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Firemen Burning Book

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Why did the woman kill herself, and what is there in your life that is worth dying for?
Books meant almost everything to the woman and if the firemen burned the books, there is no point in staying alive if everything she believes in is gone. She also understood that the books would be burned one way or another and instead of the firemen burning them, she burned it herself. This is used to protest the burning of books because traditionally the firemen were the ones to start the fire, but by starting the fire by herself, she hopes to show how books are of a significance than the belief that it is detrimental to the people and to incite a protest against the burning of books. In my life, the thing that is worth dying for is my family as it is …show more content…
Whether it is a fiction or nonfiction book, books teach us about experiences, lessons, or pure knowledge by giving an experience to readers that are not normally experienced in daily life and things that readers currently do not know about. In the novel, the knowledge obtained from books is feared because of its influence that it makes to the people. This influence is able to be used in a way that is different than what the society wants and is the reason why books are burned than being …show more content…
The Constitution is used by Beatty to tell Montag how everybody is made equal and is a mirror image of everyone else as being happy. The words of Latimer was recited by the woman who burned herself and her books. She said these words so that the firemen know that her death would be an incitement to the actions of the people who want an end to the burning of books. The literary allusions in this novel include the books Little Black Sambo and Uncle Tom’s Cabin that creates controversy and discomfort within the African American and American people. For this reason, it is used by Beatty to show to Montag how burning books like these brings peace to the

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