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Submitted By azulazul
Words 278
Pages 2
After reading the chapter 2 of Intermediate Accounting and Chapter 4 of Financial Accounting, I can conclude that accounting information has to have some qualities for making decisions which is the objective of accounting, one of the most important qualities for me is relevance. why is relevance is the most important? relevant accounting information is very important for businesses to make the right decision on the right time, it helps companies on predicting future outcomes, analyzing past and current outcomes. Companies present accounting information to internal and external business stakeholders for creation decisions. Relevant to investors, creditors, and others for investment, credit, and similar decisions, accounting information must be capable of making dissimilarity in a decision. Relevant in sequence should have predictive value, feedback value, and timeliness. Relevant information helps decision makers make predictions about future; it has "Predictive Value".retrieved from let me tell you this story, my brother in law had a pastry company, it is a small business. He was delivering pastry for a supermarket, he was making a lot of money. He hired an accountant who was providing my brother in law with false information, who didn't have any idea about numbers, so he trusted his accountant. my brother is law was working so hard to satisfy the supermarket needs, and one day his company went bankruptcy. he closed his business. the bottom line, my brother in law was provided with false number which means that the accounting information were not relevant, so he took bad decisions based on false numbers. relevant accounting information are the key success for businesses.

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