ssignGroup Project
Oral Presentation
10% of the Total Mark (5% Oral Presentation Skills, 5% Content)
Your company, headquartered in South Korea, is considering making a major FDI in Ghana. This planned acquisition will be your company’s first investment in Ghana. Despite the exciting potential investment, there are some concerns in the company regarding differing financial systems, potential agency problems, and political risks present in Ghana. Your group is tasked with answering the following questions in a 15-18 minute (3 minutes per group member) presentation in your week 11 or week 12 tutorials (each group member must present 3 minutes): 1. What are the primary mechanisms of corporate governance in South Korea? Are they required by legal mandate or adopted at the discretion of the company? 2. What are the primary mechanisms of corporate governance in Ghana? Are they required by legal mandate or adopted at the discretion of the company? 3. How would you compare the effectiveness of these mechanisms? Would it be possible to use some of the mechanisms of South Korea in Ghana? 4. Given the exchange rate systems of both countries, what type of exchange risk would this investment face? How would you recommend hedging this risk? 5. How would you compare the financial development of both countries? What issues may these differences cause?
Written Assignment
10% of the Total Mark (5% Written Communication Skills, 5% Content)
As part of the task above, you have also been asked to submit a 1-2 page (A4 paper, double-spaced, 10-12 point font, length not including reference list) report answering each of the following questions. These write-ups must be completed individually by each group member and submitted via Blackboard using Turnitin:
1. How would you compare South Korea and Ghana’s corruption percentage index? What might be driving these differences? What issues could this create? 2. In general how would you rate the overall political risk of both countries? Are there any recent examples of political risk? What are some possible methods, as well as potential drawbacks, to hedge against such risk?
Group Evaluation
5% of the Total Mark
The group will submit a write-up (A4 paper, double-spaced, 200-250 words) discussing the processes the group used to complete the project? What they learned from the group assignment? And how could these group processes be improved in future group work, both at school and through employment. In addition, each student will rate the participation of their fellow group members on Web PA (the assignment link will be provided before the group assignment).
A rubric as well as useful references will be provided for students on Blackboard in the coming weeks. A quick note, plagiarism of any sort will not be tolerated. The written assignment must be your individual work. Information obtained from other sources must be appropriately cited. If a student has been found plagiarizing work from 3rd parties or from other group members the student will receive a 0 mark and proceedings may be taken with the school.