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Environmental Pollution


November 12th 2012
Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution refers to any disapproving modification of our environment and alteration in the natural value of the environment, entirely or mostly as a spin-off of man’s activities. The action of man and the destruction caused to the environment may affect the whole living organism on the earth. Every humanoid civilization, disposes of certain kinds of materials and waste. Man has been endlessly abusing the land and its resources to gratify the unlimited want and demand for minerals of all kinds. Due to growth in the rate of human population the amount of trees on the planet has decreased by about 15%. This resulted from the worldwide loss of the forest and species existing in this forest. The cropland has enlarged progressively due to the irrigation facilities, but on the other hand it has naturally grown at the cost and expense of the lands that humans take from, the forest, grasslands and wetlands.

Environmental scientists regularly relate methodology and simultaneously conduct scientific research to resolve numerous environmental related complications by reviewing all the related pieces to third issue to find out an answer to it. In modern civilization individuals consume more than they harvest or produce, therefore we can see that the overall consumption of product is rising faster than the production. The U.S. has only 4.7% of the global population, but consumes 25% of the world’s resources. (Sustainable Energy, 2012) The richest states in the advanced countries devours most of the natural resources and releases the most contamination and have the highest volume to make the required and drastic changes. The enlarged production in prosperous nations would rather not suffer then satisfy our needs to decrease the pollution. The misuse of resources by rich nations has a substantial influence on our environment not only in the affected area but worldwide. To conduct an investigation for a precise period of time and to understand the consequences of pollution several theories are considered by the experts in the laboratory. One of the major causes of environmental pollution is the improper disposal of industrial solid waste that contains poisonous chemicals in it. The industrial waste that is discharged comes from the coal mining industries and metal handling as well as engineering industries. These businesses have over abused the natural resources beyond the recommended limits without concern for their sustainable use. The expert takes the samples of all kinds of gases that cause pollution to know the overall effect of it. They focus more on areas such as environmental managing and law or environmental policy. Acceptance of further courses is the notion to go through it. It is also proposed to hire an environment quality adviser to accommodate all the necessary changes that are needed to be refurbished and assumed. The smoke coming from the factory smoke stakes have small particles of dust, carbon and other such hazardous materials that has a great impact on our environment. The hurried jump of expansion has transformed the natural green landscape into a polluted landmass like no other. Due to the unrestrained increasing inhabitant’s hasty environmental deprivation has taken place triggering shortage of accommodation and other facilities and increases pollution. Governments must inspire alternative transportation, improved roads, establish green spaces and endorse fuel resourceful cars. All these actions will have a budget of $16.6 M. In many countries the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is encouraged because it does not pollute our environment and keeps the depletion of the ozone layer down. The resources are necessary to be used in a way that meets the request of modern society without compromising the capability of future generations to accomplish their sustainment of life.

A biological balance should be maintained in the environment so the pollution can be minimized considerably. If the people elude the use of non-biodegradable materials like plastic, it will assist to avert the complications of waste management and protect societies from its harmful effects. If proper measures are taken and followed by people all around, it will really help the nation to preserve balance in the environment and decrease the damaging effects of pollution. The interaction between the community and individual choice making and their daily activities will determine the recovery of our environment significantly. The demands of the humans must be satisfied using eco-friendly products and technologies which will help reduce all the ecological influences by making the best usage of available limited resources. All of these methods should be started to decrease poisonous discharges, as well as increasing the recovery and recycle of leftover material that greatly gives a lot in the production of environmental friendly products. It is very vital for all types of industries especially, chemical and fertilizer industries to adopt all of the pollution control procedures. It includes accepting the environment principles to know the ethical and emotional replies which are extremely invoked by our environment. The environmental problems enable the people in avoiding all the suffering reactions of our atmosphere and environment. It offers a chance so the people can deliberate about the major snags that it causes on our society. It can be said that individuals can be guardians and demolishers of the environment therefore contributors of public cleaning is the key to success of any environmental development program.

References: •
(United States Department Of Agriculture, 2012)

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