For more course tutorials visit CheckPoint: Financial Goal Planning Complete Appendix C using your personal data.
FIS 210 Week 2 Assignment: Budget to Behavior (UOP)
For more course tutorials visit Assignment: Budget to Behavior
Resources: Appendixes D & E
Write your paper according to APA standards.
Write a paper, between 500- to 750-words in length, in which you address what you found by tracking your expenses and completing the Week Two CheckPoint and exercise. In your paper, answer the following questions:
Are there areas in which you need to make adjustments?
In which area do you best control your expenditures?
How did preparing the balance sheet and income and expense statements help you see where you are spending your money?
How did you use this information to create a budget?
What relationships did you discover between the income statement and balance sheet
For more course tutorials visit CheckPoint: Credit Card Financing
Resource: Appendix F
Search the Internet, your favorite stores, or your mail for credit card or credit financing offers.
Select four offers to analyze.
Complete Appendix F using the data you collected this week.
FIS 210 Final Project: Personal Financial Plan (UOP)
For more course tutorials visit Final Project: Personal Financial Plan
Resources: Appendix A, and Ch. 1 of Personal Financial Planning
Create your Personal Financial Plan using the six-step process outlined on p. 7 of the text.
Collect your data for this course and any additional personal financial information necessary.
Write a 1,050 to 1,400 word paper based on your personal experiences, the readings, and research you have collected.
Complete the following in your Personal Finance Plan:
List your financial goals and outline your strategic plan for accomplishing those goals.
Describe how you will implement each part of your strategic plan. Include your budget, savings strategy, short-term investment plans, tax planning strategy, retirement plans, estate plans, housing and transportation plans, and career plans.
Evaluate your goals and how viable you think they are, considering your personal financial status. What would need to change in order to ensure you may follow the plan you have created. Include at least three alternative goals and three refinements you could make to your Personal Financial Plan.
Write your paper according to APA standards.
4. Participate with at least two substantive comments in the Main forum at least 4 out of 7 days.