equivalent or closely related courses) required by this minor programme in their major programme would not be allowed to take these MGNT-coded courses again. Instead, no more than two courses which count towards the fulfillment of students’ respective Major Programme requirements shall count towards the fulfillment of this Minor Programme. Students who have taken UGEC2750 can be exempted from taking MGNT1010 by replacing it with an elective course as listed in the requirements for IBBA Minor Programme. Other Minor Programmes offered by Individual Departments^ a. Business Economics^ Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 units as follows: DSME1030 (or ECON2011), DSME1040 (or ECON2021) Two courses from: DSME3030, 3040, 3070, 3080, 4040, 4050, 4080, 4090 One additional 3-unit course at DSME 3000 and above level Total: b. (a) (b) Management Information Systems^ Students are required...
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...Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México Primer Avance, Proyecto Final: Karen Itzel García Nava A0112492 Melissa Castilla López A00568287 Análisis de la Información Financiera (04) Susana González 27 de marzo de 2014 1. Datos generales de las empresas: I. Índice II. Resumen ejecutivo III. Desempeño del Sector IV. Descripción de la Compañía V. Estrategia de la empresa 2. Análisis de reportes financieros anuales (20012, 2013), notas a los estados financieros, informes de los órganos de gobierno corporativo Reporte anual 2011 Durante el 2011 las ventas de la empresa Walmart ascendieron a 329,690 millones de peso, esto representa un crecimiento del 11.5%, el flujo operativo fue de 34,514 millones de pesos como resultado de eficiencias operativas y logísticas. La empresa tuvo una generación de efectivo durante el año de 41,142 millones de pesos, la cual fue utilizada para el financiamiento de: * La inversión en activos fijos por 18,352 millones de pesos * El pago de dividendos por 9,659 millones de pesos * La recompra de acciones por 3,455 millones de pesos * El pago de impuestos por 8,878 millones de pesos Reporte anual 2012 En el año de 2012, la empresa Walmart logró recaudar una gran cantidad de efectivo ya que se consiguió obtener un balance sin deudas y requerimientos de capital negativo. Durante este año, la recaudación de efectivo fue de 41,714 millones de pesos los cuales fueron...
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...1220.0 ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations First Edition, Revision 1 ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations First Edition, Revision 1 Bria n Pink Aus t r a l i a n Sta t i s t i c i a n Aus t r a l i a n Bur e a u of Sta t i s t i c s Geof f Basc a n d Gove r n m e n t Stat i s t i c i a n Sta t i s t i c s New Zea l a n d AUST R A L I A N BURE A U OF STAT I S T I C S / STATI S T I C S NEW ZEALA N D EMBA R G O : 11.30 A M (CANB E R R A TIME) THU RS 25 JUN 2009 ABS Catalogue No. 1220.0 © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitte d under the Copyright Act 1968 , no part may be reproduce d by any proce ss without prior written permission from the Comm onwea lth. Requests and inquirie s conce rning reproduction and rights in this publica tion should be addresse d to The Manager, Interme dia ry Manage me nt, Austr a lia n Burea u of Statistic s, Locke d Bag 10, Belconne n ACT 2616, by telephone (02) 6252 6998, fax (02) 6252 7102, or email: . In all cases the ABS must be acknowle dge d as the source when reproducing or quoting any part of an ABS publica tion or other product. © Crown Copyright New Zeala nd 2009 Statistics New Zeala nd gives no warra nty that the inform ation or data supplie d conta ins no errors. Howeve r, all care and dilige nce has been used in processing, analysing and extra tcing the informa tion. Statistics...
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...Offshore Employment Handbook The Time-Saving “Getting Started” Guide for Finding Offshore Oil, Gas & Energy Jobs WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO SAVE THIS DOCUMENT ONTO YOUR HARD DISC NOW!!! Offshore Employment Kit…2 How to Avoid Offshore Oil Job Scams..................................................................... 5 Living the Offshore Life ......................................................................................... 10 Glossary of oilfield terms ....................................................................................... 12 Frequently asked questions about the offshore industries ........................................ 14 Nature of the oil industry ....................................................................................... 16 working conditions ................................................................................................ 19 Employment .......................................................................................................... 20 Occupations in the Industry.................................................................................... 20 Training and Advancement..................................................................................... 22 Earnings ................................................................................................................ 23 Outlook ......................................................................................................
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