...Convert WRDS OUTPUT Building a Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Spreadsheet Income Statement-66 This case starts with raw financial statements and then a) develops standardized financial statements, b) constructs a statement of cash flows, c) builds all the key ratios, d) links forecast inputs to future financial statements, and e) builds discounted cash flow and residual income valuation models based on the forecasts. The result is a simplified version of eVal4, the spreadsheet model that is provided with “Equity Valuation and Analysis” by Russell Lundholm and Richard Sloan, but one that you should completely understand (because you built it yourself!). To save you some time, many of the cells are completed; you only need to finish the blue-shaded ones. There are five parts to this case, corresponding to the five tasks listed above. The case requires two files: Building eVal4.xls and General Mills 10-K.pdf. Part A: Standardized Financial Statements The financial statements filed with the SEC are not standardized, meaning that the company is free to report and label line items however they please (within obvious limits). For this reason, there is an intermediary business that takes the filed financial statements and sorts the line items into a predetermined set of accounts. We will explore this important part of the reporting process in this part of the case. 1) Find the “as reported” financial statements in General Mills’s 10-K filing (in the...
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...ACCT 212 Course Project (DEVRY) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A (TCO 1) The Accounting Equation is used to develop the organizations financial reports. (1) Describe what owners' equity values would be if Assets are $100,000 and Liabilities are $27,000 by showing the Accounting Equation (10 points) and (2) provide an explanation of what accounts could be found in owners' equity. (10 points) (TCO 1) The financial statements present a company to the public in financial terms. (1) Which financial statement identifies where cash was generated and where it was spent during the year (10 points) and (2) identify the three major parts of this statement. (10 points) (TCO 1) The accounting profession follows a set of guidelines for measurement and disclosure of financial information called the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). (1) Explain what the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are (10 points) and (2) provide an example of its application. (10 points) (TCO 2) Transaction analysis results in the development of a journal entry. Supplies are purchased on account agreeing to pay $500 within 30 days. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how using the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points) and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points) (TCO 3) Adjusting Entries are required at the end of the period to ensure that accrual accounting principles are...
Words: 2078 - Pages: 9
...8 1-2-2014 Review of Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs: What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers by Karen Berman and Joe Knight, with John Case. H. L. Vacher University of South Florida, vacher@usf.edu Recommended Citation Vacher, H. L. (2014) "Review of Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs: What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers by Karen Berman and Joe Knight, with John Case.," Numeracy: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 8. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5038/1936-4660.7.1.8 Available at: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/numeracy/vol7/iss1/art8 Authors retain copyright of their material under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 4.0 License. Review of Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs: What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers by Karen Berman and Joe Knight, with John Case. Abstract Berman, Karen and Knight, Joe, with John Case. Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs: What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers, (Boston MA: Harvard Business Press, 2008). 285 pp. ISBN 978-1-4221-1915-0. From “The art of finance (and why it matters)” (Part One) through “Creating a financially intelligent company” (Part Eight), Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs is an engaging explanation and appreciation of financial statements and financial ratios. Short, easily digested chapters; just-in-time boxes to introduce terminology; easy, direct, in-text calculations from bare-bones, hypothetical financial statements to illustrate concepts; a...
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...General Mills Inc.—Understanding Financial Statements Teaching Notes: This is the first case we use in our course and it sets the tone. We find that using a company well-known to students piques their interest and gets the course off to a good start. The purpose of the case is to gain familiarity with financial statements and to begin to think about how financial statements reflect economic events and financial performance. Some students need to be reminded that the point of the exercise is not to perform a comprehensive analysis of the company. At this point, most students do not have the required skills. Rather, the goal is one of discovery. Many students find that they understand a lot more of the information in the financials than they thought they would. Others find that the vocabulary bogs them down. They need to be encouraged to learn the language of business. A productive exercise is to have students jot down a few (3-5) items they find puzzling in the financial statements. Then, on the last day of class, have the students refer back to their list. Typically, they understand everything they had on their day-one list. This provides tangible evidence of the value of the course because most students are pleasantly surprised at how much they have learned. The case probes the three basic statements as well as the two opinions issued by the firms’ auditors. This provides the opportunity to introduce the notions of corporate governance and ethics. The case includes basic questions...
Words: 2946 - Pages: 12
...“Understanding Financial Statements and Cash Flow” There are four main financial statements. They are (1) balance sheets; (2) income statements; (3) cash flow statements; and (4) statements of shareholders’ equity. Now let’s take a look at the first three financial statements more in detail. The balance sheet is basically a snapshot of the firm. It is used to organize and summarize what a firm owns (assets), what a firm owes (liabilities), and the difference between the two (the firm’s equity) at any given time. A balance sheet shows a company’s assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity at the end of the reporting period. It does not show the flows into and out of the accounts during the period. The Balance Statement only tells how the company stands on one particular day, for instance the 31st of December or 30th of April. The Balance Statement is usually made by the accountant but it is in your interest to understand it. Assets are things that a company owns that have value and are classified as either current or fixed. A fixed asset has a relatively long life, whereas, a current asset has a lifespan of less than one year. This means that the asset will convert to cash within a year. Cash, inventory, and accounts receivables are a few current assets. Fixed assets include things that can’t be touched but nevertheless exist and have value, such as trademarks and patents. Liabilities are amounts of money that a company owes to others. They are classified as current...
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...------------------------------------------------- Investers Present and potential owners (investors) are prime users of financial statements. They continually assess and compare the prospects of alternative investments. The assessment of each investment is often based on two variables: expected return and risk. Expected return refers to the increase in the investor’s wealth that is expected over the investment’s time horizon. This wealth increase is comprised of two parts: (1) increases in the market value of the investment and (2) dividends (periodic cash distributions from the firm to its owners). Both of these sources of wealth depend on the firm’s ability to generate cash. Accordingly, financial statements can improve decision making by providing information that helps current and potential investors estimate a firm’s future cash flows. Risk refers to the uncertainty surrounding estimates of expected return. The term expected implies that the return is not guaranteed. For most investments, numerous alternative future returns are possible. For example, an investor may project that a firm’s most likely return for the upcoming year is $100,000. However, the investor recognizes that this is not the only possibility. There is some chance that the firm might generate returns of $90,000 or $110,000. Still other possibilities might be $80,000 and $120,000. The greater the difference among these estimates, the greater the risk. Financial statements help investors assess risk by providing information about the historical pattern...
Words: 1348 - Pages: 6
...General Mills Inc.—Understanding Financial Statements Teaching Notes: This is the first case we use in our course and it sets the tone. We find that using a company well-known to students piques their interest and gets the course off to a good start. The purpose of the case is to gain familiarity with financial statements and to begin to think about how financial statements reflect economic events and financial performance. Some students need to be reminded that the point of the exercise is not to perform a comprehensive analysis of the company. At this point, most students do not have the required skills. Rather, the goal is one of discovery. Many students find that they understand a lot more of the information in the financials than they thought they would. Others find that the vocabulary bogs them down. They need to be encouraged to learn the language of business. A productive exercise is to have students jot down a few (3-5) items they find puzzling in the financial statements. Then, on the last day of class, have the students refer back to their list. Typically, they understand everything they had on their day-one list. This provides tangible evidence of the value of the course because most students are pleasantly surprised at how much they have learned. The case probes the three basic statements as well as the two opinions issued by the firms’ auditors. This provides the opportunity to introduce the notions of corporate governance and ethics. The case includes basic questions...
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...com/shop/acct-370-excel-project/ PART 1: Excel Project: Part V Instructions Common Sized Statements and Trend Analysis on WALMART Stores Inc. The tenth tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Common Sized Balance SheetsThe eleventh tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Common Sized Income StatementsThe twelfth tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Horizontal Analysis of Balance SheetsThe thirteenth tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Horizontal Analysis of Income StatementsInclude the latest three years for the common sized (vertical analysis) and horizontal analysis in Tabs 10–13. *PLEASE WORK OFF OF ATTACHED EXCEL SPREADSHEET. When you open the document, you will see that there are already 9 tabs. Follow the instructions above. You will need to add 4 more tabs labeled appropriately with the above titles (see instructions). Please save the work and send it back to me. PART 2: - Use WORD to complete this part COMPARITIVE ANALYSIS REPORT. - WALMART Examine common sized financial statements and ratios for the company you selected for the Excel project and two of its competitors. Write a 1000-word report in current APA format. Include the following in your report: Compare and contrast the selected company, its competitors, and industry averages Identify the selected company’s strengths and weaknesses and examine the implications for financial statement analysis and future...
Words: 280 - Pages: 2
...ACCT 212 Course Project (Devry) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acct212papers.com (TCO 1) The Accounting Equation is used to develop the organizations financial reports. (1) Describe what owners' equity values would be if Assets are $100,000 and Liabilities are $27,000 by showing the Accounting Equation (10 points) and (2) provide an explanation of what accounts could be found in owners' equity. (10 points) (TCO 1) The financial statements present a company to the public in financial terms. (1) Which financial statement identifies where cash was generated and where it was spent during the year (10 points) and (2) identify the three major parts of this statement. (10 points) (TCO 1) The accounting profession follows a set of guidelines for measurement and disclosure of financial information called the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). (1) Explain what the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are (10 points) and (2) provide an example of its application. (10 points) (TCO 2) Transaction analysis results in the development of a journal entry. Supplies are purchased on account agreeing to pay $500 within 30 days. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how using the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points) and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points) (TCO 3) Adjusting Entries are required at the end of the period to ensure that accrual accounting principles are applied. At the beginning of the month $1...
Words: 1951 - Pages: 8
...ACCT 212 Course Project ¬For more classes visits www.snaptutorial.com (TCO 1) The Accounting Equation is used to develop the organizations financial reports. (1) Describe what owners' equity values would be if Assets are $100,000 and Liabilities are $27,000 by showing the Accounting Equation (10 points) and (2) provide an explanation of what accounts could be found in owners' equity. (10 points) (TCO 1) The financial statements present a company to the public in financial terms. (1) Which financial statement identifies where cash was generated and where it was spent during the year (10 points) and (2) identify the three major parts of this statement. (10 points) (TCO 1) The accounting profession follows a set of guidelines for measurement and disclosure of financial information called the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). (1) Explain what the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are (10 points) and (2) provide an example of its application. (10 points) (TCO 2) Transaction analysis results in the development of a journal entry. Supplies are purchased on account agreeing to pay $500 within 30 days. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how using the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points) and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points) (TCO 3) Adjusting Entries are required at the end of the period to ensure that accrual accounting principles are applied. At the beginning of the month $1,350 of...
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...1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Financial analysis is the starting point for making plans, before using any sophisticated forecasting and planning procedures. Understanding the past is a prerequisite for anticipating the future. Financial analysis is the process of identifying the financial strength and weakness of the firm by properly establishing relationship between the items of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. Financial analysis can be undertaken by management of the firm, or by parties outside the firm, viz. owners, creditors, investors and others. The nature of analysis will differ depending on the purpose of the analyst. 1. Investors: Who invested their money in the firm’s shares, are most concerned about the firm’s earnings. They more confidence in those firm’s that show steady growth in earnings. As such, they concentrate on the analysis of the firm’s present and future profitability. They are also interested in the firm’s financial structure to that extent influence the firm’s earning ability and risk. 2. Trade creditors and financial institution: they are interested in firm’s ability to meet their claims over a very short period of time. Their analysis will, therefore, confine to the evolution of the firms liquidity position. And the financial institutions are interested in the financial statements of the borrowing concern to ascertain its short- term as well as long-term solvency and also it profitability. 3. Suppliers: On the other hand, are concerned...
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...Student Name: ID Number: Student Name: ID Number: FinaNCIAL aCCOUNTING tHOERY FIN420 Assignment 1 FinaNCIAL aCCOUNTING tHOERY FIN420 Assignment 1 Case 3-8 IASB vs. FASB Conceptual Frameworks Q. Discuss the similarities and differences between the FASB and IASB conceptual frameworks with respect to the definitions of the elements of financial statements. INTRODUCTION At the October 2004 joint IASB-FASB meeting, the Boards agreed to add to their respective agendas a joint project to develop a common conceptual framework—a single framework that both converges and improves upon the existing frameworks of the two Boards. (The Boards had previously discussed a staff proposal for this project at their April joint meeting.) The Boards also agreed that the project should be divided into phases. Initially, the focus will be on objectives, qualitative characteristics, elements, recognition, and measurement. The Boards will give priority to addressing issues that are likely to yield benefits to the Boards in the short term, that is, cross-cutting issues that affect a number of their standards-level agenda projects. Therefore, the first step is to identify and prioritize those cross-cutting issues. Possible examples that the staff have suggested include the meaning and role of reliability; the definition of liability; the meaning of probable; the effect of conditions, contingencies, or other uncertainties; the unit of account; and accounting...
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...com/shop/acct-370-excel-project/ PART 1: Excel Project: Part V Instructions Common Sized Statements and Trend Analysis on WALMART Stores Inc. The tenth tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Common Sized Balance SheetsThe eleventh tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Common Sized Income StatementsThe twelfth tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Horizontal Analysis of Balance SheetsThe thirteenth tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Horizontal Analysis of Income StatementsInclude the latest three years for the common sized (vertical analysis) and horizontal analysis in Tabs 10–13. *PLEASE WORK OFF OF ATTACHED EXCEL SPREADSHEET. When you open the document, you will see that there are already 9 tabs. Follow the instructions above. You will need to add 4 more tabs labeled appropriately with the above titles (see instructions). Please save the work and send it back to me. PART 2: - Use WORD to complete this part COMPARITIVE ANALYSIS REPORT. - WALMART Examine common sized financial statements and ratios for the company you selected for the Excel project and two of its competitors. Write a 1000-word report in current APA format. Include the following in your report: Compare and contrast the selected company, its competitors, and industry averages Identify the selected company’s strengths and weaknesses and examine the implications for financial statement analysis and future...
Words: 280 - Pages: 2
...Accounting Issue: Financial Reporting * Comprehensive Income * Issued to address the presentation of certain items that bypass the income statement and were recorded directly to equity * Focused on net income would not take into account comprehensive income items in measuring financial performance * Bypassed the incomes statement: recorded directly to stockholder’s equity * Foreign currency matters * Derivatives and hedging * Compensation –Retirement benefits. * Prior to ASC 220 entities were required to present only the accumulated balances in the statement of stockholder’s equity. To date, ASC 220 has required that comprehensive income be presented in financial statements. * ASC 220 must be reported one of three ways * Present separate statement of comprehensive income. * Combine statement of income & comprehensive income * Present comprehensive income as a section within the statement of stockholder’s equity. * GAAP vs IFRS * GAAP * Does not require a consecutive presentation of statement of income and comprehensive income. * Presents three alternatives of presenting comprehensive income * Separate statement * Combined statement with income statement * As part of the statement of changes in stockholders equity * IFRS * Presents two alternatives of presenting comprehensive income ...
Words: 340 - Pages: 2
...ACCT 212 Course Project (Devry) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acct212papers.com This course has two course projects due. The first, Course Project 1, reinforces the basic principles of accounting and application of the accounting information system. It is completed in two parts. The second, Course Project 2, is an opportunity to show the ability to analyze financial statements to arrive at conclusions based upon the analysis. Course Project 1 - Overview and Guidelines | Course Project 2 - Overview and Guidelines Course Project 1 - Overview and Guidelines Course Project 1 consists of two parts, A and B, respectively. There are 10 requirements for you to complete in this exercise, Part A has 1-3 and Part B has 4-10. Part A is due at the end of Week 3. Part B is due at the end of Week 5. See Syllabus/"Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. The Course Project 1 template has all of the information you will need to complete Parts A & B of the project. The template also includes: Detailed Project Instructions (with requirements) A reference list of October transactions A Chart of Accounts reference sheet A Grading Rubric to help explain what is expected. Each worksheet has the Check Figures embedded as a comment. 1. Download the Excel template named ACCT212_CourseProject1 located on the Doc Sharing tab in the course shell. 2. To complete Part A (due at the end of Week 3): Complete Requirements 1-3 on the Journal Entries, General Ledger, and Trial Balance...
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